Recently, I got very sick and asked my son to bring me medicine, he would have done it before, but not now.

Nothing warms the soul of parents like theirs. caring. This is logical, considering how much money, effort and energy modern mom and dad spend on their child in our time. It wasn't always like that. Until 150 years ago, children did not have even a tenth of the privileges they have today. They were taken to not the easiest jobs, infringed on their rights and so on. But the 20th century brought good news.

It would seem that these changes should bring families closer together than ever. Parents work to bring their own children to people. And the children, in turn, help mom and dad in old age. But in practice it looks a little different. There are a lot of happy families that do that. But there are also many examples when children behave as ungrateful and even somehow nefarious. They leave their needy parents to their fate. And that's sad.

I didn’t even think that my child’s character could completely change due to the influence of another person. My only son has always been very open and kind to me. And not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. Until he got married, we met often, shared the news, helped each other and kept no secrets. Well, within reason, of course. But after Paul appeared in his life, everything went awry.

For the wedding of Igor and Polina, her parents gave her an apartment. One-bedroom, in a sleeping area, but its own, and some kind of repair was there. I didn't see it myself, but my son showed me pictures from his phone. Unfortunately, after my husband passed away, I didn't have much to walk around. So I got off, giving the bride most of my personal jewelry. I was so direct and said that if there is a desire, she is free to melt them into one product, I will not mind.

Peels Between us speaking, Pauline is a girl with character. I saw her look into the envelopes of the guests, counting how much she brought. So what they say is, don't put your finger in your mouth, bite off. On the other hand, she would probably be a good wife if she had such a tight temper. Because modern women, on the contrary, spend their husband’s money as they see fit. And then they get divorced, take half of the property and go looking for a new applicant. For Igor, of course, I would not like this option.

After six months of their marriage, Pauline once mentioned that she did not want to have a child. At least if you have to live in a one-room apartment. He doesn't know what to do. Loans are a scam, and when they make more money on an apartment, that’s a question. After all, my son has not yet become a big boss. That's what I think.

The whole thing is that I live in a private house that my husband, who died, started building. The box is worth it, but there is practically no repair. You have to survive, especially in the winter. After all, I simply do not have money to heat the entire living space. So Pauline suggested that I sell this unnecessary box and buy myself a one-bedroom apartment. And the rest of the money would go to expand them in terms of real estate. And then you see the kids go.

You see my daughter-in-law's business acumen? Let the mother-in-law move into a small apartment, and they take off all the cream. And then maybe that apartment will be taken away, and I'll go straight to the nursing home. If I had thought about her offer earlier, given that they would help me financially once a month, now I would not. Because you can't cook porridge with people like Pauline.

Igor came to me after this conversation several times. And he hinted that maybe I'd consider a daughter-in-law's suggestion. Why do I need a big house if I can live within my means, and I will pay less for an apartment. But I always turned him down. Our town has just begun to develop. And in 5 or 10 years, real estate prices here will rise well. My house will no longer be located on the outskirts, so selling it now is not a profitable business.

I was talking about changing. Let their family move into my house and I move in with them. It turns out the same, doesn't it? But now Pauline does not agree to the exchange. She doesn't like the idea that they're going to have to renovate the house from scratch while I'm taking over the apartment they donated to the wedding without any investment. She does not want to live in discomfort, even if in the long run this option will be more profitable. That's the kind of person you'll understand.

And a couple of weeks ago, I got sick. Not too bad. She was lying down, couldn't get out of bed. I had to buy some medicine, and I have a fever, a cough, a headache. I called my son and asked him to come and bring me some medicine. I was hoping he would bring some food with him just in case. I understand that young people do not have time, and I could not cook myself. This issue would not have been considered before. Igor would have rushed in and taken care of me.

But not now. He didn’t arrive until the day after my call. He brewed antipyretic tea, left half a plate of aspirin, probably expired, because he was even without a pack. He looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and left. Thank goodness my friend came and brought everything. But if it wasn't for her, what would? My son has been a friend and helper all my life. I was 1000% sure of him. When he got married, we became strangers.

A mother's heart can't be changed, and for me it's still the only child I love so much. But the other, rational part of me tells me that there will be no more relationships like we used to have. This is probably the part of growing up where he made the choice between me and his wife. And the choice was not in my favor at all.


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