Signs of American cinema
1. You probably survive any battle, battle or war, if someone does not show you a picture of his girlfriend, waiting for you at home. If so - then you're in trouble.
2. The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window of any of the Paris building.
3. Computer passwords are easy to "break" - the password is always what you thought in the third turn.
4. When the hero and the villain finally meet face to face, their arms immediately lost and they start to take turns mutuzit each other with their fists
5. All the beds are special quilt in the shape of «L». It covers a woman most armpits, but the man is on the waist.
6. Upon hearing the phone, people usually wander around the kitchen for the first 2uh calls, but immediately ran to the tube after the third signal (mother / killer / dead one)
7. When you gasish light and go to bed, everything in the room is still seen only in a slightly bluish light.
8. All stressful, life-threatening situations are resolved grin resourcefulness.
9. No one, I repeat, no one uses Microsoft Windows - at all is a unique operating system. All of them are full of animated graphics and a huge boot to normal bars in the middle of the screen.
10. Paying for a taxi, there is no need to look into the wallet to find the right note - just grab the first available and give the driver. She will always be exactly the one you need.
11. The ventilation system of a building a perfect place to hide. No one will ever think to look for you there, and you can travel throughout the building undetected.
12. Ending a telephone conversation is not necessarily to say goodbye (No / Goodbye). However, if you are suddenly disconnected, you should knock on the "levers" phone and a lot of time to shout "Hello ?! Hello ?! »
13. If the hero got into a fight, he definitely will come out of it with a small incision in the right corner of his mouth. He will wipe away the blood back of his hand and disapproving look.
14. Anyone may well land the plane if they are some body from the control room.
15. Sex always begins with the missionary position and ends with the woman on top posture.
16. Shots of people lurking around the corner, always hit the very edge of the walls and pieces are scattered near the face of a man hiding
17. During police surveillance, the action always begins when it is bought a hamburger and a cup of piping hot coffee prudently takes place on the dashboard of the police car
18. Be a detective and aged whiskey drinking alone at the bar - that's what makes you irresistible to women
19. If goodie died with his eyes open, one sympathetic to close them. If the scoundrel died with his eyes open, the camera linger on his face as long as the actor does not have to blink.
20. Any sporting event is won by a complete failure at the last second.
21. All telephone numbers regardless of the place begins with 555.
22. When in a plane running out of gas, be sure to tap the fuel sensor - it works even on multi-ton ships
23. Alcoholics are only men. But fortunately any alcoholic can stop drinking suddenly on the eve of an important test. Moreover as soon as he stops drinking, returned to him all his abilities and skills without any deterioration
24. Dogs always know who is bad and only bark at them
25. All bombs are wires of different colors to the hero could easily determine what kind of wire should be cut
26. If someone broke the car brakes, the driver never uses the hand brake or engine brake - he will continue to race at high speed through the city.
27. Anybody who has taken timidly any musical instrument and modest in their ability to play as a professional.
28. If you decide to dance in the street, all the people you meet will be able to dance and know all the movements.
29. In the space combat weapons can be fired only when the target is in sight.
30. You can always find a parking spot directly in front of where you actually are going.
31. All things are bulletproof - machines, tables, body, etc.
32. All police services (especially in New York) have an endless supply of police vehicles. They also Sami unlucky (and least trained) drivers who are fighting in a frontal collision, crash into parked cars, falling into the water, and of course fly in the air, enter into a spin, landing on the roof, break flashers (which emit sound as if They sit down batteries)
33. Television news bulletins usually talk about what concerns you personally at the precise moment when you turn on the TV - then the TV is switched off.
34. During the police investigation is required to at least once to go to a strip club.
35. Any lock can be opened by credit card or paperclip in seconds. The only exception is the door to a burning building with a child inside - in this case, the door is broken shoulder impingement.
36. All bombs are fitted with electronic timer with big red numbers, so you always know exactly when it will explode.
37. If you want to pass himself off as a German officer, you do not need to learn German. Simply speak in English with a German accent. All the more so, when they are alone, all German soldiers talking to each other in English.
38. Once deposited lipstick never erased. Even when diving.
39. Any police officer retiring likely to die in the last working day (especially if the family planned a party)
40. Sleeping in the house with ghosts, girl necessarily need to verify the source of a strange noise while she wears the most outspoken underwear.
41. Any purchase of the supermarket includes French bread and fruit packed in two large open brown paper bag.
42. Do not panic if you fight the enemy is superior in numbers, your opponents will wait patiently for their turn to attack, threatening dancing around.
43. At any point in microphone, be sure to give resonance.
44. Weapons - like disposable razors. If you run out of bullets - just drop your gun. You will always find another.
45. All single women have a cat.
46. The car immediately explodes on contact with a single bullet.
47. No matter how fiercely attacking the spacecraft - its internal gravity system is never broken.
48. During the chase in the city you can usually dissolve in passing mime parade or carnival.
49. One man shooting at 20 is more likely to kill them than they did. The main villain and his henchmen do not know how to shoot, and meet the characters, in a panic firing anywhere.
50. All the English - bad. But smart ... But not clever enough to simply kill their opponents. Rather, they come up with elaborate and complex mechanism to kill using a short-circuit blocks, deadly gases, lasers, man-eating sharks, etc.
