In the last journey
Special burial accounts in banks, prestigious tombs and resale place in the cemetery - The Village found out how much it cost to die in different countries.
In Moscow, get a decent place in the cemetery is almost as expensive as to acquire real estate. But the family plots, like my grandmother malogabaritki, passed down from generation to generation. This has recently been reported that a complete package of funeral services in Russia is $ 830. And it is much cheaper than in many other countries.
Funeral Germany - costly event. On average, they cost 7 euros. Much depends on the place of burial, services and attributes. According to statistics, 60% of the dead are buried in the graves, and 40% - are cremated.
Option burial in a coffin in the cemetery - the most expensive. Buy a place you can not, you can only rent, paying a fee. Normally, such an agreement is concluded for twenty years. After this period, you can rent a place if you want to extend.
The average price for a place at the German cemetery - 2 400 euros. To this sum must be added 600-800 more per year to care for the grave. The larger the locality, the more expensive. Prices in cemeteries, arranged by the church, generally lower than that indicated in the price lists of municipal cemeteries.
An old friend of my father from Dusseldorf has recently opened a bank account of the funeral, which put 20 thousand euros. He is a believer, it is important that the last way he conducted according to all the canons of the Church. But all the money does not solve problems. Other acquaintances son committed suicide, and his parents had to work to run before finding the deceased last refuge. Cemeteries refused to accept suicide, and as a result of agreement buried in the cemetery of the Jewish community. But other young man, who rushed in late summer a train, without bickering parents were allowed to be buried in the center of the most eminent of the Berlin cemetery. True, I had to pay almost 8000 euros, and at the same time find a place next to her son and for myself.
The most modest option - it is anonymous cremation, it will cost in 2000. After the ashes you can do whatever you like. For example, buried in the ground in the cemetery, in a special wood, placed in a columbarium, or scattered at sea.
Funeral expenses are literally the most recent debt, which will give the relatives of the deceased. By law, these costs are borne by the heirs or blood relatives. It sometimes happens that, for example, an adult woman coming down the bill for the funeral of her father, whom she had seen three times in my life and in the far childhood. Relatives can become an obstacle during last farewell. For example, 63-year-old resident of Munich for six months had to be stored urn husband home. It turned out that the man somewhere has a daughter from his first marriage, which he did not support any relationship. The widow could not find the daughter of the deceased, and without her consent is not allowed to bury the urn.
As elsewhere, the funeral business in Germany is extremely lucrative and cynical. Internet forums are filled with complaints of relatives, on which profit from cunning agents. The problems are the same as in Russia: the competing firms vying to offer their services, people did not have time to emit a last gasp, and vtyuhivayut heartbroken relatives dorogushchie coffins and useless accessories.
Impossibly high prices for funerals have generated in Germany and a new service. Recently, there appeared firms offering funeral several times cheaper. These middlemen take away the deceased into a kind of staging the morgue, waiting typed an entire wagon body (it can take several months), and then transported the goods to the neighboring Czech Republic. There cremation and burying much cheaper.
Another problem - the timing. Bury the dead according to Christian tradition, on the third day (and even more so for a Muslim - before sunset) - is simply impossible. Normally, the date of death until the funeral takes six to eight weeks. If you are very lucky, you get to meet in two or three weeks. The point of the bureaucracy will collect all the necessary documents and sign up for the funeral will come. All die, so - in all!
Crematorium in Romania there, buried in the graves in the cemetery or in the crypts. If the central cemetery in Bucharest and other major cities, the place is expensive, on average, 3-3, 5 thousand euros, and even more expensive. The rich love luxury funeral. A friend of mine found out that she had cancer and wanted to take care of a good pre-grave - she named a sum, which could be bought several cars. And to lie on the Bellu cemetery where lie the celebrity Finance little ones, we need more, and communications. In small towns are cheaper, but in the village - all for free. But once I bought, and to pay more do not. Romanian is called - "eternal place».
Place in a cemetery can be resold if, for example, the family is leaving the region. So do some of the poor, because of the area can get good money. And the next generation, not to buy the land, burying floors. The remains of the corpse dug up, deepening the grave, the reburial of doing, and then covered with a stove and put on top of the next.
