3 most effective products for weight loss prescribed by nutritionists
Proper nutrition is the main component of a healthy lifestyle. You can play sports as much as you like, but if you eat junk food, you can not avoid problems in the form of gastritis, skin diseases or cellulite.
How to eat so as to be healthy, full and not get fat? There are certain nutritionismDrink plenty of water, eat at the same time 4-6 times a day, competently select and combine products. Individual products have a particularly positive effect on metabolic processes. Let's talk about them in more detail.
Food quality
Proper eating habits includes the use of these products or their analogues, which contain the same substances. Save the list to your wall in social networks, so as not to lose.
How to eat so as to be healthy, full and not get fat? There are certain nutritionismDrink plenty of water, eat at the same time 4-6 times a day, competently select and combine products. Individual products have a particularly positive effect on metabolic processes. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Food quality
- Cranberries
Traditionally Slavic, sour with bitterness of the berry, which is popularly called crane, boasts a high content of vitamin C, as well as the presence of quinic, citric, oleic and benzoic acid. The berry has the whole group of vitamins B, vitamins PP, K, carotene, pectin, tannins, sugar, iodine, copper, iron, manganese, boron, magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and essential oils. But ursolic acid is especially useful in it - 10 g of cranberry contains about 1,000 mg. It helps to burn more calories.
In what way? It is known that all fat is burned in muscle tissues. Ursolic acid improves their growth and helps to accelerate metabolism.
In addition, cranberry is a natural antibiotic, it is stored for a long time, due to its high acid content, serves as a natural preservative for dishes. In order to enhance metabolism, it can be eaten both fresh and dried without additives. One handful a day is enough.
You can also make compote from berries, add to salads or second dishes. Often cranberries are consumed along with sauerkraut.
DepositPhotos - Chia seeds
The birthplace of the plant, whose popularity has increased dramatically in the last few years, is the central and southern parts of Mexico. In 100 grams of dry chia seeds contains 31% of fats, and the most useful – omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as 17% of proteins, 42% of carbohydrates, of which 34% is due to fiber. The special value of chia seeds is in carbohydrates with a long chain of absorption.
When in contact with the liquid, chia seeds increase in size by 12 times and turn into jelly. 1 gram of chia seeds can absorb 25 ml of liquid. Thus, just one pinch of chia seeds can satisfy hunger for several hours.
Jelly from chia seeds forms a barrier of mucus on the walls of the stomach. As a result, the absorption of carbohydrates is significantly slowed down. The less carbohydrates enter the human body, the more active the consumption of calories. Also, cholesterol levels decrease, the absorption of sugars from the stomach, the passage of food is stimulated, toxins are removed.
One tablespoon of chia seeds contains about 11 grams of fiber, which is a third of the daily amount recommended for adults by nutrition experts.
In addition to the above, chia seeds have other unique properties. They contain 5 times more calcium than milk, 2 times more potassium than bananas, 15 times more iron than spinach, 4 times more selenium than flax seeds, 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries, and 6 times more protein than legumes.
DepositPhotos - avocado
Avocado is the most nutritious and nutritious fruit in the world. At the same time, its chemical structure is almost no different from a vegetable. Avocado fruits are characterized by a high content of L-carnitine or levocarnitine, a natural amino acid related to B vitamins and having strong antioxidant properties. Levocarnitine affects fat metabolism, actively participating in fat metabolism.
Avocados are also rich in monounsaturated fats that lower cholesterol levels in the body. In oily avocado a lot of fiber, responsible for cleaning the digestive tract of toxins and uric acid.
In addition, avocados contain a lot of potassium, the most important mineral for reducing the effects of sodium on the body.
Proper eating habits includes the use of these products or their analogues, which contain the same substances. Save the list to your wall in social networks, so as not to lose.
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