Fables 2012
15 Picchu + letter
My younger brother can not be called a skeptic. But Igor Prokopenko program on REN TV, he is incredulous. The aliens, mysticism, anomalous zones - interesting, but not plausible. And TV brother often looks.
But if you go to his page in the VC, we can understand that fool brother easy. Here it is a census pictures featuring blue Strawberries: apparently did not think that the color of strawberries changed dramatically in the graphical editor. But it (and another 20 thousand people!) Touched by the photo of the newborn baby panda. In this case, and Photoshop does not: it's just not a real baby panda (more - less).
People love to be surprised and to meet their expectations, hundreds of popular "cognitive" pages are served daily in social networks of their unusual facts. Many of these facts are authentic, others - like the truth, but a number of inaccuracies sin, and others - a fiction. [next]
We selected 9 thematically close to us tales of the year. Many of them appear to the reader is so believable that gathered thousands of social networks in the census, and tens of thousands of likes.
A monkey and a puppy
For example, this photo monkey carrying in his front paws [next] puppy is an illustration of the impressive history of salvation. According to her, the picture was taken July 28, 2010, when the factory for the production of plastics in Nanjing (China), a powerful explosion and a fire started. Monkey, without thinking twice, selflessly grabbed the puppy and carried him out of the fire. Thanks to the Internet and social networks, the picture quality unimportant became really famous. Here are just a Nanking, he is unlikely to have any relevance. On the Internet, this picture appeared in 2006 - four years before the tragedy - and this snapshot, published at the time, was another sign: "Stealing a puppy monkey." However, and this story may be fictional. Find photos of the author we could not.
Black Lion
Scientists do not exclude that in nature there may lions black. However, given the fact that during the evolution of dark colored specimens less adapted to the conditions of their habitat probably do not survive, the possibility of such individuals today is close to zero. However, there is evidence that these lions have seen in my time in Persia, and in the Okavango (area in Namibia), but, judging from the description, it was not black and dark brown birds.
Fans of fables, defending his belief in the existence of black lions sometimes lead this argument: in the UK can still find plenty of pubs called Black Lion («Black Lion"). It really is. But if you follow this logic, the nature should also be blue and red lions. After all, these are inherent in the names of British pubs. Such unusual name - just the result of passion locals heraldry. Black lions exist. The coat of arms. And all the pictures of the black lion from the Internet - the result of work in a graphics editor.
Photo Pushkin
Did you know that Pushkin during his life was not only painted but also photographed? Unfortunately, the picture due to dampness technology inferior in quality to the portrait by Orest Kiprensky. For this reason, a portrait of the artist saw everything, and shot just a few.
Of course, this is not true.
Although in 1820 the Frenchman Joseph Niepce already made the first in the world history of photography, really applicable technology for producing photos, Daguerreotype, emerged in the late 1830s. It is believed that the first picture of a man imprinted on it dates from 1838, the year and the first person photograph dates from 1839 year. Pushkin is known to have died in January 1837.
If life Pushkin was four years longer, so it could leave his photograph descendants. In June 1840 Alexey Grekov opened in Moscow "Art Cabinet" for portrait photography. Although the popular photography in Russia began later. So, Lermontov, who was killed in a duel in the summer of 1841, after the photos themselves did not leave. And Gogol picture has been: a group photo with him in 1845 in Rome, made one of the pioneers of Russian photographer Sergey Levitsky.
Probably, the first-ever photograph of a person. The inventor and photographer Robert Cornelius made his self-portrait in 1839.
So that looked like Pushkin, it can be judged only by his portraits of his contemporaries, and descriptions of the death mask - a plaster cast from the face of the deceased poet, made in day of his death.
Newborn baby panda
The team of Russian National Geographic, which is the page in social networks, there is a kind of popularity ranking animals. By the number of likes, which have traditionally recruited photos of animals, we judge their popularity. So, we know that penguins along with owls are the most popular birds on the Internet. Among small mammals leaders - squirrels, ground squirrels and meerkats. Pictures fox likes usually earn more than the photo bears. But the most-popular - it is the cat family. Especially leopards, snow leopards, wild cats and domestic cats Man'ula.
