Archimandrite Andrew Conano: Rare Christian recognizes that it is wrong
Sometimes we think we know exactly what the other person confidently commend his actions and suggest what to do. Thus we find the gospel text, cite the Holy fathers, give the example of personal experience. But if we are right? Thinks the Archimandrite Andrei (Konnos).
Believe. Faith is a great thing. It is a living trust in God, His power and all-Wise Providence for us, His Love to us – to me, to you. The Lord loves you very much.
Archimandrite Andrew (Konnos)
I tell you this, though unworthy to utter such words. If someone else told you about it probably would have sounded more convincing. Because this great Truth should not say sinful mouth. Although even in this case, the Truth does not cease to be True.
God loves you very much. He thinks about you day and night. He knows all your desires, questions, inner thoughts, knows all about your suffering and pain. Feel yourself in the hands of God. He cares about you.
There is nothing accidental happens in your life, all good. God always brings the matter to an end, and you know it, even before reaching the end. You will understand in the process. The wise plan of your life step by step, leading you to faith, wisdom, Holiness, and the beauty of making your soul a Mature, strong and soft at the same time.
Much of what happens is the answer to your prayers. For example, you aspire to Holiness? Well, how does one become a Holy man? Just like that? No. And the Lord gives us lessons of Holiness, as if to ask: "I Want to become Holy? Then be patient".
Hang on a colleague who tomorrow will laugh at you at work. Patience the maid in the house, which the day before yesterday said to you a lot of crazy things. Be patient and forgive the neighbor that annoys the lack of proper insulation in the house and because she always tells you: "hush, Hush! I can't listen to you!" (although time eleven in the morning, and you have the right to speak as you wish).
What did not have to listen to! But the Lord tells us: "Yes, it's a lesson. A lesson of Holiness, a lesson in forgiveness, understanding and compassion." Even if provoked by someone else, not you, then it raises the question: how do you feel about the person who is irritated?
Let's say he did wrong. And the Lord says to you: "I want to teach you something else, too – to endure and to be good to those who wrong and has a difficult character. And you show your good heart, don't be like them".
Yes, this man is difficult, but you difficult, and so begins the cries, fights and nervous breakdowns. And you forgive others. Pray! Pray for all the people – about themselves, about their children, wife or husband, pray for me! And I will pray for you and all.
There is no person who would not receive in this life blows. All at some point experience suffering and pain. There is no absolutely happy families, perfectly happy life. I don't know the person, in whose life everything would be pink.
We all go through various tests. The question is whether we can talk about these tests and discuss them face the problem of, not hiding from it. Can we acknowledge your fear, uncertainty, loneliness, helplessness? Yeah, I feel bad! Left me, betrayed, I fear the future!
It is necessary to say aloud in prayer to God. It is necessary to tell your spiritual father that directs your spiritual life, at the same time and his personal struggle. So should go ahead.
So, there is no man who does not go through any test – big or small. Anyway, I think so. And I'm telling you this not to make you relaxed and filled with illusion (although some relaxation is also useful to do something under pressure, but relaxed and calm). That's just life.
Here is an example. One young man came to me and said, "I smoked three packs of cigarettes a day, but now only three cigarettes. It's hard for me, but I'm trying to quit, with God's help". And I said to him: "well Done! Continue in the same spirit!" "What am I to do?" "Continue! Continue to smoke three cigarettes a day!"
And someone heard my words and said, "What are you saying? He should really stop Smoking!" And I said, "he used to smoke three packs a day. You want to go tell him now not to smoke."
And this man really talked to him, after which he took offense, they had a falling out and now not talking to each other. And I asked him: "so what have you achieved? I think I couldn't forbid him to smoke?
But the main thing is the struggle for the soul of man. The main thing – to deprive a person of desire to fight, not to deprive him of his zeal for God. You know, how many cigarettes in one pack? Personally, I don't know. Probably a lot. And you was so upset about these three cigarettes, while the three packs of them, probably hundreds!"
But then my decision still seemed too soft, and I decided to look into such cases, said the saints, how they treated similar situations. Patericon always comforts me and gives me something to think about – first and foremost, about himself and his pastoral Ministry.
Here I love to go to Abba Pimen (which, incidentally, means "shepherd") because he was a good shepherd for the people.
So, one monk came to him for advice. Abba asked him:
– What do you do? What are you doing?
I work in the field, I like it. Plant, grow, harvest, distribute it to the poor as alms.
– Well done! Doing well. Go on, said to him, Abba poemen, who with spiritual eyes saw the heart of this monk (and many other things).
