Facts about the film "Titanic"
About actors and personazhah
As you know, the role of Jack Dawson played by Leonardo DiCaprio, but in his time at the place claimed several well-known actors:

As you know, the role of Jack Dawson played by Leonardo DiCaprio, but in his time at the place claimed several well-known actors:
- Matthew McConaughey - his candidacy was offered the very first, so it was on the original plan was to be in the film. But he later James Cameron insisted on Leonardo DiCaprio.
- Christian Bale - James Cameron did not want to have two British actor played two Americans.
- Macaulay Culkin (actor, starred in movies "Home Alone" and "Home Alone 2»).
David Warner (Spicer Lovejoy, a bodyguard Hockley) is the only actor who "drowned" in the "Titanic" 2 times. For the first time in the movie 1979 "Save" Titanic, "" he played the role of Lawrence Beesley, real-life passenger 2nd class.
Gloria Stuart Rose portrayed grown old, the age of which the scenario was 101 years old, although in fact the actress was only 86 years old. And for her assurances that there was nothing pleasant.
Rose says the phrase "I love you" only once, when they are with Jack had been in the water - at the very end of the film. Jack himself for the whole movie does not say that phrase even once, although he briefly mentioned his love for her.
Kate Winslet was one of the few actors who did not want to wear a suit during the filming of the water scenes.
Kate Winslet earned pneumonia when involved in filming scenes of the death of "Titanic».
Rose character is partly based on the Californian actress Beatrice Wood, who died in 1998 at the age of 105 years. It is curious that one woman out of the water after the sinking of the Titanic, also called Rose (Rosa Abbott). Biography of this woman had nothing to do with the history of the Rose-screen, but it also saved because it caught on drifting "Raft».
Gloria Stuart, received a nomination for "Best Actress", became the oldest person to be nominated for "Oscar". She was then 87 years old.
Gloria Stuart was the only one among all those who took part in shootings, who lived at the time of this catastrophe of "Titanic" in 1912.
His name Caledon Hockley received from two small towns (Caledon and Hockley), located in the state of Ontario in Canada, home to Aunt and Uncle James Cameron.
When James Cameron wrote the script for the film, he believed that the main characters Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Byukeyter must be fictional characters. Only after the work on the script was completed, the director learned that on board the "Titanic" was a passenger "J. Dawson ". Joseph Dawson was born in 1888 in Dublin. His body was buried in Nova Scotia, along with other victims.
Rose discouraging the intention to jump off the ship, Jack tells her that feeling when released into the ice water is comparable to the feeling "when thousands of knives are stuck in your body." This is clearly a quote from the memoirs of Charles Lightoller, who had visited the night of the crash in the icy water, and narrowly escaped death from the ingestion of one of the corridors of the ship sinking.
About the film and its sёmkahBeskozyrki «White Star Line» were normal and mirror-inverted.
After the completion of a full-size model of the filming of "Titanic" was dismantled and sold for scrap.
The longest in the world the film was in theaters at the cinema "Salyut" of the city of Yekaterinburg, it recorded the Guinness Book of Records.
Figure showing Rosa, was made by James Cameron, it is his hand we see in the picture. All other pictures in the album Jack are also the results of the director. But due to the fact that James Cameron is left-handed, when shots were Editing mirror inverted.
Deep frames that are included in the final version of the film, make up for the duration of 12 minutes. But in fact every dive to a depth takes several hours. In order to improve resource efficiency and reduce costs, James Cameron has ordered to prepare mock-up of the remains of the "Titanic", reduced 33 times. Each dive was rehearsed currently using this model and models of Russian bathyscaphe, which ultimately was not in vain.
There were performed 12 dives. During the past two remote image transmitted by a special device installed inside the remains of the "Titanic". And some of the shots were simulated on a computer.
Most of the decorations on the ship - from carpet to chandelier - was reconstructed or is under the supervision of the companies, which once fitted with a real "Titanic." When reconstructing sets of sample were taken decorative elements with "Olympic" - twin brother of "Titanic", decommissioned in 1935. After the cancellation of many elements of decoration "Olympic" we have found a second life in the creation of the interiors of the hotel "White Swan" in England. The owners kindly given filmmakers the ability to measure and photograph these curiosities. Also, when recreating the interiors of "Titanic" were used archival photos Interior "Olympic».
Filming overall plans "Titanic" on the high seas produced by a 45-foot (approximately 13, 7 meters) model of "Titanic," which filmed a small digital camera. Then on the studio computer Domain Digital added smoke pipes and water. To achieve credibility, detection algorithm was used by satellite ships and submarines for water fluctuations. This algorithm takes into account the behavior of the water surface of the ocean at rest and during movement of foreign objects. Finally, the master computer graphics Digital Domain inhabited by "Titanic" a character created on a computer. One of the plans can be seen even computer Captain Smith straightens his cap. James Cameron giving instructions to employees Digital Domain said: "Imagine that we shoot a promotional video for" White Star Line "».
Before you start drawing Roses in his album, Jack tells her: "Over there, on the bed, um ... on the couch." In fact, there should be the phrase "Lie down on the couch." It happened when Leonardo DiCaprio on the set a little messed up the text of the script. But Cameron liked this clause, and it is this double entered in the final version of the film.
Scene painting a portrait of Rosa starred in the first day of shooting, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. After shooting Leo asked Cameron: "Well I got?" To which the director is quite seriously replied: "Well, you know, today is your first day of shooting, so that you can be more completely and replace».
