Jerzy: bouncy, prickly, immunostoykie
Interesting fact №1: Jerzy appeared on Earth about 15 million years ago.
Interesting fact №2: An average of about 10,000 urchin needles. They are updated every three years. Ezhinye needles grow long, about a year. Fortunately for the hedgehog, updating occurs gradually.
Interesting fact №3: In urchin has 36 teeth, which, like humans, can fall into old age.
Interesting fact №4: Jerzy more than any other animals suffering from tick bites. When the hedgehog running across the grass, he seemed to comb "comb" of her parasites, who are willing to settle the unfortunate animals. Get rid of mites hedgehogs interfere own needles, so they go to the trick - prick themselves butts to etch parasites tobacco.
Interesting fact №5: In epidemiology, there is the concept of "ezhechas." It indicates the number of ticks collected hedgehog hour running through the woods. Accounting "ezhechasov" helps scientists identify natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis.
Interesting fact №6: Hibernation urchins lasts 128 days. While the hedgehog sleeps, his body temperature drops to 2 degrees Celsius (under normal circumstances it is 34 degrees). Breathing in sleeping hedgehogs seriously delayed: up to 8 breaths per minute, although usually they breathe at a frequency of 40-50 times. Awakened hedgehog - a walking embodiment of hunger, so a few days after waking animal spends exclusively in search of food.
Interesting fact №7: In most species of sea urchins have a tail. However, it is very short - only 3 cm, so it is not visible from the needles.
Interesting fact №8: Despite the fact that hedgehogs are able to distinguish colors, they are inherently weak-sighted. But they have very acute hearing and sense of smell.
Interesting fact №9: Hemiechinus differ from their counterparts that are extremely reluctant to curl up into a ball in an emergency. This kind of hedgehogs run very fast, and catch up with his ground predators uneasy. If eared hedgehog overtakes the enemy, the animal jumps up and tries to stab his opponent in the sensitive places.
Interesting fact №10: Do hedgehogs immunity to the poison of vipers, although they do not hunt these snakes specifically. However, if you turn up the possibility gobbled viper hedgehog with a big appetite.
Interesting fact №11: Also urchins almost no effect even the strongest poisons: mercuric chloride, arsenic, cyanide, hydrogen cyanide, etc.
Interesting fact №12: Hedgehogs do not prey on mice - a myth. They can be, and would be happy to eat myshatinoy, but are not able to catch up with the mouse.
Interesting fact №13: In children's books can often be seen a hedgehog carrying an apple on his back. In fact, hedgehogs are not on the back of the needle prick or apples, or mushrooms, or other large items - they are not physically able to curl up so that it will be done. "Father," the myth that animals suffer on the back of reserves, is the Roman historian Pliny the Elder. Why he took it - is unknown.
Interesting fact №14: Jerzy remarkably tame and nice to get along with other pets - dogs and cats. But few people can keep hedgehogs home because of their loud stamping.
Interesting fact №15: responsible for the death of many urchins was fast-food chain McDonalds. The fact that animals are willing to lick the remnants of ice cream McFlurry cups. The mouth of the cup was wide enough to hedgehogs could stick his head in, but too narrow, so they can stick it back. As a result, thousands of poor little animals have not been able to get rid of glasses and died of starvation. After numerous protests Defenders of Wildlife in 2006. throat diameter cups for McFlurry has been reduced, and hedgehogs were safe.
Interesting fact №17: Roasted hedgehog - a traditional dish of Roma. By the way, goulash urchin mentioned in an episode of Guy Ritchie film "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows," when the main characters attend a gypsy camp.
Interesting fact №18: In ancient Rome echinoid skins were used as combs for combing fleece. It is interesting that the courts of ancient Rome were literally inundated with cases of forgery ezhinyh skin - so it was running goods.
Interesting fact №2: An average of about 10,000 urchin needles. They are updated every three years. Ezhinye needles grow long, about a year. Fortunately for the hedgehog, updating occurs gradually.
Interesting fact №3: In urchin has 36 teeth, which, like humans, can fall into old age.
Interesting fact №4: Jerzy more than any other animals suffering from tick bites. When the hedgehog running across the grass, he seemed to comb "comb" of her parasites, who are willing to settle the unfortunate animals. Get rid of mites hedgehogs interfere own needles, so they go to the trick - prick themselves butts to etch parasites tobacco.
Interesting fact №5: In epidemiology, there is the concept of "ezhechas." It indicates the number of ticks collected hedgehog hour running through the woods. Accounting "ezhechasov" helps scientists identify natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis.
Interesting fact №6: Hibernation urchins lasts 128 days. While the hedgehog sleeps, his body temperature drops to 2 degrees Celsius (under normal circumstances it is 34 degrees). Breathing in sleeping hedgehogs seriously delayed: up to 8 breaths per minute, although usually they breathe at a frequency of 40-50 times. Awakened hedgehog - a walking embodiment of hunger, so a few days after waking animal spends exclusively in search of food.
Interesting fact №7: In most species of sea urchins have a tail. However, it is very short - only 3 cm, so it is not visible from the needles.
Interesting fact №8: Despite the fact that hedgehogs are able to distinguish colors, they are inherently weak-sighted. But they have very acute hearing and sense of smell.
Interesting fact №9: Hemiechinus differ from their counterparts that are extremely reluctant to curl up into a ball in an emergency. This kind of hedgehogs run very fast, and catch up with his ground predators uneasy. If eared hedgehog overtakes the enemy, the animal jumps up and tries to stab his opponent in the sensitive places.
Interesting fact №10: Do hedgehogs immunity to the poison of vipers, although they do not hunt these snakes specifically. However, if you turn up the possibility gobbled viper hedgehog with a big appetite.
Interesting fact №11: Also urchins almost no effect even the strongest poisons: mercuric chloride, arsenic, cyanide, hydrogen cyanide, etc.
Interesting fact №12: Hedgehogs do not prey on mice - a myth. They can be, and would be happy to eat myshatinoy, but are not able to catch up with the mouse.
Interesting fact №13: In children's books can often be seen a hedgehog carrying an apple on his back. In fact, hedgehogs are not on the back of the needle prick or apples, or mushrooms, or other large items - they are not physically able to curl up so that it will be done. "Father," the myth that animals suffer on the back of reserves, is the Roman historian Pliny the Elder. Why he took it - is unknown.
Interesting fact №14: Jerzy remarkably tame and nice to get along with other pets - dogs and cats. But few people can keep hedgehogs home because of their loud stamping.
Interesting fact №15: responsible for the death of many urchins was fast-food chain McDonalds. The fact that animals are willing to lick the remnants of ice cream McFlurry cups. The mouth of the cup was wide enough to hedgehogs could stick his head in, but too narrow, so they can stick it back. As a result, thousands of poor little animals have not been able to get rid of glasses and died of starvation. After numerous protests Defenders of Wildlife in 2006. throat diameter cups for McFlurry has been reduced, and hedgehogs were safe.
Interesting fact №17: Roasted hedgehog - a traditional dish of Roma. By the way, goulash urchin mentioned in an episode of Guy Ritchie film "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows," when the main characters attend a gypsy camp.
Interesting fact №18: In ancient Rome echinoid skins were used as combs for combing fleece. It is interesting that the courts of ancient Rome were literally inundated with cases of forgery ezhinyh skin - so it was running goods.