But his words I heard the other monk said to Abba:
– Father, shame on you! You are not afraid of God? The monk came to you for advice and you tell him: "boy, that work on your field!" This is not advice! On the contrary, you lead a brother astray!
Abba Pimen was always silent in conversation with such people. And now his response to these words was silence. A few days later he summoned the monk who had his own field. There was a second monk, who made up this Abba comment. And his eyes Abba Pimen said the first monk:
– Listen, father! You told me a few days ago that they are working in their field?
– Yes, father.
– Father, I gave you the wrong advice. You know, I thought you were telling me about your brother, which in the world – that is his field. And you're a monk, you should have your own field and cultivate it. It is necessary to do spiritual work, and what you do is not good for the monk. Did you understand me? I beg you, don't do it anymore!
And then softly asked the second monk:
– Father, is everything okay? I corrected him? Are you satisfied?
– Of course! – he replied. Now you gave him the right advice. And the fact that he said it to some fields... But now you said it should. He is a monk, and it is not permissible to deal with such things.
– Then listen to that answer this is our brother said to Abba poemen and asked the first monk:
– Well, father, do you think? Stop working on the field, right?
And the poor monk said:
– Listen, father! I'm sorry, but I can't do anything else. This is the work I perform well, I like it, I can't leave her! And I can't listen to your advice. I'm sorry, but I will continue to work in the field, but now do not know when it will come to you. I don't feel good.
And gone – sadness, disappointment. He like cut the wings.
And the second monk, who considered himself before the great ascetic and superprocesses, said:
– Father, forgive me! I was wrong when I told you that it was necessary to give different advice to this brother. Forgive me!
Abba Pimen replied:
– Brother, what you told me, I can do – to preach, to teach, to build from a great teacher, stopped each with the words: "Stop doing that, you can't!" I know that work in the field is the most important thing for a monk. But with this brother I spoke his language, based on his thoughts and intents. I 'adapted' to him, pushing him to further heroism. That was my goal. And again. Yes, these monks work solely on the field, but remember what he said then? "All their crops I give to the poor as alms." This love of neighbor, I put in the forefront. And what have we achieved now? I have hurt him (though I told him it is solely for your reassurance), and he left in chagrin. He still will not stop working on the field, but we, in turn, robbed him of the joy and peace that were with him during his labors. We embarrassed him – for no reason.
That's what happens when we give people advice without judgment, without love and enlightenment from God. Without boldness from God. Because in order to give the Council requires boldness.
Abba poemen did not care that about him others will think, when he praised the monk blessed him to continue his work in the fields. He understood that prayer a hundred hours – not for him, he can't do that. Yes, he dedicated his life to the Lord, but because you can show your love to Him and his labors, not only of prayer. Work in the field has benefited greatly from his soul.
That is the art of any Pimen – shepherd. After all, you are the shepherd. Because you have children, pupils, students. Anyone who manages people – teaches, helps, sustains, and is the shepherd.
And Abba poemen said: "I do not know what a strict spiritual life? I do not know what akrivia (from the Greek. ἀκρίβεια — "the exact meaning of strict accuracy, accuracy")? I think I myself could not impose a ban for this monk?"
It was the same with me. Except I could not then tell the young person that Smoking is harmful to health that it is a sin? Of course she could. But I knew that after this I lost contact. These words disappoint me, "cut" it, and thus lose one of the human soul, which is much worse than Smoking.
What is missing to all of us? Judiciousness, openness, ability to admit their mistakes. Very rare to find a Christian who years leads a spiritual life and at the same time recognizes that is wrong.
We used to think in same pattern and "freeze" in my mind, like a finished clay vessel. Clay hardens and does not change. And our mind. All, I decided, I think so. Maybe you have obtained to change your mind, but in sixty years it's very hard to do, especially if we are talking about spiritual life.
What God says? "My Will is the boundless ocean. Or the sea. And sometimes the sea turns into a stream, or in pairs, which then becomes clouds, from which rain falls, forming streams and rivers. My Will is not a stationary rock. The only constant divine Love.
But as It is embodied in human life? There is not one way, not one answer". Therefore the Lord says: "Follow Me!" another – "come back home", and to another "Go and tell everyone about the miracles that God created for you!" One God sends to the monastery, and one for the sermon, the third to create a family. There is no one path, one answer. The same question I'll give you one answer, and you give me another. The common answer to all questions does not exist.
