Mastery of disguise in the garden
Masking is one of the most pressing challenges at their summer cottage. There are many such objects, which is a shame spoil the impression they do not correspond to the composition and style of the garden, the impression of carelessness, neglect, incompleteness.Ruin the garden plot can the old foundations, massive monotonous fences, old buildings, barns, compost heaps, from all sorts of stuff – and this is only a small part of the possible "ugly" objects. But not always makes sense to get rid of it for purely practical reasons, economic objects are always needed. And if it is not frankly an old, dilapidated structures, they successfully disguised. And yet – there are no ugly views beyond the site. And he often interfere, as it fits into the overall look of the garden. Because the site is difficult to separate from its surroundings, we cannot see selectively. At the garden masking two tactics: hide or decorate.
Of course, the place with all kinds of stuff definitely in need of clearing. It is not necessary to block them or to plant tall plants. Disorder not place on the site, in addition, such blockages prevent the changes on the site. Sort out all your places and what you have not used in over 2 years, throw it away without regret! With the exception of metal. It can be used for reinforcing the base for walkways and platforms.
Disguise the ugly view over the perimeter of the site of the "ugly kind" are different options. First, the very "natural" environment outside the perimeter of the plot may not be too impressive: an empty box or an ugly ravine, valley, weed, washed out roads, withered tree, etc. But that's not the worst option, you can also see a barn or a neighbor's toilet, the warehouse of construction materials, or a pylon.
1. Close the unwanted types
You need to have a high trees and shrubs, as well as all sorts of garden design so that, with the various important points of the plot and from the Windows of your home, such beauty was not overlooked. It is worth noting that if you mask the ugly view over the perimeter and use for this trees and shrubs, should strive for a harmonious composition. In other words, to use those species outside the area and which are visible from the site. This will completely mask undesirable views. For example, if there is birch, it is best to plant a few birches and the boundary of the site, then they will be natural, pleasant to the eye and reasonable composition. Mind you, not pine trees, namely birch. If you use something unusual, then the view will involuntarily be drawn to the object that is closed these unusual for this area plants.
2. Distract attention
Sometimes it so happens that unwanted appearance it is impossible to completely close due to its location or if it's too big. Then the only one way out: to distract, not to give opinion to concentrate on this form or object. For this you need to make your site highlighted decorative, though, with a few catchy, at times even whimsical items and bright color spots. In short, this is the case when some good "bust", even "kitsch". For example, fully mirrored bed, a support for plants in the form of huge floor lamp, sculpture, or fence for the flower garden of colored concrete columns. As a result, the gaze will be attracted to unusual, catchy elements, and probably all kinds of junk simply are they suppressed.
Decoration fence 1. Plant plants
It is best to combine perennials, especially flowering and those that have decorative foliage, climbing plants. To fence is the best option – curly perennials. All you need to do is clip on the fence to support them. In addition, the fence can be masked by a parallel planted hedge, perfect spruce or basswood.
2. Artistically paint the fence
The fence can be painted in a new color to paint the stencil and do an insert or lining of any interesting materials.
3. Arrange in some places layered fence
This means that the fence is duplicated as if some other, lower and more purely decorative fence, for example fence, and the third layer can be put even more low hedge. The principle is that all three fences were visible at the same time and made the impression of a single hedge. This displays the amount of characteristic layering, the effect is stunning.
4. Zoned fence
Not only the garden, but the fence is zoning! For example, to paint different parts of the fence in different colors or even "stripes". Or you can make a paste – gabion, and even a Bicycle or a wheel of a cart.
5. Do the overlays on the fence
The fence can be decorated by hanging him on numerous shelves on which you can put containers with flowers) or directly hanging pots with bright colors. In addition, the fence can be strengthened mirrors, hanging empty picture frames, small decorative birdhouses, flat figures made of plywood, decorative overlays (bells, wrought iron rosettes, lattice). You can combine multiple items together, creating "modules" for the fence, for example, to join the bright circle of plywood, a frame for a picture with a pot of flower or the frame and the birdhouse, etc.
6. "Build out" the various "additions" to the fence
To the fence, you can "attach" gazebos, pergolas, seats, beautiful themed areas or flower beds.