So the authors of the publication with a picture of a baby panda managed virtually impossible. By Laika panda cub walked cat. But they played fair.
Young giant panda are remarkable that are born very young: they weigh only about 100 grams, while the adults can have a weight up to 160 kilograms. The potential to become the most touching being on the Internet is great. But there is one problem: the baby panda is covered with a thin layer of fur and looks because this is not as cute as can be. But the creators of the popular publications of the baby panda could get around this shortcoming. Their baby panda is small and furry, and all because he does not live. It is a toy.
Newborn baby panda looks.
Terracotta Army
As the concentration of factual errors and absurdities of this fact - perhaps the leader in our rankings. Terracotta Army, dumping about 8000 full-size terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and their horses, was discovered in 1974 (not in 1947). These statues were intended to accompany the first emperor of a united China Qin Shihuang (259-210 gg. BC. E.) In the hereafter. Unlike the previous rulers of Qin Shi Huang refused to mass human sacrifice, as was customary at the time, and instead of servants of flesh and blood taken from a clay army.
In his notes about the terracotta army in social networks constantly slips name of Genghis Khan, who lived one and a half thousand years after the death of Shihuang. No relation to terrakotoroy army, he certainly has not.
Ink Lake
If you enter into Google the words "Ink lake", then you will know that in Algeria there is a natural lake filled with ink instead of water. It explains this phenomenon as follows: the lake is fed by two rivers. One in water dissolved large amounts of iron salts, and the second - organic compounds from peat bogs. The rivers interact with each other, and as a result of chemical reactions formed ink.
Ink Lake published notes not only the pages in social networks, but many Internet sites provide additional photographs of the lake. Even the journalist of our site seduced by this news. But this is no lake in Algeria, and to illustrate such publishing pictures Blue Lake in Australia and some other lakes, the water of which is allocated a bright blue.
Last picture photographer
Famous Japanese photographer Michio Hoshino was really killed by a brown bear in summer 1996 in Kamchatka, where he and his colleagues filmed a documentary about the life of brown bears. He was 43 years old.
The attack on the photographer has been made in the area of four in the morning, as he slept in his tent on the shore of Lake Kuril. Escaping from the clutches of a predator, Michio ran into the woods, but the bear chased him and killed him. Of course, the photographer did not take off a predator in the attack for the brilliant posthumous image.
"The last photo" Michio Hoshino, which was revealed to the world 13 years after his death - a photomontage. This work has participated in the contest "fotozhab", which was called "The Last Picture that you could take off", and at first had no relation to the Japanese photographer. But then someone realized tie the job named Michio Hoshino, and many believed him. Here are just a hoax author did not think to correct the competitive montage: it depicts a grizzly bear that is not found on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Meeting with the baby
In fact, this photo captures the handle Sarah Switzer, photo taken July 1, 1999. And the main item - is staging a photo.
The author of this work was the famous photographer Max Aguilera-Hellveg, who worked on the instructions of a popular magazine Life (published until 2000). In that year, surgeons innovators Joseph Bruner and Noel Tyulipan conducted at the Medical Center of Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee, USA), a number of successful fetal surgery to remove a congenital defect of the spine of the fetus. In one of these operations worked Max Aguilera-Hellveg. Mama Sarah was in the 24th week of pregnancy. Operation was successfully completed.
The final picture is impressive, and Life magazine were going to make him the cover of the December issue of the magazine in 1999. But this did not happen because of the number before the highly publicized received another photo, also made at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. This is what the authors of the photo page "Look and marvel", apparently, tried to tell.
The picture of Michael Clancy's "Hand of Hope" was made August 19, 1999. On that day, we operated by Julie Armas, who was 21 weeks pregnant. Her baby was also a birth defect of the spine. When the doctor finished the main part of the operation and was going to sew up the incision in the uterus, the baby suddenly poked through tiny knob and firmly grasped the surgeon's finger like to thank him for the gift of life. So what is happening in the picture described by its author. According to the surgeon Joseph Bruner, whose hands in gloves depicted in the photo, the story was invented by Michael Clancy. Kid and his mother were under anesthesia and could not move. Photo staging.
