How much does it cost to repair a new building
After acquiring real estate in a new building, there is often a need for repairs. After all, it is necessary to achieve compliance with the taste of the owners, to provide all the opportunities for enjoying life. At the same time, not everyone understands how much investment will require repairs in new buildings , even approximately. At the same time, most owners turn to specialists, since working on their own takes too much time, and obtaining an ideal result with this approach is almost impossible.
Features of repair in a new building. What affects the cost of work?
In each case, the tariff will be different, it is possible to calculate how much repairs in a new building cost only after clarifying all the requirements, taking measurements. But most of all, the situation is affected by the condition of the premises. In new houses, shrinkage occurs within a couple of years after construction, which leads to deformations of window and door openings, cracks in the finish, and even damage to communications. Therefore, the most plastic materials, exact observance of standards are required.
Also, turnkey repairs in a new building will differ from the developer, taking into account the condition of the premises. There are options without finishing, with a fine and rough finish. Most often, they take square meters without finishing, in which case you need to invest in everything from the project, to preparation and fine finishing. You need maximum time and money.
If there is a rough preparation, there should already be wiring, heating, etc., a partial repair is needed. It is more affordable, but you need to put finishing materials. If there are defects, they must be removed.
If a fine finish has already been completed, repairs can not be done. But many do not like the finished version. In this case, you need to invest again, the price will depend on the complexity and volume.
If amateurs worked, in 95% of cases we can talk about technology violations, inappropriate materials are often used. As a result, this leads to even higher costs.
What is included in the price?
On average, a draft one costs at least 2,500-2,600 hryvnias, a renovation from 7,500 hryvnias per square. In a new building, when working on a turnkey basis, on average, you can count on an amount of more than 4,700 hryvnia per square. If you need a design project, the amount should be added separately. What matters is the number of rough work, including the alignment of all surfaces, the type of heating, the installation of air conditioning, underfloor heating, and so on. It also affects the price of finishing, the choice of materials, additional services. That is why to indicate a more accurate amount, agreement with the contractor is required.
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