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On mastering the ability to be able to open paths.

Stars shine to everyone, not lighting the way, but pointing the way. What can be the way to go if you're already at the point in time the "now" in which you need to be?

Path - a state unwrapped, promptings opening in a certain direction. There are two extreme positions: an open path and closed path.

The openness of the way - when every step in every moment "now" is accompanied by a state of being in this point as acceptable, pleasant, sustainable, creative and filling. Opened the way - this is the position of the field of creation.

Closed way - when a person is in a confined space, volume, area, time - it is always the presence of the potential limitations of shortage. Restrictions and closing always built not from objective reality and from the head - of restricting structures of the person who tortured and oppressed it is output to the state of unbearable when it is difficult to find itself and staying with life.

Open the way - the absolute presence of all, of all the possibilities.

Closed way - absolute lack of anything was appropriate quality and characteristics: the presence of meaning to fight, defense, desire to keep what you have, escape from another, comparing yourself to others and try to protect their resources from external invasion.

This polarity artificial. It was set up to control and manipulate, and very quickly integrated into all spheres of human life. Being able to close the stream, in a confined space, a person begins to suffocate his own impurities. It is produced in the injection form of information or knowledge about a particular device things. Man takes it, then begins to spin inside and suffocate what he meets and multiplies, increases, accelerates.

In a state of open borders is impossible to feel the flow - they are out of reach. How would you move or walked, there is always unlimited.

The true nature of man - in a state of flux as disclosed in limitless. He (the man) in its database carries a huge opportunity, which is able to unpack and create new situations in life and the life of the space itself quite differently.

In the closed state of the flow of people plunged through the family, the parents, the near surroundings. As soon as he begins to understand, and his personality is able to make choices, he immediately grant the binary system - so it creates the border in his perception.

Such constructions are dangerous because people become permanently crippled. Through its binary system he can not see and perceive everything else, that a vast, capacious, real, perfect and deep. He was in the beginning turned off the ability to draw a given depth and filled it.

Man mutilated. He was given the constraints. On the other hand, the boundaries at some period to create a safe, at least for those who keep these boundaries. But further - that is what is starting to be a prison of the man himself.

When people set foot on the path of awareness themselves, feel a constant internal pressure, the presence in facilities that are more or less (mostly - when a person gives resistance of plants) under pressure, affect the human being, trying to shift the focus to themselves, that it was considered with these settings, I have lived and could not fend off all this.

Seeing what is happening - one of the steps.

First, it is possible - is to admit that there is a closed flow in limiting and unlimited open flow - two polarities. Perhaps, in some areas you pass closer to the open flow, and you have something to work. In other - it does not work, because you get very close or entirely in closed flow.

Yes, there are many degrees and degrees, but still they are located between the two natural position. It is important to see, to know and to take into account these natural position.

For example, a closed flow is good when a person carries destruction or destruction when it started by someone else. The apparent evolution of something is both destructive for the rest.

There are people who are originally in the structure contain the problem of saving the world, the highest values ​​of service, supporting higher state of consciousness. Even when they forgot everything, forgot about themselves, they came into this world and begin to play by the rules of this world, when in pursuit of fleeing, getting yourself some good, and of gold, their structure can not forget about it. In the depths of their being they are always bearers of right and wrong.

When they get on a routine basis and become part of the system, which is engaged in the destruction of the world, being in the system, they simply shift its range. To create such conditions that at one point pushed the system to crash or to move to the next level, where there is the possibility of sustained improvement and transformation, which in its most profound initially contains truthfulness.

Know if you cause tears or contraction, or, alternatively, the expansion of the chest, the heart, when it comes to planetary and human processes of the cosmos, and you some of their often feel that you do not indifferent - it says that your inner being is a holographic component, which reflects the common cosmic principles based on nurturing life, nurture life, and engender vitality - all that is life and its possibilities.

Understanding these processes can help to bring you into the presence of the presence of an open flow from the unconscious state to the conscious. If a person begins to realize and understand, it can rethink everything that happened to him in the past life, when at a certain stage of his mind the things he seemed ordinary and commonplace, because all that live. If it looks from a higher level of consciousness, we can see that was a part, a cog in the process of planetary destruction or universal: it influenced the destruction of consciousness or physical processes, pollution and the lack of quality in the lowering in certain aspects. Then he can understand the cause of disasters in his life that happened to him before.

Now, picking their way, its direction, one can no longer trust yourself to go through, in tune with their deep intentions.