When one of the managers of the ship says "Full speed ahead!", We hear someone picks up the "Full speed ahead!" In the background. In fact, it was the voice of director James Cameron.
In real life, there was concern over the fact that the davits are strong enough to withstand the descent fully loaded lifeboats, even though they were tested under this weight. Davits for the film, which can be seen to bend under the heavy weight, were manufactured by the same company that in 1912 for the present "Titanic».
To shoot the scene where the water penetrates into the first ship was planned to use 40,000 gallons of water. However, as it turned out, this was not enough, and Cameron has asked to increase the amount of water 3 times. This had to redo part of the scenery, not supporting the added weight.
Cameron was totally against the use of any song in the film, even in the closing credits. Composer James Horner and Will Jennings together (lyricist) and singer Celine Dion recorded the song «My Heart Will Go On». Later, the tape was given to listen to James Cameron. As a result, the song won the "Oscar».
Filming departure of "Titanic" in Southampton port made "in the mirror": because of the economy model of "Titanic" a life-size plated only on the starboard side (the weather forecast predicted a north wind, so it was decided to put the model nose to the north, to the wind He attributed the smoke from the chimneys to the stern, and it would create the illusion of additional movement of the vessel). However, Southampton real "Titanic" was moored to port, and not to sin against history, James Cameron decided to shoot "vice versa." For this piece of equipment, props, costumes ordered "overturned". Later, when installing the footage, the image "flipped" so that everything was correct. Kate Winslet in an interview admitted that during the filming of landing on the ship could not help laughing when I read «ENIL RATS ETIHW» sailors on his cap.
The model of "Titanic" a life-size nose was missing. His every time added on the computer. When James Cameron saw how much it cost, these special effects, he exclaimed: "It is better if we built it!»
To remove the stage dives front of the ship, we had to dismantle constructed a life-size model and put it in front of the tank depth of 40 feet. Decoration raised and lowered into the water 8 hydraulic lifts. Filming of the episode were performed without rehearsal.
During the filming of a scene of collision of "Titanic" with an iceberg behind the decks, which were Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, set green screen, which is then replaced during the installation on a computer image (model) of the iceberg. But to the scene look more realistic on the deck were thrown on top of the ice chunks. Thus, pieces of breakaway iceberg ice that have fallen behind - the computer, and that came on board - real.
Namёrzshego effect of ice on the clothing and hair of passengers of "Titanic", trapped in the water is achieved by their hair and clothes were covered with wax and a special powder, which on contact with water turned into crystals. A couple of his mouth was added on the computer.
James Cameron deliberately went to the assumption of the historical inaccuracies while filming episodes in lifeboats. Night on April 15, 1912 was moonless, the stars gave too little light, and the director had any way to illuminate the scenery. So Cameron gave up some officers flashlights, which, alas, did not have these officers in 1912.
In numerous interviews James Cameron spoke of their fears and anxieties studio, the film does not pay off and become unprofitable. In particular, he said in an interview with USA Today: «Well, think for yourself, the events occurred in 1912, the film went more than three hours, after all die - how such a film could be successful?».
When setting special effects Robert Skotak use of techniques invented by Soviet filmmaker Paul Klushantsevym. In 1997 the film was awarded the "Oscar" for best special effects.
About records filmaByudzhet film was $ 200 million, which was a record in 1997.
This film was the first to simultaneously received the award "Oscar" and the MTV Movie Award in the category "Best film».
"Titanic" is the second film, which received a record number of nominations for "Oscar" - the first was the movie "All About Eve" (1950).
"Titanic" is also one of the three films that received 11 awards "Oscar" - the other two being "Ben-Hur" (1959) and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (2003).
For the first time since 1966 the film "Titanic" won the "Oscar" in the category "Best Film", while being not represented in the category "Best Screenplay". Previous films, which suffered the same "failure" was "The Sound of Music" (1965).
With 14 nominations for "Oscar", the film has not received any of them among the nominations for best actors and actresses of the first or the second plan.
"Titanic" was the first film in history, who collected around the world more than $ 1 billion. After him, only five films were able to overcome this milestone - "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (2003), "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" (2006), "The Dark Knight" (2008), "Avatar" (2009) and "Alice in Wonderland "(2010).
Gathering in North America, $ 600,788,188, "Titanic" for 12 years was the only film grossed more than $ 600 million, and later it was ahead of "Avatar».
"Titanic" was led by the American box office for 15 consecutive weeks - from 19 December 1997 to April 2, 1998. More on his first line rental lasted only a movie "Alien" (1982) - 16 weeks, though not consecutively.
Overall, the film was at the box office from December 19, 1997 to October 1, 1998. Thus, the film has a record length of rental - 287 days
Assuming the final costs, it turns out that one minute of finished film was worth one million dollars.
The film's budget of $ 200 million exceeded the funds that have been spent on the construction of "Titanic" in 1910-1912 - about 1, 5 million pounds sterling, which corresponded then 7, 5 million dollars. Taking into account inflation in 1997 this figure amounted to 120 to 150 million dollars.
For the filming was made the largest floating ship models - the length of each of the 4 models of "Titanic" was 19 meters. The previous record (16 meters) also belonged to the model of "Titanic", it was made for the filming of "Save" Titanic "».
Source: www.muz4in.net
via factroom.ru