If the family stopped going to the grave, the cemetery administration it over time removes and sells another. So the place is released. In rural areas, where many families enough land (is that seven hectares), not buried in the cemetery, and on his site, somewhere in the distance, under a tree.
Sami funeral costs in the amount of 100 to 4 thousand euros, depending on the quality of the coffin and other accessories. If there is no money, then bury the dead for free, at the expense of the state. The family simply state that does not allow income to pay the funeral. This happens in each fourth case. Another option for the poor - to pay for a funeral in installments.
Place the cemetery is about 45 euros per square meter for three years in a columbarium - 131 euros for five years. In major cities, prices slightly higher in small - just below. After three years of the earth again, or have to pay to get the bone and placed in a special shrine. If, before the remains nobody cares, they are after this period will be sent to the common tomb.
If the cemetery is full, then the administration itself can ask for three years "to vacate the premises." Also, after three years first-degree relatives may request the exhumation of the body for reburial elsewhere or cremation.
In Sao Paulo, operates a law when a man bequeathed their organs for transplantation, his family will not have to pay certain taxes and bills related to his death.
The prestigious cemeteries there. For wealthy people is more important to members of the family were buried in the same plot. The rich often buy the land in advance. Normally select or the cemetery, which is located not far from the place where the deceased lived or where other family members are buried. If the deceased had special wishes regarding your funeral (for example, scatter the ashes over Lake Titicaca in Peru), is taken into account as far as possible.
Norway allocates space in the cemetery church. Place of burial depends to some people and belonged to the parish where he lived. If you suddenly want the family grave in the wrong place, and there is limited space, you need to send to church spetszapros. During the life of Norwegians pay church tax - 2 percent of wages, so the cost of the paperwork is not very large.
The ceremony is from 2 thousand euro. The place in the cemetery bought twenty years. But families have to pay for care for the grave. Services of gardener are from 100 euros per year. Twenty years later, the contract can be renewed (it costs about 100 euros per year), otherwise the place will be taken away. By the way, a place in the cemetery you can reserve for yourself in life, it also costs about 100 euros per year. Keep loose grave can be no longer than twenty years. If the deceased left relatives and he was living on welfare, the state will take care of all the funeral expenses, including the ceremony.
In Finland, two state religion - Lutheranism and Orthodoxy. If the deceased was a parishioner, his buried on the existing cemetery, Lutheran or Orthodox, where there is space. To bypass this rule and agree on the place where families want, will not work in Finland with bribes severely. All parishioners are taxed at the church - 1, 75 per cent of salary per year - so their burial service for free. As a rule, in the same church arranged
wake. It may just coffee and muffins, and perhaps a table, as in Russia. The amount of food depends on how much money was late. Interestingly, the relatives do not pay for the funeral, all the money paid from the deceased. If the deceased had no savings, while helping the state stands out for the funeral allowance. Relatives for the money become a bouquet on the grave.
Man buried only after the conclusion of the doctor. Orthodox are trying to bury the third day, as the coffin in the church open for the funeral. Lutherans are sometimes buried even a month and a half (wait until all the relatives gather that all it was convenient), the coffin to say goodbye not open.
Again, if the deceased was in the church, the grave dug up for free. If an atheist, you have to pay for this service. In smaller towns, it costs 250 euros for two seats for 25 years. Generally, an organization engaged in the funeral, as elsewhere, a special bureau. The most common standard costing from 750 to 5000 euros.
A separate item of expenditure - this ad in the newspaper. It costs from 240 to 2 thousand euro. And it's not just a fad relatives. This publication is legally binding, it contains the date of death. Within six months of the death of all those who have property claims to the deceased (debts, disputes, litigation) can declare them to the notary that after this period, when it opened a case of inheritance, the debts of the deceased deducted from the inheritance.
Tbilisi has 26 departmental cemeteries. If a family is not a family tomb, then you need to contact the municipal administration. The administration will provide a place that will need to buy. Such departmental place ourselves funeral will cost 250 lari (about 125 euros). Fifteen years later, with the permission of the Medical Service will be here to do a new burial. If the deceased belonged to the category of "socially disadvantaged persons", then all the costs of his funeral takes over the mayor's office. Crematorium in Georgia yet, the Orthodox Church is against cremation.
