Shrubs for hedges — what and where to plant

A hedge is not just a decoration of the site. It not only can play the role of a solid fence, protection from noise, dust and leisurely views of the street but also helps to hide nepriglyadnoy neighbor's barn or your own compost pit.
Modern landscape design garden strongly recommends the smart zoning of the site. The hedge in this case the first mate. It can help to gently extricate shopping area, vegetable garden or create a quiet corner for reflection in silence.
What to put in the hedge? What are the shrubs for hedges would be good? The answer depends on what kind of fence and what the purpose You have in mind to create.
What bybut hedges?

Molded and svobodnodispersnye hedges it is necessary to cut to maintain shape. With proper care and svoevremennoi haircut they are solid and compact. Shaped hedges are recommended for small garden plots. About cut hedges can be read here.
Svobodnorastuschih hedge create any of compactin forms of conifers — columnar, pyramidal, or of flowering shrubs — spirea, mock orange, weigela, etc... Svobodnorastuschih hedge not so thick, as sheared, but require less maintenance and very decorative.

Live botryocladia zoning of the site, you can emphasize the vivid borders. The borders are planted low bushes — lavender, boxwood, Heather, Eric. It should be borne in mind that boxwood and lavender not always tolerate the harsh winters of the Middle band, so the green border they should be planted with caution because one lost Bush can destroy the whole composition.
Live Shoreditch trellis type fence for lovers to experiment. Trellis fences have twisted trunks of living plants. In hedge fence planted willow, hawthorn, Apple and pear.
Formation of trellis fence requires skill and considerable labor. Craftsmen reinforce the trellis with the help of leeches rapprochement with branches cut from one side the bark and connect. A well-formed trellis of fruit trees, located along the South wall, can greatly accelerate ripening and facilitate their collection.
Climbing plants for a living esporadicas draping unsightly fence? For this best suited, all sorts of vines: ivy, girlish grapes, hops, Actinidia (with edible fruit), twining honeysuckle, clematis, schisandra chinensis, and even lianovidny roses. The vines we climb to podporu, ciples for the slightest roughness of the fence.
When decorating with vines solid fence - concrete or metal — the plants should be planted at a distance from it (about 1 meter).
Heavy green mass of perennial lianas capable to fill up or fence easy mesh. It must also be borne in mind, especially if the fence — neighbor. For the decoration of fences suitable annual plants, growing quickly to the beginning of the summer: mad cucumber, sweet peas, runner beans, etc..
Another simple method of decorating the fence — high herbaceous flowering plants (annual, biennial and perennial): hollyhock, sunflower, delphinium, Foxglove, lupine.

And listopadnaya evergreen hedge plant, evergreen or deciduous?
Itharadevathala evergreen hedge created from hardy plants, works as a hedge all year round. Cons of evergreen hedges: a relatively slow growth and winterkill or breakage in the winter.Evergreens for hedges can be deciduous or coniferous.
Deciduous and evergreen shrubs for living izgorodin shed for the winter foliage of the boxwood, Japanese Euonymus and Euonymus Fortune, evergreen barbarisi angustifolia, warty, sensicality. Tall deciduous and evergreen shrubs in bad winter conditions of Central Russia.
Heather, some rhododendrons, Erica better paranoiac our winters, but I can't create a high hedge.
A hedge of hoenigs conifers easier. Resistant to our winters conifers, from which it is possible to form a dense hedge, a lot. I will only mention some of them: spruce (well-cut!), junipers, thuja occidentalis, even pine, if you like to experiment. From faster growing conifers all thuja occidentalis Brabant.
Deciduous live izgorodin You live in the country only in the summer, deciduous hedge for your garden. Deciduous shrubs evergreen grow faster, many of them beautiful in bloom and even bear fruit. Such fence changes its appearance during the season — flowers, fruits, foliage colors in the fall. Even in winter deciduous hedges created from shrubs with a beautiful colored bark, such as willow, dogwood, — will look interesting.
Source: sadovos.ru/
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