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Did you know that thousands of years ago in early February, the Romans celebrated a hedgehog? And no Groundhog in sight was not. If the hedgehog saw his shadow in the moonlit night, so there is still 6 more weeks of winter.
The website congratulates all the hedgehogs with their professional holiday and offers to remember what else we love about these animals.
It turns out that all hoglets are born naked. A few days later their body is covered with needles
To have a hedgehog — it is easy. He quickly tamed, but very loud stomping at night
Jerzy older than us. They appeared on Earth 15 million years ago
Hedgehogs are neat. They run on the grass to "comb out" the parasites, who live between the needles
One grows hedgehog about 10 thousand needles. Every three years the "wire dot" coat brushes: the lost grow new needles
Hedgehog 36 teeth, which, like humans, can fall into old age
In winter hedgehogs sleep for 128 days. While the animal is asleep, its body temperature drops to 2 °C
Hedgehogs are able to distinguish between colors, but see badly. But they have very acute hearing and fine sense of smell
In the myths of Bulgaria hedgehog — never aging animal that feeds on rejuvenating grass
Between hedgehogs communicate by whistling. And if angry hedgehog, he begins to grumble
It turns out that hedgehogs also have a tail, just a little. Not more than 3 cm
A hedgehog can eat arsenic, cyanide, hydrocyanic acid, and to accompany it with a Viper. And no problems with the stomach due to the immunity
Hedgehogs love milk, so I live near the farms. Remember milking time and look down to the farm to grab the pair milk
According to legend, the hedgehog appeared, when the devil sat on a stump and brush his fur. Of hair that fell to earth, there was a hedgehog
Source boredpanda.com
Photos on the preview biddythehedgehog
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