Two ways of tranquility
There are two ways of peace. Or you can call them two roads to happiness. However, this is not true because both of these paths assume that for happiness to go anywhere and do not...
One option is the path of indistinguishability. The failure to distinguish what? Yes everything concerning external conditions and circumstances. It is a way of avoiding the great illusion, which, as every self-respecting Buddhist, and is our world. That is Buddhist and I seem to be this way, though no relation to canonical Buddhism, he may not have. Of course, this does not mean that choosing this way man does not understand and does not distinguish what is happening around. But inside him, in that little group of cells that tells the brain signals “I feel good” and “bad me” blocked impulses from the outside.
This religious path, from the word “re-ligio” which means: “restoring communications”. In this case, with yourself.
Whether is cold or warm. Bustling around the city, or Paradise among the trees. Supporters and friends are near, and maybe people are absolutely indifferent... It's not that important, because his state of mind, mood, and the whole picture of the world a man draws from within himself. Everything goes together, because their differences do not matter.
What good is this path? The independence of mind from external circumstances. Comfortable and dry? Well. Wet and nasty? Too bad. Such nerazluchnymi is not typical stress does not happen and the frustration, resentment when one has no expectations, no disappointments, and when the internal state does not depend on achievements in a fantasy world, and nowhere to aim. This is the path of acceptance of the world as it is – difficult to understand and to feel unaccustomed to this way of thinking to person, inclined to divide the world into good and bad, black and white.
Thus, it is impossible to think that needlecase is definitely overgrown hermit in a cave. On the contrary, he may have the dedication to play the game, offer the illusion to be very social and even successful in society. And maybe even rejoice in their achievements – as long we enjoy winning in a Board game before you forget about it and get to work.
Perhaps the lack of distinction is the way most natural.
I remember the famous story of two Buddhists, who broke up in childhood and learned from different mentors. Twenty years later they meet by the river. One of the Buddhists, wishing to boast of their achievements, to cross the river directly on the water surface. Returned tired but pleased with himself.
And you learned it twenty years? "says another," Yeah you wasted so much time!
With these words he pulls out of reed boat, sits down at her and quietly crosses the river.
Another option – the way of the warrior, path of the active, active. Going this path does not ignore external circumstances, but use them for your improvement. If the approach of indistinguishability – religious, the way of the warrior – mystic.
Active listening in the world and the perception of its characters.
Active formation of the self by tracking their behavioral and emotional reactions.
Active use of the surrounding events, environment and people for the accumulation of personal power and develop their abilities.
Unlike conventional Buddhist, a mystic sees the differences and acknowledges the circumstances, but also does not suffer from them. Know that suffering is either out of self-pity and a sense of exclusivity (option layman), or from a desire to suffer (option a fanatic or a masochist). In addition, suffering may occur because of the inability to reach a goal or gain. This man, completely owning him, can answer unbending intent, which even by itself is enough to change the universe), as well as its tranquility, allowing you to wait and not rush where it is needed.
“Magic” in the original, shamanistic sense of the word (and in fact is quite natural) abilities – a side effect of this way saves a lot of energy is usually consumed in huge quantities to the manifestations of behavioral and emotional patterns.
The warrior's way seems more complicated, although this is hardly the case. It is just different.
What is the English humor, that is, one which not everyone can understand without a prior dose of any psychedelic drink? That both paths lead nowhere. As, however, and all the rest. Rather, they lead to the same place and all. They do not make any sense as anything. Way is a meaning in itself, the existential process of life. And awareness of this remarkable fact, in my opinion, the whole point. published
Author: Andrew Nordbon
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: mindness.ru/dva_puti_spokoistviya/
One option is the path of indistinguishability. The failure to distinguish what? Yes everything concerning external conditions and circumstances. It is a way of avoiding the great illusion, which, as every self-respecting Buddhist, and is our world. That is Buddhist and I seem to be this way, though no relation to canonical Buddhism, he may not have. Of course, this does not mean that choosing this way man does not understand and does not distinguish what is happening around. But inside him, in that little group of cells that tells the brain signals “I feel good” and “bad me” blocked impulses from the outside.

This religious path, from the word “re-ligio” which means: “restoring communications”. In this case, with yourself.
Whether is cold or warm. Bustling around the city, or Paradise among the trees. Supporters and friends are near, and maybe people are absolutely indifferent... It's not that important, because his state of mind, mood, and the whole picture of the world a man draws from within himself. Everything goes together, because their differences do not matter.
What good is this path? The independence of mind from external circumstances. Comfortable and dry? Well. Wet and nasty? Too bad. Such nerazluchnymi is not typical stress does not happen and the frustration, resentment when one has no expectations, no disappointments, and when the internal state does not depend on achievements in a fantasy world, and nowhere to aim. This is the path of acceptance of the world as it is – difficult to understand and to feel unaccustomed to this way of thinking to person, inclined to divide the world into good and bad, black and white.
Thus, it is impossible to think that needlecase is definitely overgrown hermit in a cave. On the contrary, he may have the dedication to play the game, offer the illusion to be very social and even successful in society. And maybe even rejoice in their achievements – as long we enjoy winning in a Board game before you forget about it and get to work.
Perhaps the lack of distinction is the way most natural.
I remember the famous story of two Buddhists, who broke up in childhood and learned from different mentors. Twenty years later they meet by the river. One of the Buddhists, wishing to boast of their achievements, to cross the river directly on the water surface. Returned tired but pleased with himself.
And you learned it twenty years? "says another," Yeah you wasted so much time!
With these words he pulls out of reed boat, sits down at her and quietly crosses the river.
Another option – the way of the warrior, path of the active, active. Going this path does not ignore external circumstances, but use them for your improvement. If the approach of indistinguishability – religious, the way of the warrior – mystic.
Active listening in the world and the perception of its characters.
Active formation of the self by tracking their behavioral and emotional reactions.
Active use of the surrounding events, environment and people for the accumulation of personal power and develop their abilities.
Unlike conventional Buddhist, a mystic sees the differences and acknowledges the circumstances, but also does not suffer from them. Know that suffering is either out of self-pity and a sense of exclusivity (option layman), or from a desire to suffer (option a fanatic or a masochist). In addition, suffering may occur because of the inability to reach a goal or gain. This man, completely owning him, can answer unbending intent, which even by itself is enough to change the universe), as well as its tranquility, allowing you to wait and not rush where it is needed.
“Magic” in the original, shamanistic sense of the word (and in fact is quite natural) abilities – a side effect of this way saves a lot of energy is usually consumed in huge quantities to the manifestations of behavioral and emotional patterns.
The warrior's way seems more complicated, although this is hardly the case. It is just different.
What is the English humor, that is, one which not everyone can understand without a prior dose of any psychedelic drink? That both paths lead nowhere. As, however, and all the rest. Rather, they lead to the same place and all. They do not make any sense as anything. Way is a meaning in itself, the existential process of life. And awareness of this remarkable fact, in my opinion, the whole point. published
Author: Andrew Nordbon
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: mindness.ru/dva_puti_spokoistviya/