Effective ways of dealing with negativity
Think that life will deliver us all the most unpleasant moments? I think You will agree that inharmonious relations with other people. And if such relations are present at work, at home and with relatives, etc., then life becomes a nightmare.
Even if Your life is good, You will still be helpful to learn the techniques that I present today to Your attention, because people in life we meet different...
The technique is called "Psychoenergetic aykido. Why Aikido, You ask? As you know, is one of the types of martial arts. As martial arts differ in that this technology is to repel the aggression.
This is a universal technique. You can use it to harmonize personal relationships and relationships at work, just in the course of life. You do not only benefit yourself but will also help other people.
So, let's begin.
Let's say in Your life is, or suddenly a man appeared, which makes you negative emotions. By the way, let's look at the word "negative". As you know, in old Russian language the word "ha" or "gat", which meant "the way." Hence, for example, the word "foot". Only in old Russian it was written "naked," i.e., that part of the body, which we go on the road. Similarly, "negative" is what prevents us to go on the road, on the Way in the broadest sense of the word.
Well, there's a person who causes in You negative emotions. For example, the most common emotion – irritation. Well, it annoys You, infuriates.
Step one. Clearly define your emotion. Whether this irritation? maybe jealousy or something else? Well, let's say that after all the irritation.
Step two. If You are annoyed, what feelings do You lack? Ie this person You like wins something? In the case of irritation, it may be, for example, peace of mind. Of course, what peace, if You are annoyed?! And, perhaps, confidence. Try being objective and honest to yourself to understand what this person "takes away". Let's say, still calm.
Step three. Logic dictates that if a person selects something from the other, so he did not have enough. And the universal Law of relationships States that will be selected just from someone who is also of this deficit, because if a person has something in excess, he is generously sharing it. Ie if You have a peace was abundant, the people around You just "infected" Your peace of mind, and not taken it from You. This means that calm-just (in our case) deficit and You and that person who annoys You.
What to do with it, You ask ?
Step four. How can not strange at first it will sound, you have to give people what You have it takes, i.e. to give "no strings attached, ie Doug," as said by the Owl in a cartoon about Winnie-the-Pooh. To give voluntarily! To give a gift! And the thing is that there is one "selfish" thing: again, according to the Laws of the Universe, what you give back to you many times. Not for nothing do they say: as you sow, so shall you reap, etc. Send good – get good, send evil be punished. So, you have to give this man what he selects, i.e., in our example, the peace of mind.
How to do it?
Step five. Starts probably the most difficult moment. You have to understand that for this man, peace of mind, it is necessary to correctly identify the image. After all, each individual image of your peace: for some it's a suitcase full of money, for some, a soft bed, for some, the sea shore etc. ie you need to determine what this man of peace is not enough...
For example, You assume that this person is just very tired and he would sleep. Then try to give him the image of beautiful bed with crisp white sheets, airy pillows.
Step six. You close your eyes (this is necessary only first to learn how to clearly present the images and do not stray to external) and vividly imagine a beautiful fresh bed, with a fluffy soft pillow. Imagine it all so You wanted there to be pampered. Great! Now imagine that right now You are faced with the same man, and just mentally tell him the way. To convey the image necessary 5-7 times. Do it wholeheartedly! Well, let the man rest,
Step seven. Observe the image of someone who makes a gift. You will feel, if he is the gift "took", You will understand. If You correctly identified the image, the person a gift will take, and Your relationships harmonized. If You do not clearly what exactly this man is not enough, You will understand that it is this way doesn't "take". Then try something different to give. Do it until, until you "feel for" the right gift. In very advanced ways, it is necessary to do a certain number of times, maybe with different gifts. However, the result will be !
Step eight. Thank this man because he took Your gift. Open your eyes.
A note of caution. In no case do not give negative! Remember that everything will come back to You repeatedly!
And now I want to give you an example from my practical work, to make it clearer.
I worked with a girl. She was 23 years old. She had requested that her mother not glued relationship.
Jan: I Have problems with my mother, she blames me for everything she bad always, she gave birth to me later, at age 38, she blames my father, but not really loved him, just married, because it was too late to choose, because her true love died in the army. I just can't understand why if you bore me. why, then, is not raised, she said that it was difficult... dumped me with grandma and grandpa and all question decided, actually she was already not needed, just hard with the person to communicate when love is not, she does not like me, I sometimes think. that my friend, who has no children (or rather the son died) and... how it softly to call the person though... What to do?
I: what feelings do you experience due to such a relationship with the mother ?
Jan: feeling depressed...
I: decipher read more in 2-3 sentences
Jan: When she offends me, it hurts me. And when he says that I'm to blame too...
I: let's read more. this is very important! what is this pain? what do you feel? for example: aggression, guilt, fear... ?
Jan: aggression and escape, already was so I ran to his the familiar.