That's why in the Church no one is a copy. But we can compare because we have a number of criteria. What is this criteria? Spiritual life, prayer, love, tenderness, humility, truth. We take care of it and "knead" in your heart, which is unique. So there is a personal result of each person. published
Author: Archimandrite Andrew (Konnos) translation: Elizabeth Terentyev
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.pravmir.ru/redkiy-hristianin-priznaet-chto-byivaet-neprav/
Believe. Faith is a great thing. It is a living trust in God, His power and all-Wise Providence for us, His Love to us – to me, to you. The Lord loves you very much.

Archimandrite Andrew (Konnos)
I tell you this, though unworthy to utter such words. If someone else told you about it probably would have sounded more convincing. Because this great Truth should not say sinful mouth. Although even in this case, the Truth does not cease to be True.
God loves you very much. He thinks about you day and night. He knows all your desires, questions, inner thoughts, knows all about your suffering and pain. Feel yourself in the hands of God. He cares about you.
There is nothing accidental happens in your life, all good. God always brings the matter to an end, and you know it, even before reaching the end. You will understand in the process. The wise plan of your life step by step, leading you to faith, wisdom, Holiness, and the beauty of making your soul a Mature, strong and soft at the same time.
Much of what happens is the answer to your prayers. For example, you aspire to Holiness? Well, how does one become a Holy man? Just like that? No. And the Lord gives us lessons of Holiness, as if to ask: "I Want to become Holy? Then be patient".
Hang on a colleague who tomorrow will laugh at you at work. Patience the maid in the house, which the day before yesterday said to you a lot of crazy things. Be patient and forgive the neighbor that annoys the lack of proper insulation in the house and because she always tells you: "hush, Hush! I can't listen to you!" (although time eleven in the morning, and you have the right to speak as you wish).
What did not have to listen to! But the Lord tells us: "Yes, it's a lesson. A lesson of Holiness, a lesson in forgiveness, understanding and compassion." Even if provoked by someone else, not you, then it raises the question: how do you feel about the person who is irritated?
Let's say he did wrong. And the Lord says to you: "I want to teach you something else, too – to endure and to be good to those who wrong and has a difficult character. And you show your good heart, don't be like them".
Yes, this man is difficult, but you difficult, and so begins the cries, fights and nervous breakdowns. And you forgive others. Pray! Pray for all the people – about themselves, about their children, wife or husband, pray for me! And I will pray for you and all.
There is no person who would not receive in this life blows. All at some point experience suffering and pain. There is no absolutely happy families, perfectly happy life. I don't know the person, in whose life everything would be pink.
We all go through various tests. The question is whether we can talk about these tests and discuss them face the problem of, not hiding from it. Can we acknowledge your fear, uncertainty, loneliness, helplessness? Yeah, I feel bad! Left me, betrayed, I fear the future!
It is necessary to say aloud in prayer to God. It is necessary to tell your spiritual father that directs your spiritual life, at the same time and his personal struggle. So should go ahead.
So, there is no man who does not go through any test – big or small. Anyway, I think so. And I'm telling you this not to make you relaxed and filled with illusion (although some relaxation is also useful to do something under pressure, but relaxed and calm). That's just life.
Here is an example. One young man came to me and said, "I smoked three packs of cigarettes a day, but now only three cigarettes. It's hard for me, but I'm trying to quit, with God's help". And I said to him: "well Done! Continue in the same spirit!" "What am I to do?" "Continue! Continue to smoke three cigarettes a day!"
And someone heard my words and said, "What are you saying? He should really stop Smoking!" And I said, "he used to smoke three packs a day. You want to go tell him now not to smoke."
And this man really talked to him, after which he took offense, they had a falling out and now not talking to each other. And I asked him: "so what have you achieved? I think I couldn't forbid him to smoke?
But the main thing is the struggle for the soul of man. The main thing – to deprive a person of desire to fight, not to deprive him of his zeal for God. You know, how many cigarettes in one pack? Personally, I don't know. Probably a lot. And you was so upset about these three cigarettes, while the three packs of them, probably hundreds!"
But then my decision still seemed too soft, and I decided to look into such cases, said the saints, how they treated similar situations. Patericon always comforts me and gives me something to think about – first and foremost, about himself and his pastoral Ministry.
Here I love to go to Abba Pimen (which, incidentally, means "shepherd") because he was a good shepherd for the people.

So, one monk came to him for advice. Abba asked him:
– What do you do? What are you doing?
I work in the field, I like it. Plant, grow, harvest, distribute it to the poor as alms.
– Well done! Doing well. Go on, said to him, Abba poemen, who with spiritual eyes saw the heart of this monk (and many other things).
But his words I heard the other monk said to Abba:
– Father, shame on you! You are not afraid of God? The monk came to you for advice and you tell him: "boy, that work on your field!" This is not advice! On the contrary, you lead a brother astray!
