The apartment is in the building or on the secondary market: what is the best option?
Twenty three million nine hundred fifty eight thousand nine hundred eighty five
In Novokuznetsk today offers different apartments: one-, two - or three-bedroom, luxury or economy class. But first you need to decide whether the residential property to be in the building or is necessary to give preference to the secondary market. To this question to find the answer is not very simple. Even the website page https://nk.etagi.com/realty/odnokomnatnye-kvartiry which shows the proposed in Novokuznetsk apartments, is not always able to help.
Buildings: why is it beneficial?First, you need to understand the concepts. The point is this: not everyone knows what is included in the category of new buildings. It is often assumed that a multi-storey house they built or commissioned. Or at least under construction. Actually it is not, this also includes those apartments that have not yet settled. For example, a house is for several years, most of the apartments are occupied. But there are empty that have not sold. Here they are also referred to as residential real estate from the category of new buildings.
And now we have to figure out what are the advantages of such housing.
Secondary market: pros and cons promisedi apartment in the city that often there before settling have to do the finishing work. But this is both a plus, since the owners can do whatever they see fit. And here at the home from the secondary market has much more disadvantages. Usually old houses are not only worn, many of them are emergency. The whole communication engineering old. And it'll be that or the wiring will not sustain the load, or sewer clogged.
Yet the apartments from the secondary market has its advantages. The most basic advantage is quite well-developed infrastructure. In the neighborhood there are shops, a kindergarten and a school. The second advantage is that the new owner of such housing can be populated immediately. That's his business, to make repairs or not. Equally important is the fact that these apartments are sold throughout the Novokuznetsk, so you can choose the most convenient area. So when choosing an apartment you need to evaluate all positive and negative aspects of each option.
In Novokuznetsk today offers different apartments: one-, two - or three-bedroom, luxury or economy class. But first you need to decide whether the residential property to be in the building or is necessary to give preference to the secondary market. To this question to find the answer is not very simple. Even the website page https://nk.etagi.com/realty/odnokomnatnye-kvartiry which shows the proposed in Novokuznetsk apartments, is not always able to help.

Buildings: why is it beneficial?First, you need to understand the concepts. The point is this: not everyone knows what is included in the category of new buildings. It is often assumed that a multi-storey house they built or commissioned. Or at least under construction. Actually it is not, this also includes those apartments that have not yet settled. For example, a house is for several years, most of the apartments are occupied. But there are empty that have not sold. Here they are also referred to as residential real estate from the category of new buildings.
And now we have to figure out what are the advantages of such housing.
- Buildings built on an entirely new technology, using only modern materials.
- Installed plastic Windows, no wooden frames.
- All networks brand new, so do not be afraid that the water pipe burst or sewer clog is formed.
- The interiors feature comfortable and practical layout.
- There is a possibility of installation of individual heating.
Secondary market: pros and cons promisedi apartment in the city that often there before settling have to do the finishing work. But this is both a plus, since the owners can do whatever they see fit. And here at the home from the secondary market has much more disadvantages. Usually old houses are not only worn, many of them are emergency. The whole communication engineering old. And it'll be that or the wiring will not sustain the load, or sewer clogged.
Yet the apartments from the secondary market has its advantages. The most basic advantage is quite well-developed infrastructure. In the neighborhood there are shops, a kindergarten and a school. The second advantage is that the new owner of such housing can be populated immediately. That's his business, to make repairs or not. Equally important is the fact that these apartments are sold throughout the Novokuznetsk, so you can choose the most convenient area. So when choosing an apartment you need to evaluate all positive and negative aspects of each option.