I: you Wake up in the aggression, you run away. what do you feel then?
Ian: "I throw it, or become isolated...
I: what do you feel? what do you think ?
Ian: feel the fear, fear and helplessness
I: that's good. let's understand – the fear of what? what are you afraid of?
Jan: fear of loneliness
I: so You feel lonely and helpless? So?
Jana: Yes...
I: so it turns out that mom, how would you provoke these emotions, ie how to take away a sense of security. So? or is it confidence?
Ian: Yes, security
I: the trick is that people take from others only what they lack. despite the fact that select only from those who have is also not enough, because when a person is filled, he generously shares with all
Yana: Yes, that's right...
I: and it turns out that your mother also lacks a sense of security. Right?
Ian: Yes! sure!
I: here begins the most important and the most difficult. how do you think your mom will be protected? what she is missing?
Jan: security – to be strong... not enough health....
I: no, to be strong – it's not security. well, health is still not quite right. here again we can look at the outside of the fulcrum. What external circumstances might help your mom to feel secure?
Yana: male
Me: that's better. Now imagine a man who can make your mother protected. Close your eyes and imagine in detail, feel its energy. This is called to create the image. Now create an image of the mother, ie, just imagine it in front of you now. And now this image of a man as would give his mother. Mentally tell her this way 5-7 times. And feel like looking at it. how did she react ?
Jan: smiled... the difficulty is that does not want to have anyone near me....
Me: cool! you clever! so you correctly guessed the right way! it does not matter that she doesn't want, she just does not believe that such a man there. And you are giving her not a real man, and this energy, give a SENSE of security. This can be done as often as possible and watch how they will change your relationship. And another now definitely again imagine mom and thank her for the fact that she accepted the gift. It ?
Jan: I think so....
I: excellent! Good for you! There still is a "selfish" moment. There is a law of the universe that what you GIVE to another person, you also coming. When you give the mother a sense of security, you have it growing, too! Same you can do with the relations with that woman. Determine what is missing and give her the look. if you can't figure out the way (because for example security is different for everyone: for some, man, for someone your house to someone the suitcase with the money), I just feel that people not take a gift or anything in the relationship will not change. Just try with another image and watch. just remember that will present — will come back to you 10-fold !
Jan: I understand, thank you !
I often apply this practice, and it gives great results. Will not let me lie some of my girlfriends, sometime in the beginning of the relationship, we had serious friction !
I give You this practice and want of harmony in everything!
© Tatyana Radiant
Source: /users/559
Even if Your life is good, You will still be helpful to learn the techniques that I present today to Your attention, because people in life we meet different...
The technique is called "Psychoenergetic aykido. Why Aikido, You ask? As you know, is one of the types of martial arts. As martial arts differ in that this technology is to repel the aggression.
This is a universal technique. You can use it to harmonize personal relationships and relationships at work, just in the course of life. You do not only benefit yourself but will also help other people.
So, let's begin.
Let's say in Your life is, or suddenly a man appeared, which makes you negative emotions. By the way, let's look at the word "negative". As you know, in old Russian language the word "ha" or "gat", which meant "the way." Hence, for example, the word "foot". Only in old Russian it was written "naked," i.e., that part of the body, which we go on the road. Similarly, "negative" is what prevents us to go on the road, on the Way in the broadest sense of the word.
Well, there's a person who causes in You negative emotions. For example, the most common emotion – irritation. Well, it annoys You, infuriates.
Step one. Clearly define your emotion. Whether this irritation? maybe jealousy or something else? Well, let's say that after all the irritation.
Step two. If You are annoyed, what feelings do You lack? Ie this person You like wins something? In the case of irritation, it may be, for example, peace of mind. Of course, what peace, if You are annoyed?! And, perhaps, confidence. Try being objective and honest to yourself to understand what this person "takes away". Let's say, still calm.
Step three. Logic dictates that if a person selects something from the other, so he did not have enough. And the universal Law of relationships States that will be selected just from someone who is also of this deficit, because if a person has something in excess, he is generously sharing it. Ie if You have a peace was abundant, the people around You just "infected" Your peace of mind, and not taken it from You. This means that calm-just (in our case) deficit and You and that person who annoys You.
What to do with it, You ask ?
Step four. How can not strange at first it will sound, you have to give people what You have it takes, i.e. to give "no strings attached, ie Doug," as said by the Owl in a cartoon about Winnie-the-Pooh. To give voluntarily! To give a gift! And the thing is that there is one "selfish" thing: again, according to the Laws of the Universe, what you give back to you many times. Not for nothing do they say: as you sow, so shall you reap, etc. Send good – get good, send evil be punished. So, you have to give this man what he selects, i.e., in our example, the peace of mind.
How to do it?