Abba Pimen was always silent in conversation with such people. And now his response to these words was silence. A few days later he summoned the monk who had his own field. There was a second monk, who made up this Abba comment. And his eyes Abba Pimen said the first monk:
– Listen, father! You told me a few days ago that they are working in their field?
– Yes, father.
– Father, I gave you the wrong advice. You know, I thought you were telling me about your brother, which in the world – that is his field. And you're a monk, you should have your own field and cultivate it. It is necessary to do spiritual work, and what you do is not good for the monk. Did you understand me? I beg you, don't do it anymore!
And then softly asked the second monk:
– Father, is everything okay? I corrected him? Are you satisfied?
– Of course! – he replied. Now you gave him the right advice. And the fact that he said it to some fields... But now you said it should. He is a monk, and it is not permissible to deal with such things.
– Then listen to that answer this is our brother said to Abba poemen and asked the first monk:
– Well, father, do you think? Stop working on the field, right?
And the poor monk said:
– Listen, father! I'm sorry, but I can't do anything else. This is the work I perform well, I like it, I can't leave her! And I can't listen to your advice. I'm sorry, but I will continue to work in the field, but now do not know when it will come to you. I don't feel good.
And gone – sadness, disappointment. He like cut the wings.
And the second monk, who considered himself before the great ascetic and superprocesses, said:
– Father, forgive me! I was wrong when I told you that it was necessary to give different advice to this brother. Forgive me!
Abba Pimen replied:
– Brother, what you told me, I can do – to preach, to teach, to build from a great teacher, stopped each with the words: "Stop doing that, you can't!" I know that work in the field is the most important thing for a monk. But with this brother I spoke his language, based on his thoughts and intents. I 'adapted' to him, pushing him to further heroism. That was my goal. And again. Yes, these monks work solely on the field, but remember what he said then? "All their crops I give to the poor as alms." This love of neighbor, I put in the forefront. And what have we achieved now? I have hurt him (though I told him it is solely for your reassurance), and he left in chagrin. He still will not stop working on the field, but we, in turn, robbed him of the joy and peace that were with him during his labors. We embarrassed him – for no reason.

That's what happens when we give people advice without judgment, without love and enlightenment from God. Without boldness from God. Because in order to give the Council requires boldness.
Abba poemen did not care that about him others will think, when he praised the monk blessed him to continue his work in the fields. He understood that prayer a hundred hours – not for him, he can't do that. Yes, he dedicated his life to the Lord, but because you can show your love to Him and his labors, not only of prayer. Work in the field has benefited greatly from his soul.
That is the art of any Pimen – shepherd. After all, you are the shepherd. Because you have children, pupils, students. Anyone who manages people – teaches, helps, sustains, and is the shepherd.
And Abba poemen said: "I do not know what a strict spiritual life? I do not know what akrivia (from the Greek. ἀκρίβεια — "the exact meaning of strict accuracy, accuracy")? I think I myself could not impose a ban for this monk?"
It was the same with me. Except I could not then tell the young person that Smoking is harmful to health that it is a sin? Of course she could. But I knew that after this I lost contact. These words disappoint me, "cut" it, and thus lose one of the human soul, which is much worse than Smoking.
What is missing to all of us? Judiciousness, openness, ability to admit their mistakes. Very rare to find a Christian who years leads a spiritual life and at the same time recognizes that is wrong.
We used to think in same pattern and "freeze" in my mind, like a finished clay vessel. Clay hardens and does not change. And our mind. All, I decided, I think so. Maybe you have obtained to change your mind, but in sixty years it's very hard to do, especially if we are talking about spiritual life.
What God says? "My Will is the boundless ocean. Or the sea. And sometimes the sea turns into a stream, or in pairs, which then becomes clouds, from which rain falls, forming streams and rivers. My Will is not a stationary rock. The only constant divine Love.
But as It is embodied in human life? There is not one way, not one answer". Therefore the Lord says: "Follow Me!" another – "come back home", and to another "Go and tell everyone about the miracles that God created for you!" One God sends to the monastery, and one for the sermon, the third to create a family. There is no one path, one answer. The same question I'll give you one answer, and you give me another. The common answer to all questions does not exist.
That's why in the Church no one is a copy. But we can compare because we have a number of criteria. What is this criteria? Spiritual life, prayer, love, tenderness, humility, truth. We take care of it and "knead" in your heart, which is unique. So there is a personal result of each person. published
Author: Archimandrite Andrew (Konnos) translation: Elizabeth Terentyev
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.pravmir.ru/redkiy-hristianin-priznaet-chto-byivaet-neprav/
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