And yet, unlike all the other tales, we can not say that this story is pure hoax. After what happened during surgery photographer Michael Clancy became an active opponent of abortion and almost entirely devoted to popularize his image, and this has been to this day. It is difficult to believe that an adult has been for many years so obsessed with his own hoax. In addition, they published the book Hand of Hope. The story behind the picture («Hand of Hope. The history of what is left behind the scenes"), in which he tried to prove that the story is not fiction picture. Although really convincing argument in favor of his stories in the book there, the author looks plausible version. According to Clancy, the effect of anesthesia is probably already over by the end of the operation. This was the reason that the child stuck his hand out of the mother's uterus. Team doctors did not want to advertise the fact that the kid came out of anesthesia after the operation. Therefore, they claimed that the picture Clancy is not reportage.
In any case, the operation was successful. In December 1999, Julie gave birth to a healthy (and already famous) boy Samuel. He is now 13 years old. Hoax or not, but it's worth noting that the photo of Michael Clancy has caused great public interest. Many people have revised their beliefs against abortion, realizing that the fetus in the womb is already living a real life. Michael Clancy and Samuel Armas believe that if this picture does not become so popular, many children lost their lives. The fatal iceberg photographed with "Titanic»
Of course, this photo was not made on board the "Titanic" shortly before his death. After "Titanic" hit an iceberg 20 minutes before midnight. At night, make a similar picture of the iceberg was impossible.
But this picture really shows the iceberg, the fault of the collision which sank the "Titanic." The picture was taken just after the death of "Titanic" passenger ship RMS Carpathia. This boat arrived on the scene at 4 am, two hours after the sinking of "Titanic" and took on board the 705 people who survived in a lifeboat "Titanic." That morning, and this picture was taken.
The passenger ship RMS Carpathia Mebl Fenwick, took photos, and then gave it a picture John Snyder, who was returning with his wife from Europe to the "Titanic", where they spent their honeymoon. With this family, survived the crash, she befriended aboard the RMS Carpathia. So this photo turned out to be a participant in the tragic events of 100 years ago.
It is noteworthy that this is not only a snapshot of the iceberg that collided with "Titanic". On the Internet you can find a photo with a larger picture of the same iceberg, taken before and after the tragedy of the passengers of other vehicles.
For example, the following picture of the iceberg was made April 12, 1912 c vessel SSEtonian. Perhaps by the ship's captain. The probability that this is the iceberg high.
My younger brother can not be called a skeptic. But Igor Prokopenko program on REN TV, he is incredulous. The aliens, mysticism, anomalous zones - interesting, but not plausible. And TV brother often looks.
But if you go to his page in the VC, we can understand that fool brother easy. Here it is a census pictures featuring blue Strawberries: apparently did not think that the color of strawberries changed dramatically in the graphical editor. But it (and another 20 thousand people!) Touched by the photo of the newborn baby panda. In this case, and Photoshop does not: it's just not a real baby panda (more - less).
People love to be surprised and to meet their expectations, hundreds of popular "cognitive" pages are served daily in social networks of their unusual facts. Many of these facts are authentic, others - like the truth, but a number of inaccuracies sin, and others - a fiction. [next]
We selected 9 thematically close to us tales of the year. Many of them appear to the reader is so believable that gathered thousands of social networks in the census, and tens of thousands of likes.
A monkey and a puppy
For example, this photo monkey carrying in his front paws [next] puppy is an illustration of the impressive history of salvation. According to her, the picture was taken July 28, 2010, when the factory for the production of plastics in Nanjing (China), a powerful explosion and a fire started. Monkey, without thinking twice, selflessly grabbed the puppy and carried him out of the fire. Thanks to the Internet and social networks, the picture quality unimportant became really famous. Here are just a Nanking, he is unlikely to have any relevance. On the Internet, this picture appeared in 2006 - four years before the tragedy - and this snapshot, published at the time, was another sign: "Stealing a puppy monkey." However, and this story may be fictional. Find photos of the author we could not.