Decorating outbuildings If you only begin construction – note all the practical things in advance. In fact, the garage should be separate, and best of all at the entrance of the area, and summer kitchen – close to home. The same can be said about garden soul. Of course, in these cases, these buildings should be placed separately. You can design the design is an unusual shape or with the original location of the roof. But if, for example, your small shed or cellar, built into the slope – this is the perfect opportunity to style it "under the cave"!
If the building is already there, they are sturdy and they are impossible to combine, decorate!
1. Cover them with vertical gardening, or hide them behind the scenes of green plants, for the hedge, pergola or trellis.
2. Make each of your buildings like a little house with a porch, Windows, hanging pots with flowers. And yet, around the house make a small "mini-estate". No amenities building – toy!
3. Repaint or paint. You can completely cover your shed patterns or to paint all or one wall in a different color. She will play the role of background or screen for the invented exposure. For example, one wall can be painted in very dark color, then its background will be especially advantageous to look high-bright flowers planted around the perimeter of the barn.
4. Arrange the wall show. Any of the walls of the outbuildings, as a rule, one that I would like to hide, make the light and on it arrange the exhibition of objects of national life, the exhibition "hobby", an exhibition of teapots, mugs, or fishing lures – here everyone can choose his idea. And a lot of old unwanted things it can bring concrete benefits, bringing some originality to the design of your garden.
5. Make inlay on the wall of the outbuildings. Put one (or more) of the walls of a barn, summer kitchen, workshop etc. with a mosaic of colored bat ceramic tiles and pottery. It is possible to make abstraction, but you can put a picture, ornament.
6. Make a wall built as a "collection". Adorn the wall (better if it is in this case there will be one) some objects of one type: rattan napkins, plates or even decoupage. Decoupage outdoors possible with the use of some materials other than in the room. For example, you can cover all pasted pictures with a special varnish for terraces or boat varnish, or a colorless glaze.
7. Make a false "window" on the wall of the building. They make frames for paintings, bright color and attach to each of these Windows is a pot of bright flowers.
8. Use overlays on walls of buildings. As in the case of the fence can be hung on the wall of various decorations, such as garden panels, woven elements, Yes, even beautiful stand under the hot, and then removed from the other buildings, but decorated with "antique" door. You can also strengthen the walls of the beautiful driftwood. Also, if a style can be hung on the wall of your old blinds.
9. Decorate...... firewood. For example best decoration for a wood shed – firewood. Simply completely cover one or three walls with piles of firewood, leaving the wood "Nishi-Windows".
11. Use to decorate the old walls tinted the branches of trees or shrubs. Need long branches without knots, painted with colorful acrylic paints. In order to fix the decoration on the wall, you will need two cloves strung parallel ropes on top and bottom. Under these ropes painted branches are placed vertically, if necessary, the rope is additionally fixed with nails in the right places.
12. Arrange three-dimensional "still life". This method differs from the wall in the exhibition is the fact that it is three-dimensional. For example, you can use the wall for hanging any items, next to put a table with some composition, large containers with plants and bouquets with dried plants and even a mini-stool. You will not only unusual to beat a boring structure, but at the same time to create a nice Seating area.
13. Surround the object with a garden maze. Was construction and no buildings. Now it's hidden in a garden maze. The maze can be made of any structural material, in particular made of brick or natural stone, made of perforated metal panels, you can use screens made of reeds that need to be set on the frame, you can also plant a low hedge in the form of a labyrinth. And in the center of the maze – the object you want to hide. The maze is suitable for those buildings that are not already subject to any decorating.
Decorating dead trees dead trees are sometimes the style attributes, and in many cases they can be decorated, turning it into a real decoration of the site.
1. Paint them.
2. Hang beautiful bird feeders, hanging pots with flowers, wind chime, many small decorative birdhouses.
3. Use vertical gardening – ovate their clematis, parthenocissus, or morning glory.
4. Paste the garden lamp.
5. Turn them into pieces of furniture.
Well, if those options do not suit your garden, then of course they must be uprooted.
Source: domashniy.ru/