How to turn food preservation into an exciting hobby
Pickled tomatoes "Rings of Saturn" cause the same delight that at the sight of the can, that at tasting. It is also important to preserve the zucchini It's pretty simple. Sterilization is not required, the vegetables remain firm and firm.
Very delicious tomatoes for the winter today "Site" It will teach you how to cook originals. pickled tomatoes for winter. Without going into details, this is simple. vegetable. But with an interesting design of the workpiece, so that in winter you can surprise guests with unusual pickles.
No special conditions are needed to store this workpiece. Banks stand perfectly at room temperature. The most difficult thing to prepare is to find suitable sized tomatoes and squash. But if you do not want to mess with vegetables, cut them arbitrarily and roll them in cans in this form.
The exact number of tomatoes and zucchini is difficult to specify, vegetables are different in size and weight. The recipe specifies the ingredients for 1 liter of marinade, which should be enough for one three-liter can of vegetables.
Ingredients per 1 three-litre can
Ingredients for marinade
From the remaining "holes from bagels" you can make delicious squash caviar. Or freeze the mugs to use in winter to make stew. Frozen zucchini retain all the useful properties, and they can be used in many recipes, and this makes the winter menu much more diverse.
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Very delicious tomatoes for the winter today "Site" It will teach you how to cook originals. pickled tomatoes for winter. Without going into details, this is simple. vegetable. But with an interesting design of the workpiece, so that in winter you can surprise guests with unusual pickles.
No special conditions are needed to store this workpiece. Banks stand perfectly at room temperature. The most difficult thing to prepare is to find suitable sized tomatoes and squash. But if you do not want to mess with vegetables, cut them arbitrarily and roll them in cans in this form.

The exact number of tomatoes and zucchini is difficult to specify, vegetables are different in size and weight. The recipe specifies the ingredients for 1 liter of marinade, which should be enough for one three-liter can of vegetables.
Ingredients per 1 three-litre can
- 1.5kg tomatoes
- 1kg young zucchini
- 2 cherry leaves
- 2 currant sheets
- 1 parsley root
- 1 small carrot
- 1 Bulgarian pepper
- 1 umbrella of dill
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 inflorescences of cloves

Ingredients for marinade
- 1 liter of water
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp salt
- 4 tablespoons of 9% vinegar or 1 tsp of citric acid
- Wash your vegetables. Onions, carrots and parsley peel off.
- Cut the zucchini in circles and remove the core. In the squash rings, insert suitable tomatoes.
- In clean cans at the bottom put cherry leaves and currants, onions (quads), carrots and parsley root (circles), Bulgarian pepper, dill, garlic and spices.
- From above, as tightly as possible, ram the tomato-squash planets.
- Pour the cans of boiling water to the top and leave it for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cook a marinade. In 1 liter of water dissolve sugar and salt. Bring it to a boil.
- Pour water from the cans, add vinegar and pour vegetables with boiling marinade. Roll up the sterilized lids and turn the cans upside down. Wrap it with a warm blanket or fur coat and leave it until completely cooled.
From the remaining "holes from bagels" you can make delicious squash caviar. Or freeze the mugs to use in winter to make stew. Frozen zucchini retain all the useful properties, and they can be used in many recipes, and this makes the winter menu much more diverse.
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