But there are expensive cemeteries. Price starts from the place where thousands of GEL (500 euros). At such funerals are usually satisfied with the rich funeral, and a separate large cost item, because they invited 150 people, no less.
My friend, the owner of the vegetable stall, died svёkor. They arrived in Tbilisi from western Georgia, it decided to organize a wedding and a wake in a big way - the custom. She got into debt and has arranged funeral for 600 people. He says it took 10 thousand dollars. And that's not counting the tombstones and funeral services. Then, because of debts woman had to sell the apartment. She is counting on the financial contributions of friends and relatives. (We decided to provide material assistance to the family of the deceased.) But, oddly enough, it was unable to raise sufficient funds. Strange, because the money is usually typed as it remains on the fortieth organization. As a result, the woman now sells his shop.
All funeral in Israel organized by a religious institution, and in the law on the state level. We deal with them Hevrat Kadisha (from the Hebrew. "Chevra" - "Company", "Kaddish" - the prayer for the dead). Hevrat Kadisha - it's like the company "Russian Railways" in the market of Russian railways. They occupied a place that everyone is forced to handle it - I do not know if there are other companies that
engaged in the funeral. Manage Hevrat Kadisha religious radicals - even their website is not working on Saturdays (Shabbat). Unfortunately, they have created a system vzyatochnuyu than once again gave rise to secular segments of the population to hate himself and call "ohley chinam" - "those who eat free" at the expense of other citizens, tax, government, and so on. For example, they make attractive offers to spouses burying their departed loved ones, "Buy yourself the ground next to her husband, and we'll do it for a discount." Himself corpse cremated in Israel is not a Jewish ritual. To carry out the funeral rites must be present at the ceremony of the seven adult men. And then all of Jewish tradition: a full seven days of mourning, funeral forty days, and so on.
The averaged value of the funeral is about 1, 5-2 thousand dollars. Of these, $ 200 - the cost of services Hevrat Kadisha, about 1 400-1 500 dollars - a monument (part of this amount is often covered by a compulsory civil insurance), then $ 50 for the prayer of the rabbi at the cemetery, the grave-digger More 30 and 15 for a memorial prayer in a month.
In Moscow, get a decent place in the cemetery is almost as expensive as to acquire real estate. But the family plots, like my grandmother malogabaritki, passed down from generation to generation. This has recently been reported that a complete package of funeral services in Russia is $ 830. And it is much cheaper than in many other countries.

Funeral Germany - costly event. On average, they cost 7 euros. Much depends on the place of burial, services and attributes. According to statistics, 60% of the dead are buried in the graves, and 40% - are cremated.
Option burial in a coffin in the cemetery - the most expensive. Buy a place you can not, you can only rent, paying a fee. Normally, such an agreement is concluded for twenty years. After this period, you can rent a place if you want to extend.
The average price for a place at the German cemetery - 2 400 euros. To this sum must be added 600-800 more per year to care for the grave. The larger the locality, the more expensive. Prices in cemeteries, arranged by the church, generally lower than that indicated in the price lists of municipal cemeteries.
An old friend of my father from Dusseldorf has recently opened a bank account of the funeral, which put 20 thousand euros. He is a believer, it is important that the last way he conducted according to all the canons of the Church. But all the money does not solve problems. Other acquaintances son committed suicide, and his parents had to work to run before finding the deceased last refuge. Cemeteries refused to accept suicide, and as a result of agreement buried in the cemetery of the Jewish community. But other young man, who rushed in late summer a train, without bickering parents were allowed to be buried in the center of the most eminent of the Berlin cemetery. True, I had to pay almost 8000 euros, and at the same time find a place next to her son and for myself.
The most modest option - it is anonymous cremation, it will cost in 2000. After the ashes you can do whatever you like. For example, buried in the ground in the cemetery, in a special wood, placed in a columbarium, or scattered at sea.
Funeral expenses are literally the most recent debt, which will give the relatives of the deceased. By law, these costs are borne by the heirs or blood relatives. It sometimes happens that, for example, an adult woman coming down the bill for the funeral of her father, whom she had seen three times in my life and in the far childhood. Relatives can become an obstacle during last farewell. For example, 63-year-old resident of Munich for six months had to be stored urn husband home. It turned out that the man somewhere has a daughter from his first marriage, which he did not support any relationship. The widow could not find the daughter of the deceased, and without her consent is not allowed to bury the urn.
