Man rescued fox from certain death, and that's what it has become
Website learned an amazing story of a charming lisёnka, who was lucky to be saved from certain death. And we hasten to share this story with your chitatelyami.Viksi, like thousands of others like her, was born on a fur farm, where she was to spend his brief and bleak life in a small cage. She lived for a wire mesh and its paws were sick from a lack of physical activity, the conditions of physical activity were excluded. It would have ended his life seven months teenager who first farmers would have been killed by electricity, and then skinned.
It's hard to say where it would have sported a fur coat. Perhaps it would be of any rich woman, wrapped around the neck, or it would hem jacket, or decoration for shoes. Fortunately, with Vixie just did not happen. She was lucky.
"My goal, as well as a great dream was to save at least one defenseless fox farm in this awful and thus save you from a life of suffering and cruel death at the end. My heart is filled with pain, when I saw a photo and video of the intolerable conditions in which these animals were kept. And though I was powerless to help all, I felt that my duty - to try to make a difference at least one of them "- says the guy who lives Vixie.
"I could not imagine how difficult it would be to buy a fox. The hardest thing was to find a breeder who have agreed to sell the animal. I remember I phoned then all farms are engaged in breeding of foxes, but they all refused. But after a number of attempts in the same household, I still agreed to sell it ».
Now the fox lives in the house his savior and delights him with their funny antics h3>
via twizz.ru/paren-kupil-lisu-na-mexovoj-ferme-chtoby-spasti-ot-gibeli-i-vot-kakaya-ona-stala/
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