How to make a hedge with his hands
It is worth saying that this technique can be used with different forms, sometimes unusual to our eyes. Let's talk about how to create real works of landscape art.
The formation of hedges in the form of a rhombushedge a type of hedge is one of the most interesting and complex ways to form green fences. The tapestry is created initially in the form of a lattice, and then along her tightly and planted plants, the distance between which is 15 to 30 cm depending on the selected view. To create a hedge better in the early autumn, and, in the first couple of months you can do without the trellis, and then put poles on the growth of plants.
Immediately after planting you should prune the above-ground part of plants up to 10 cm above soil level or root collar. It is possible that this procedure will be required immediately, but after extra time — it all depends on what kind of wall you wish to receive. After a few months of skyrocketing plants will begin to go beyond the edge of the grille and then should be attached to the trellis. And after some time is already powerful and grown up fence no more in need of support.
A year after planting had already formed shoots are cut, leaving only two sides, one side escape. It is necessary for the binding of neighboring plants with each other. In parallel with this procedure the cutting of the bark in places of fastening of different barrels. This operation contributes to a more robust hedge. And over the connection point, the shoots are clipped.
The second spring drastic pruning is also repeated. You should leave only the largest and strongest shoots, the rest are cut. Note that this procedure must be repeated year after year until the hedge will not grow to the desired height.
After a few years as a result of your efforts on the site, you should get a wall of plants with a width of about 20 cm, whose shoots form a strict and accurate diamond-shaped cells. One of the interesting innovations in modern landscape design are tapestry hedges on rollers, mobile and needed for the internal decoration of open parts of the site, for example, terraces or patio. Recommended height of such fence not more than 1.5 m, and the most beautiful plants suitable to this type of fence will be parthenocissus winding rose or thuja.
In General, the installation of hedges is not just a fad, and the element of garden decor that create in the garden a special atmosphere. Different types of hedges there are several, and the names of the trees and shrubs are not uploaded to the listing, so prior arrangement is necessary to study the desired options.
The most common plant is the hawthorn. It is characterized by high winter hardiness and resistance to adverse soil conditions, tolerates drought and shade, has good pobegoobrazuyuschaya ability, perfectly tolerate a haircut.
Often to create hedges planted Apple, pear and willow. However, you can choose the type of plants that you just like. Try to choose plants of the same species, but with different timing of blooms, and soon raised and long blooming wall every day will please your eyes and will be a real decoration of the site.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-28321/

The formation of hedges in the form of a rhombushedge a type of hedge is one of the most interesting and complex ways to form green fences. The tapestry is created initially in the form of a lattice, and then along her tightly and planted plants, the distance between which is 15 to 30 cm depending on the selected view. To create a hedge better in the early autumn, and, in the first couple of months you can do without the trellis, and then put poles on the growth of plants.
Immediately after planting you should prune the above-ground part of plants up to 10 cm above soil level or root collar. It is possible that this procedure will be required immediately, but after extra time — it all depends on what kind of wall you wish to receive. After a few months of skyrocketing plants will begin to go beyond the edge of the grille and then should be attached to the trellis. And after some time is already powerful and grown up fence no more in need of support.

A year after planting had already formed shoots are cut, leaving only two sides, one side escape. It is necessary for the binding of neighboring plants with each other. In parallel with this procedure the cutting of the bark in places of fastening of different barrels. This operation contributes to a more robust hedge. And over the connection point, the shoots are clipped.

The second spring drastic pruning is also repeated. You should leave only the largest and strongest shoots, the rest are cut. Note that this procedure must be repeated year after year until the hedge will not grow to the desired height.

After a few years as a result of your efforts on the site, you should get a wall of plants with a width of about 20 cm, whose shoots form a strict and accurate diamond-shaped cells. One of the interesting innovations in modern landscape design are tapestry hedges on rollers, mobile and needed for the internal decoration of open parts of the site, for example, terraces or patio. Recommended height of such fence not more than 1.5 m, and the most beautiful plants suitable to this type of fence will be parthenocissus winding rose or thuja.

In General, the installation of hedges is not just a fad, and the element of garden decor that create in the garden a special atmosphere. Different types of hedges there are several, and the names of the trees and shrubs are not uploaded to the listing, so prior arrangement is necessary to study the desired options.
The most common plant is the hawthorn. It is characterized by high winter hardiness and resistance to adverse soil conditions, tolerates drought and shade, has good pobegoobrazuyuschaya ability, perfectly tolerate a haircut.
Often to create hedges planted Apple, pear and willow. However, you can choose the type of plants that you just like. Try to choose plants of the same species, but with different timing of blooms, and soon raised and long blooming wall every day will please your eyes and will be a real decoration of the site.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-28321/