As elsewhere, the funeral business in Germany is extremely lucrative and cynical. Internet forums are filled with complaints of relatives, on which profit from cunning agents. The problems are the same as in Russia: the competing firms vying to offer their services, people did not have time to emit a last gasp, and vtyuhivayut heartbroken relatives dorogushchie coffins and useless accessories.
Impossibly high prices for funerals have generated in Germany and a new service. Recently, there appeared firms offering funeral several times cheaper. These middlemen take away the deceased into a kind of staging the morgue, waiting typed an entire wagon body (it can take several months), and then transported the goods to the neighboring Czech Republic. There cremation and burying much cheaper.
Another problem - the timing. Bury the dead according to Christian tradition, on the third day (and even more so for a Muslim - before sunset) - is simply impossible. Normally, the date of death until the funeral takes six to eight weeks. If you are very lucky, you get to meet in two or three weeks. The point of the bureaucracy will collect all the necessary documents and sign up for the funeral will come. All die, so - in all!

Crematorium in Romania there, buried in the graves in the cemetery or in the crypts. If the central cemetery in Bucharest and other major cities, the place is expensive, on average, 3-3, 5 thousand euros, and even more expensive. The rich love luxury funeral. A friend of mine found out that she had cancer and wanted to take care of a good pre-grave - she named a sum, which could be bought several cars. And to lie on the Bellu cemetery where lie the celebrity Finance little ones, we need more, and communications. In small towns are cheaper, but in the village - all for free. But once I bought, and to pay more do not. Romanian is called - "eternal place».
Place in a cemetery can be resold if, for example, the family is leaving the region. So do some of the poor, because of the area can get good money. And the next generation, not to buy the land, burying floors. The remains of the corpse dug up, deepening the grave, the reburial of doing, and then covered with a stove and put on top of the next.
If the family stopped going to the grave, the cemetery administration it over time removes and sells another. So the place is released. In rural areas, where many families enough land (is that seven hectares), not buried in the cemetery, and on his site, somewhere in the distance, under a tree.
Sami funeral costs in the amount of 100 to 4 thousand euros, depending on the quality of the coffin and other accessories. If there is no money, then bury the dead for free, at the expense of the state. The family simply state that does not allow income to pay the funeral. This happens in each fourth case. Another option for the poor - to pay for a funeral in installments.
Place the cemetery is about 45 euros per square meter for three years in a columbarium - 131 euros for five years. In major cities, prices slightly higher in small - just below. After three years of the earth again, or have to pay to get the bone and placed in a special shrine. If, before the remains nobody cares, they are after this period will be sent to the common tomb.
If the cemetery is full, then the administration itself can ask for three years "to vacate the premises." Also, after three years first-degree relatives may request the exhumation of the body for reburial elsewhere or cremation.
In Sao Paulo, operates a law when a man bequeathed their organs for transplantation, his family will not have to pay certain taxes and bills related to his death.
The prestigious cemeteries there. For wealthy people is more important to members of the family were buried in the same plot. The rich often buy the land in advance. Normally select or the cemetery, which is located not far from the place where the deceased lived or where other family members are buried. If the deceased had special wishes regarding your funeral (for example, scatter the ashes over Lake Titicaca in Peru), is taken into account as far as possible.
Norway allocates space in the cemetery church. Place of burial depends to some people and belonged to the parish where he lived. If you suddenly want the family grave in the wrong place, and there is limited space, you need to send to church spetszapros. During the life of Norwegians pay church tax - 2 percent of wages, so the cost of the paperwork is not very large.
The ceremony is from 2 thousand euro. The place in the cemetery bought twenty years. But families have to pay for care for the grave. Services of gardener are from 100 euros per year. Twenty years later, the contract can be renewed (it costs about 100 euros per year), otherwise the place will be taken away. By the way, a place in the cemetery you can reserve for yourself in life, it also costs about 100 euros per year. Keep loose grave can be no longer than twenty years. If the deceased left relatives and he was living on welfare, the state will take care of all the funeral expenses, including the ceremony.