Black Lion
Scientists do not exclude that in nature there may lions black. However, given the fact that during the evolution of dark colored specimens less adapted to the conditions of their habitat probably do not survive, the possibility of such individuals today is close to zero. However, there is evidence that these lions have seen in my time in Persia, and in the Okavango (area in Namibia), but, judging from the description, it was not black and dark brown birds.

Fans of fables, defending his belief in the existence of black lions sometimes lead this argument: in the UK can still find plenty of pubs called Black Lion («Black Lion"). It really is. But if you follow this logic, the nature should also be blue and red lions. After all, these are inherent in the names of British pubs. Such unusual name - just the result of passion locals heraldry. Black lions exist. The coat of arms. And all the pictures of the black lion from the Internet - the result of work in a graphics editor.

Photo Pushkin

Did you know that Pushkin during his life was not only painted but also photographed? Unfortunately, the picture due to dampness technology inferior in quality to the portrait by Orest Kiprensky. For this reason, a portrait of the artist saw everything, and shot just a few.
Of course, this is not true.
Although in 1820 the Frenchman Joseph Niepce already made the first in the world history of photography, really applicable technology for producing photos, Daguerreotype, emerged in the late 1830s. It is believed that the first picture of a man imprinted on it dates from 1838, the year and the first person photograph dates from 1839 year. Pushkin is known to have died in January 1837.
If life Pushkin was four years longer, so it could leave his photograph descendants. In June 1840 Alexey Grekov opened in Moscow "Art Cabinet" for portrait photography. Although the popular photography in Russia began later. So, Lermontov, who was killed in a duel in the summer of 1841, after the photos themselves did not leave. And Gogol picture has been: a group photo with him in 1845 in Rome, made one of the pioneers of Russian photographer Sergey Levitsky.

Probably, the first-ever photograph of a person. The inventor and photographer Robert Cornelius made his self-portrait in 1839.
So that looked like Pushkin, it can be judged only by his portraits of his contemporaries, and descriptions of the death mask - a plaster cast from the face of the deceased poet, made in day of his death.
Newborn baby panda

The team of Russian National Geographic, which is the page in social networks, there is a kind of popularity ranking animals. By the number of likes, which have traditionally recruited photos of animals, we judge their popularity. So, we know that penguins along with owls are the most popular birds on the Internet. Among small mammals leaders - squirrels, ground squirrels and meerkats. Pictures fox likes usually earn more than the photo bears. But the most-popular - it is the cat family. Especially leopards, snow leopards, wild cats and domestic cats Man'ula.
So the authors of the publication with a picture of a baby panda managed virtually impossible. By Laika panda cub walked cat. But they played fair.
Young giant panda are remarkable that are born very young: they weigh only about 100 grams, while the adults can have a weight up to 160 kilograms. The potential to become the most touching being on the Internet is great. But there is one problem: the baby panda is covered with a thin layer of fur and looks because this is not as cute as can be. But the creators of the popular publications of the baby panda could get around this shortcoming. Their baby panda is small and furry, and all because he does not live. It is a toy.

Newborn baby panda looks.

Terracotta Army
As the concentration of factual errors and absurdities of this fact - perhaps the leader in our rankings. Terracotta Army, dumping about 8000 full-size terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and their horses, was discovered in 1974 (not in 1947). These statues were intended to accompany the first emperor of a united China Qin Shihuang (259-210 gg. BC. E.) In the hereafter. Unlike the previous rulers of Qin Shi Huang refused to mass human sacrifice, as was customary at the time, and instead of servants of flesh and blood taken from a clay army.
In his notes about the terracotta army in social networks constantly slips name of Genghis Khan, who lived one and a half thousand years after the death of Shihuang. No relation to terrakotoroy army, he certainly has not.

Ink Lake
If you enter into Google the words "Ink lake", then you will know that in Algeria there is a natural lake filled with ink instead of water. It explains this phenomenon as follows: the lake is fed by two rivers. One in water dissolved large amounts of iron salts, and the second - organic compounds from peat bogs. The rivers interact with each other, and as a result of chemical reactions formed ink.
Ink Lake published notes not only the pages in social networks, but many Internet sites provide additional photographs of the lake. Even the journalist of our site seduced by this news. But this is no lake in Algeria, and to illustrate such publishing pictures Blue Lake in Australia and some other lakes, the water of which is allocated a bright blue.

