The method of an exquisite stylist to remove the redhead after painting, so that the cold shade of hair is noble
Cold shades of hair for many women seem much more attractive than warm. Why is this happening? Perhaps the fact is that warm colors do not go to all types of appearance. And bright colors in red and red tones quickly get bored. In the first days after staining, they, of course, please with their brightness, but over time they dim and get none of this.
Cold shades of hair It is necessary to paint red in several cases. The first is after lightening natural hair. The second is after the other dyes. In any case, you need to analyze the condition of the hair, as well as their previous coloring, if any.
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A post shared by Cherin Choi (@mizzchoi)
Elimination of yellowness after hair lightening Lightening, of course, should be carried out in the cabin. It is advisable to view photos of the master’s works before this to make sure of his professionalism. Remember a few important rules if you decide to do this yourself!
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A post shared by Denver CO, Vivids & Blonding (@taylorrae_hair)
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
Don't. Use oxidants above 6%. Especially bad such oxidants affect the roots of hair. And there will be little left of the cut ends. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
Be careful. read the manual To the products and carefully observe the proportions. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
Professionals usually lighten their hair. 3-6% oxidizer not longer than half an hour. And these are the conditions for healthy hair of natural color, which previously could not be changed! In all other cases, the ingredients and time must be carefully adjusted. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
Having received the basis of a certain shade of yellow, it must be tinted. Exactly at this stage can achieve cold shades. It is important to know how colors interact. The usual color wheel to help. It clearly shows that yellow and yellow-orange overlap with purple and blue-purple. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
You can tone with different products. For example, direct action dyes. Sometimes you just need to take a purple shade and dilute it with some colorless air conditioner. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Cherin Choi (@mizzchoi)
Maintaining cold hair tone You can and should. For example, you can buy shampoo and conditioner with purple pigment. Constant use of such funds will help to maintain the absence of yellowness.
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A post shared by Cherin Choi (@mizzchoi)
Sometimes we all want a certain color. However, it is important to understand that you need to focus on the choice of color. based on the color of your brightened base. What is more important to you: to maintain quality and length or to be left with crumbling hair after trying to achieve unrealistic results?
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A post shared by )️Colorado Springs Hairstylist (@samihairmagic)
In this case, it all depends on the type of previous dye. Dyeed henna hairFor example, there is no point in lightening. They can only be painted with shades that will be much darker. This will be black or dark brown.
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A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
If the hair has been treated indirect paintWe can flush it. It is advisable to choose a quality product for this. Color off from Estel. But remember that this procedure also reduces the quality of hair.
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A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
The direct action dye itself comes off the hair with time. Of course, it depends on the brand and quality. But after a month or two it is much lighter. Then you can dye your hair a few tones darker. The most important thing is to remember that yellowness goes into the cold only if blue and purple pigments are present in the paint. Good coloring and healthy hair!
Cold shades of hair It is necessary to paint red in several cases. The first is after lightening natural hair. The second is after the other dyes. In any case, you need to analyze the condition of the hair, as well as their previous coloring, if any.
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A post shared by Cherin Choi (@mizzchoi)
Elimination of yellowness after hair lightening Lightening, of course, should be carried out in the cabin. It is advisable to view photos of the master’s works before this to make sure of his professionalism. Remember a few important rules if you decide to do this yourself!
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A post shared by Denver CO, Vivids & Blonding (@taylorrae_hair)
- You can't lighten your hair. white. The natural shade of hair without pigment is yellow, and therefore attempts to lighten the hair with powder and oxidizer to white will only lead to a decrease in the quality of the hair. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
Don't. Use oxidants above 6%. Especially bad such oxidants affect the roots of hair. And there will be little left of the cut ends. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
Be careful. read the manual To the products and carefully observe the proportions. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
Professionals usually lighten their hair. 3-6% oxidizer not longer than half an hour. And these are the conditions for healthy hair of natural color, which previously could not be changed! In all other cases, the ingredients and time must be carefully adjusted. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
Having received the basis of a certain shade of yellow, it must be tinted. Exactly at this stage can achieve cold shades. It is important to know how colors interact. The usual color wheel to help. It clearly shows that yellow and yellow-orange overlap with purple and blue-purple. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
You can tone with different products. For example, direct action dyes. Sometimes you just need to take a purple shade and dilute it with some colorless air conditioner. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Cherin Choi (@mizzchoi)
Maintaining cold hair tone You can and should. For example, you can buy shampoo and conditioner with purple pigment. Constant use of such funds will help to maintain the absence of yellowness.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Cherin Choi (@mizzchoi)
Sometimes we all want a certain color. However, it is important to understand that you need to focus on the choice of color. based on the color of your brightened base. What is more important to you: to maintain quality and length or to be left with crumbling hair after trying to achieve unrealistic results?
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by )️Colorado Springs Hairstylist (@samihairmagic)
In this case, it all depends on the type of previous dye. Dyeed henna hairFor example, there is no point in lightening. They can only be painted with shades that will be much darker. This will be black or dark brown.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
If the hair has been treated indirect paintWe can flush it. It is advisable to choose a quality product for this. Color off from Estel. But remember that this procedure also reduces the quality of hair.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by BAYAREA HAIR ARTIST-COLORIST (@kimwasabi)
The direct action dye itself comes off the hair with time. Of course, it depends on the brand and quality. But after a month or two it is much lighter. Then you can dye your hair a few tones darker. The most important thing is to remember that yellowness goes into the cold only if blue and purple pigments are present in the paint. Good coloring and healthy hair!
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