In Finland, two state religion - Lutheranism and Orthodoxy. If the deceased was a parishioner, his buried on the existing cemetery, Lutheran or Orthodox, where there is space. To bypass this rule and agree on the place where families want, will not work in Finland with bribes severely. All parishioners are taxed at the church - 1, 75 per cent of salary per year - so their burial service for free. As a rule, in the same church arranged
wake. It may just coffee and muffins, and perhaps a table, as in Russia. The amount of food depends on how much money was late. Interestingly, the relatives do not pay for the funeral, all the money paid from the deceased. If the deceased had no savings, while helping the state stands out for the funeral allowance. Relatives for the money become a bouquet on the grave.
Man buried only after the conclusion of the doctor. Orthodox are trying to bury the third day, as the coffin in the church open for the funeral. Lutherans are sometimes buried even a month and a half (wait until all the relatives gather that all it was convenient), the coffin to say goodbye not open.
Again, if the deceased was in the church, the grave dug up for free. If an atheist, you have to pay for this service. In smaller towns, it costs 250 euros for two seats for 25 years. Generally, an organization engaged in the funeral, as elsewhere, a special bureau. The most common standard costing from 750 to 5000 euros.
A separate item of expenditure - this ad in the newspaper. It costs from 240 to 2 thousand euro. And it's not just a fad relatives. This publication is legally binding, it contains the date of death. Within six months of the death of all those who have property claims to the deceased (debts, disputes, litigation) can declare them to the notary that after this period, when it opened a case of inheritance, the debts of the deceased deducted from the inheritance.

Tbilisi has 26 departmental cemeteries. If a family is not a family tomb, then you need to contact the municipal administration. The administration will provide a place that will need to buy. Such departmental place ourselves funeral will cost 250 lari (about 125 euros). Fifteen years later, with the permission of the Medical Service will be here to do a new burial. If the deceased belonged to the category of "socially disadvantaged persons", then all the costs of his funeral takes over the mayor's office. Crematorium in Georgia yet, the Orthodox Church is against cremation.
But there are expensive cemeteries. Price starts from the place where thousands of GEL (500 euros). At such funerals are usually satisfied with the rich funeral, and a separate large cost item, because they invited 150 people, no less.
My friend, the owner of the vegetable stall, died svёkor. They arrived in Tbilisi from western Georgia, it decided to organize a wedding and a wake in a big way - the custom. She got into debt and has arranged funeral for 600 people. He says it took 10 thousand dollars. And that's not counting the tombstones and funeral services. Then, because of debts woman had to sell the apartment. She is counting on the financial contributions of friends and relatives. (We decided to provide material assistance to the family of the deceased.) But, oddly enough, it was unable to raise sufficient funds. Strange, because the money is usually typed as it remains on the fortieth organization. As a result, the woman now sells his shop.
All funeral in Israel organized by a religious institution, and in the law on the state level. We deal with them Hevrat Kadisha (from the Hebrew. "Chevra" - "Company", "Kaddish" - the prayer for the dead). Hevrat Kadisha - it's like the company "Russian Railways" in the market of Russian railways. They occupied a place that everyone is forced to handle it - I do not know if there are other companies that
engaged in the funeral. Manage Hevrat Kadisha religious radicals - even their website is not working on Saturdays (Shabbat). Unfortunately, they have created a system vzyatochnuyu than once again gave rise to secular segments of the population to hate himself and call "ohley chinam" - "those who eat free" at the expense of other citizens, tax, government, and so on. For example, they make attractive offers to spouses burying their departed loved ones, "Buy yourself the ground next to her husband, and we'll do it for a discount." Himself corpse cremated in Israel is not a Jewish ritual. To carry out the funeral rites must be present at the ceremony of the seven adult men. And then all of Jewish tradition: a full seven days of mourning, funeral forty days, and so on.
The averaged value of the funeral is about 1, 5-2 thousand dollars. Of these, $ 200 - the cost of services Hevrat Kadisha, about 1 400-1 500 dollars - a monument (part of this amount is often covered by a compulsory civil insurance), then $ 50 for the prayer of the rabbi at the cemetery, the grave-digger More 30 and 15 for a memorial prayer in a month.