What we resist becomes our destiny.

Everything has the right to exist“Fate” is what many people say when faced with a situation in their lives. So what is fate? Fate is a series of events that happen to a person. The strange thing is that some people think that fate is a circumstance that is hard to escape. You often hear the words, “This is your destiny.” Terrible words, aren't they?! There is a feeling that it is fate that governs a person’s life, and not a person is the master of his life.

In fact, it is the person who forms and realizes all life circumstances. The question is, how do we shape our lives, consciously or unconsciously? What fate do you choose? A destiny that creates you or a destiny that you create. That's the difference.

Unconsciousness leads to slavery from circumstances.

Awareness leads to freedom of choice.

You are the cause of what you create. Remember that! A lot of people have been talking about karma. There are many definitions, books on this topic are written. In a sense, fate and karma are close. In translation, “karma” means action. Every action of man produces a consequence, hence the expression very appropriate to the concept of karma: “What you sow, you will reap.” Karma, like fate, is shaped by you.

Let’s try to understand how the mechanism of fate works. Destiny begins to work when you attach yourself to something or push something away from yourself out of fear.

True Life is built and exists on the basis of the principle of free energy. If Energy does not flow freely, but is blocked somewhere, a zone of stagnation occurs, in this case, the original equilibrium is disturbed. That's destiny. Fate is the absence of freedom. If you are rigidly clinging to something or attaching to it, then Free Energy prevents you from having it or takes away what you are clinging to. Conversely, if you are afraid of something, repel something, resist it, then you can attract it. Now we can understand the expression: “What you resist becomes your destiny.”

Free Energy is based on accepting ALL! If you do not accept something, try to run away, it becomes your destiny. In other words, you can’t break away from addiction.

What do you depend on? What are you afraid of? If you can answer these questions openly, you can face your fate. Your desires and desires are directly related to your fears. If you are attached to something, you will be afraid to lose it.

What are you afraid to lose: a loved one, a job, money, prestige, status, etc.? Maybe you have a fear of loneliness, a fear of being unnecessary to anyone? Your fears will disappear only when you have a spiritual consciousness, an understanding of Life. In Life everything is transitory, everything changes, appears and disappears. You have two ways: to live in fear, to constantly struggle with something, to resist or to live openly, to accept everything as it is, to enjoy.

You have nothing to worry about, all roads go from Life to Life!

Okay! What I resist becomes my destiny.I know that. I am open to any experience of life. Everything has a right to exist.

I accept people and circumstances as they are. I'm not judging. There is no fear in my soul. Fear is distrust of life. I trust the wisdom of life. I love Life.published

Author: Yuri Turkin, from the book “In Search of Yourself”

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!

Source: //www.b17.ru/article/5260/


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