Last picture photographer
Famous Japanese photographer Michio Hoshino was really killed by a brown bear in summer 1996 in Kamchatka, where he and his colleagues filmed a documentary about the life of brown bears. He was 43 years old.
The attack on the photographer has been made in the area of four in the morning, as he slept in his tent on the shore of Lake Kuril. Escaping from the clutches of a predator, Michio ran into the woods, but the bear chased him and killed him. Of course, the photographer did not take off a predator in the attack for the brilliant posthumous image.
"The last photo" Michio Hoshino, which was revealed to the world 13 years after his death - a photomontage. This work has participated in the contest "fotozhab", which was called "The Last Picture that you could take off", and at first had no relation to the Japanese photographer. But then someone realized tie the job named Michio Hoshino, and many believed him. Here are just a hoax author did not think to correct the competitive montage: it depicts a grizzly bear that is not found on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Meeting with the baby

In fact, this photo captures the handle Sarah Switzer, photo taken July 1, 1999. And the main item - is staging a photo.
The author of this work was the famous photographer Max Aguilera-Hellveg, who worked on the instructions of a popular magazine Life (published until 2000). In that year, surgeons innovators Joseph Bruner and Noel Tyulipan conducted at the Medical Center of Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee, USA), a number of successful fetal surgery to remove a congenital defect of the spine of the fetus. In one of these operations worked Max Aguilera-Hellveg. Mama Sarah was in the 24th week of pregnancy. Operation was successfully completed.
The final picture is impressive, and Life magazine were going to make him the cover of the December issue of the magazine in 1999. But this did not happen because of the number before the highly publicized received another photo, also made at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. This is what the authors of the photo page "Look and marvel", apparently, tried to tell.

The picture of Michael Clancy's "Hand of Hope" was made August 19, 1999. On that day, we operated by Julie Armas, who was 21 weeks pregnant. Her baby was also a birth defect of the spine. When the doctor finished the main part of the operation and was going to sew up the incision in the uterus, the baby suddenly poked through tiny knob and firmly grasped the surgeon's finger like to thank him for the gift of life. So what is happening in the picture described by its author. According to the surgeon Joseph Bruner, whose hands in gloves depicted in the photo, the story was invented by Michael Clancy. Kid and his mother were under anesthesia and could not move. Photo staging.
And yet, unlike all the other tales, we can not say that this story is pure hoax. After what happened during surgery photographer Michael Clancy became an active opponent of abortion and almost entirely devoted to popularize his image, and this has been to this day. It is difficult to believe that an adult has been for many years so obsessed with his own hoax. In addition, they published the book Hand of Hope. The story behind the picture («Hand of Hope. The history of what is left behind the scenes"), in which he tried to prove that the story is not fiction picture. Although really convincing argument in favor of his stories in the book there, the author looks plausible version. According to Clancy, the effect of anesthesia is probably already over by the end of the operation. This was the reason that the child stuck his hand out of the mother's uterus. Team doctors did not want to advertise the fact that the kid came out of anesthesia after the operation. Therefore, they claimed that the picture Clancy is not reportage.
In any case, the operation was successful. In December 1999, Julie gave birth to a healthy (and already famous) boy Samuel. He is now 13 years old. Hoax or not, but it's worth noting that the photo of Michael Clancy has caused great public interest. Many people have revised their beliefs against abortion, realizing that the fetus in the womb is already living a real life. Michael Clancy and Samuel Armas believe that if this picture does not become so popular, many children lost their lives. The fatal iceberg photographed with "Titanic»

Of course, this photo was not made on board the "Titanic" shortly before his death. After "Titanic" hit an iceberg 20 minutes before midnight. At night, make a similar picture of the iceberg was impossible.
But this picture really shows the iceberg, the fault of the collision which sank the "Titanic." The picture was taken just after the death of "Titanic" passenger ship RMS Carpathia. This boat arrived on the scene at 4 am, two hours after the sinking of "Titanic" and took on board the 705 people who survived in a lifeboat "Titanic." That morning, and this picture was taken.
The passenger ship RMS Carpathia Mebl Fenwick, took photos, and then gave it a picture John Snyder, who was returning with his wife from Europe to the "Titanic", where they spent their honeymoon. With this family, survived the crash, she befriended aboard the RMS Carpathia. So this photo turned out to be a participant in the tragic events of 100 years ago.
It is noteworthy that this is not only a snapshot of the iceberg that collided with "Titanic". On the Internet you can find a photo with a larger picture of the same iceberg, taken before and after the tragedy of the passengers of other vehicles.
For example, the following picture of the iceberg was made April 12, 1912 c vessel SSEtonian. Perhaps by the ship's captain. The probability that this is the iceberg high.