There comes a point in life when the underlying ideas of the quiet, close to a man in space and does not prevent him to live, go to a state priority, when everything else that does not fit them, swept aside.

It occurs when the training period ends with the human being. At the end of this period, all concessions for it to an end, and now the attitude to his actions, motives and desires, decisions are quite different. Its decisions have to be so perfect and perfect fit single cosmic principle of perfection of life, not to have even attempted to break them or to compromise.

Open the way and closed path.

None of the beings incarnated here now, the open road itself is not shown. It is connected with the environment that is fully configured to shut off any possibility of an ideal state in tune with them open. So many of you conscious of your right direction in relation to the outside world, conscious of disequilibrium and imbalance of how things work, and who want to go into more sophisticated interaction, it is difficult, because you have to wade through huge piles and overcome obstacles. Everyone who came to the open road, is indicative of the open source way.

It opens the way it is impossible to comprehend at once. Perhaps in touch with him, to be in it, but it is unfathomable and deep way. When a man is only in contact with an open path, touch the surface occurs. Then the man drawn deeper, deeper and deeper - there is a certain degree of recess when there is a qualitative change. Most people do not fall out of it, because it strengthens the inside and looks at the world after the open road. There is no more doubt and provocation in his life - he is out of reach for them.

Its further deepening - is improving to hone skills, in wisdom, in depth comprehension of life, when life becomes a very pleasant thing, regardless of what events occur: pleasant, from the point of view of interaction, awareness and the processes occurring in every moment life. This is a huge plus, a great victory of man, because he totally shifted in their quality.

However, since the contact to a point where irreversible binding occurs in the open space path passes some time. Once a person has come into contact with the point of the open road, all the forces that affect and control the world around us, and plant everything and everyone in this world closed way: depending on duality, restrictions, availability of fear that all of course, everything could end, and, therefore, availability of struggle, trying to protect against possible attacks, a strong desire to be or not to appear weak, the desire to create some reserves, distrust of others - it all starts with great power to fall on a man very cleverly and subtly. Sometimes they overlap all the possibilities that were open. For this applied tremendous efforts by the outside world, supporting the closed path.

The man then begins to doubt, because everything goes wrong, it ends with him, he no longer lucky, he takes an open connections are closed before the open opportunities. He is at a loss, or even more, in a fright. Then he begins to see and understand that all these misfortunes occurred because he made some steps.

This causes him to abandon the movement further into the open road, despite the fact that when only touched the open road, it all your being, with all its parts, the heart and the cells of knew - this is what you need, that's right. Under the influence of pressure a person begins to retreat.

You can retreat - there is nothing wrong, because those impacts that are carried on the person, always putting pressure on its most vulnerable points, and break them even more - it is impossible to tolerate.

But if you understand the impact of what is happening, and it's not an accident, not a fight with someone and something, it's your own moment of choice, an internal process that goes to the outside, then we can ask ourselves, "Who am I here? Why am I here? Would I choose if I go that way, which is to me and realize what is important and should be, to make the world something unique that can make just me? Let it be a small drop, but it's exactly what I must do. Then I still need to go. I can catch my breath, watch, watch, and then move again, again and again, trusting more and more themselves ».

There will come a time when you can do it, despite the pain that those throwing and obstacles that may be perpetrated on your way - just one point all this ceases to be relevant. Then you pass.

When something ceases to be relevant, simply cease to cling to, you cease to be identified as the some important and valuable things that have inspired you. You may become insensitive in relation to something, but only in order to go through to find himself and to enter into themselves to create opportunities open the way for themselves.

If you feel or how you feel, you know, what the open road, you can take the first or the next first step, saying: "I am there. I am willing / ready. I wonder, in that at all costs, to see what it is. " When you are at the track screaming: "Do not go. It is a threat to your life. You sginesh. With you happen terrible and irreparable ", you can decide that, yes, it can happen, but it can happen when you do not go anywhere, because this can not be fully insured. Then you decide to try what exactly happened there, to look and see with their own eyes and feel.

There are a lot of ways. Man always choose the one that is now able to select, in accordance with its depth of the request or according to their external motivation. So, from what you decide to live, of what you are and live.

When choosing interior: your inner knowing, your inner originality, depth, a core foundation associated with your soul, your higher aspects, you will always choose the path that is right for you, even if you are told that you can hurt himself on it. But if you go there, then you'll be all right on this road.

Everyone is able to know the possibilities of life in the open stream.

And you can.