2. The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window of any of the Paris building.
3. Computer passwords are easy to "break" - the password is always what you thought in the third turn.
4. When the hero and the villain finally meet face to face, their arms immediately lost and they start to take turns mutuzit each other with their fists
5. All the beds are special quilt in the shape of «L». It covers a woman most armpits, but the man is on the waist.
6. Upon hearing the phone, people usually wander around the kitchen for the first 2uh calls, but immediately ran to the tube after the third signal (mother / killer / dead one)
7. When you gasish light and go to bed, everything in the room is still seen only in a slightly bluish light.
8. All stressful, life-threatening situations are resolved grin resourcefulness.
9. No one, I repeat, no one uses Microsoft Windows - at all is a unique operating system. All of them are full of animated graphics and a huge boot to normal bars in the middle of the screen.
10. Paying for a taxi, there is no need to look into the wallet to find the right note - just grab the first available and give the driver. She will always be exactly the one you need.
11. The ventilation system of a building a perfect place to hide. No one will ever think to look for you there, and you can travel throughout the building undetected.
12. Ending a telephone conversation is not necessarily to say goodbye (No / Goodbye). However, if you are suddenly disconnected, you should knock on the "levers" phone and a lot of time to shout "Hello ?! Hello ?! »
13. If the hero got into a fight, he definitely will come out of it with a small incision in the right corner of his mouth. He will wipe away the blood back of his hand and disapproving look.
14. Anyone may well land the plane if they are some body from the control room.
15. Sex always begins with the missionary position and ends with the woman on top posture.
16. Shots of people lurking around the corner, always hit the very edge of the walls and pieces are scattered near the face of a man hiding
17. During police surveillance, the action always begins when it is bought a hamburger and a cup of piping hot coffee prudently takes place on the dashboard of the police car
18. Be a detective and aged whiskey drinking alone at the bar - that's what makes you irresistible to women
19. If goodie died with his eyes open, one sympathetic to close them. If the scoundrel died with his eyes open, the camera linger on his face as long as the actor does not have to blink.
20. Any sporting event is won by a complete failure at the last second.
21. All telephone numbers regardless of the place begins with 555.
22. When in a plane running out of gas, be sure to tap the fuel sensor - it works even on multi-ton ships
23. Alcoholics are only men. But fortunately any alcoholic can stop drinking suddenly on the eve of an important test. Moreover as soon as he stops drinking, returned to him all his abilities and skills without any deterioration
24. Dogs always know who is bad and only bark at them
25. All bombs are wires of different colors to the hero could easily determine what kind of wire should be cut
26. If someone broke the car brakes, the driver never uses the hand brake or engine brake - he will continue to race at high speed through the city.
27. Anybody who has taken timidly any musical instrument and modest in their ability to play as a professional.
28. If you decide to dance in the street, all the people you meet will be able to dance and know all the movements.
29. In the space combat weapons can be fired only when the target is in sight.
30. You can always find a parking spot directly in front of where you actually are going.
31. All things are bulletproof - machines, tables, body, etc.
32. All police services (especially in New York) have an endless supply of police vehicles. They also Sami unlucky (and least trained) drivers who are fighting in a frontal collision, crash into parked cars, falling into the water, and of course fly in the air, enter into a spin, landing on the roof, break flashers (which emit sound as if They sit down batteries)
33. Television news bulletins usually talk about what concerns you personally at the precise moment when you turn on the TV - then the TV is switched off.
34. During the police investigation is required to at least once to go to a strip club.
35. Any lock can be opened by credit card or paperclip in seconds. The only exception is the door to a burning building with a child inside - in this case, the door is broken shoulder impingement.
36. All bombs are fitted with electronic timer with big red numbers, so you always know exactly when it will explode.
37. If you want to pass himself off as a German officer, you do not need to learn German. Simply speak in English with a German accent. All the more so, when they are alone, all German soldiers talking to each other in English.
38. Once deposited lipstick never erased. Even when diving.
39. Any police officer retiring likely to die in the last working day (especially if the family planned a party)
40. Sleeping in the house with ghosts, girl necessarily need to verify the source of a strange noise while she wears the most outspoken underwear.
41. Any purchase of the supermarket includes French bread and fruit packed in two large open brown paper bag.
42. Do not panic if you fight the enemy is superior in numbers, your opponents will wait patiently for their turn to attack, threatening dancing around.
43. At any point in microphone, be sure to give resonance.
44. Weapons - like disposable razors. If you run out of bullets - just drop your gun. You will always find another.
45. All single women have a cat.
46. The car immediately explodes on contact with a single bullet.
47. No matter how fiercely attacking the spacecraft - its internal gravity system is never broken.
48. During the chase in the city you can usually dissolve in passing mime parade or carnival.
49. One man shooting at 20 is more likely to kill them than they did. The main villain and his henchmen do not know how to shoot, and meet the characters, in a panic firing anywhere.
50. All the English - bad. But smart ... But not clever enough to simply kill their opponents. Rather, they come up with elaborate and complex mechanism to kill using a short-circuit blocks, deadly gases, lasers, man-eating sharks, etc.