Step five. Starts probably the most difficult moment. You have to understand that for this man, peace of mind, it is necessary to correctly identify the image. After all, each individual image of your peace: for some it's a suitcase full of money, for some, a soft bed, for some, the sea shore etc. ie you need to determine what this man of peace is not enough...
For example, You assume that this person is just very tired and he would sleep. Then try to give him the image of beautiful bed with crisp white sheets, airy pillows.
Step six. You close your eyes (this is necessary only first to learn how to clearly present the images and do not stray to external) and vividly imagine a beautiful fresh bed, with a fluffy soft pillow. Imagine it all so You wanted there to be pampered. Great! Now imagine that right now You are faced with the same man, and just mentally tell him the way. To convey the image necessary 5-7 times. Do it wholeheartedly! Well, let the man rest,
Step seven. Observe the image of someone who makes a gift. You will feel, if he is the gift "took", You will understand. If You correctly identified the image, the person a gift will take, and Your relationships harmonized. If You do not clearly what exactly this man is not enough, You will understand that it is this way doesn't "take". Then try something different to give. Do it until, until you "feel for" the right gift. In very advanced ways, it is necessary to do a certain number of times, maybe with different gifts. However, the result will be !

Step eight. Thank this man because he took Your gift. Open your eyes.
A note of caution. In no case do not give negative! Remember that everything will come back to You repeatedly!
And now I want to give you an example from my practical work, to make it clearer.
I worked with a girl. She was 23 years old. She had requested that her mother not glued relationship.
Jan: I Have problems with my mother, she blames me for everything she bad always, she gave birth to me later, at age 38, she blames my father, but not really loved him, just married, because it was too late to choose, because her true love died in the army. I just can't understand why if you bore me. why, then, is not raised, she said that it was difficult... dumped me with grandma and grandpa and all question decided, actually she was already not needed, just hard with the person to communicate when love is not, she does not like me, I sometimes think. that my friend, who has no children (or rather the son died) and... how it softly to call the person though... What to do?
I: what feelings do you experience due to such a relationship with the mother ?
Jan: feeling depressed...
I: decipher read more in 2-3 sentences
Jan: When she offends me, it hurts me. And when he says that I'm to blame too...
I: let's read more. this is very important! what is this pain? what do you feel? for example: aggression, guilt, fear... ?
Jan: aggression and escape, already was so I ran to his the familiar.
I: you Wake up in the aggression, you run away. what do you feel then?
Ian: "I throw it, or become isolated...
I: what do you feel? what do you think ?
Ian: feel the fear, fear and helplessness
I: that's good. let's understand – the fear of what? what are you afraid of?
Jan: fear of loneliness
I: so You feel lonely and helpless? So?
Jana: Yes...
I: so it turns out that mom, how would you provoke these emotions, ie how to take away a sense of security. So? or is it confidence?
Ian: Yes, security
I: the trick is that people take from others only what they lack. despite the fact that select only from those who have is also not enough, because when a person is filled, he generously shares with all
Yana: Yes, that's right...
I: and it turns out that your mother also lacks a sense of security. Right?
Ian: Yes! sure!
I: here begins the most important and the most difficult. how do you think your mom will be protected? what she is missing?
Jan: security – to be strong... not enough health....
I: no, to be strong – it's not security. well, health is still not quite right. here again we can look at the outside of the fulcrum. What external circumstances might help your mom to feel secure?
Yana: male
Me: that's better. Now imagine a man who can make your mother protected. Close your eyes and imagine in detail, feel its energy. This is called to create the image. Now create an image of the mother, ie, just imagine it in front of you now. And now this image of a man as would give his mother. Mentally tell her this way 5-7 times. And feel like looking at it. how did she react ?
Jan: smiled... the difficulty is that does not want to have anyone near me....
Me: cool! you clever! so you correctly guessed the right way! it does not matter that she doesn't want, she just does not believe that such a man there. And you are giving her not a real man, and this energy, give a SENSE of security. This can be done as often as possible and watch how they will change your relationship. And another now definitely again imagine mom and thank her for the fact that she accepted the gift. It ?
Jan: I think so....
I: excellent! Good for you! There still is a "selfish" moment. There is a law of the universe that what you GIVE to another person, you also coming. When you give the mother a sense of security, you have it growing, too! Same you can do with the relations with that woman. Determine what is missing and give her the look. if you can't figure out the way (because for example security is different for everyone: for some, man, for someone your house to someone the suitcase with the money), I just feel that people not take a gift or anything in the relationship will not change. Just try with another image and watch. just remember that will present — will come back to you 10-fold !
Jan: I understand, thank you !
I often apply this practice, and it gives great results. Will not let me lie some of my girlfriends, sometime in the beginning of the relationship, we had serious friction !
I give You this practice and want of harmony in everything!
© Tatyana Radiant
Source: /users/559