6 transformations of zucchini for the winter table
Almost from the first to the last day of summer and we are always pleased with the zucchini. Modest and unpretentious, they diligently gain weight and "strongly support" its low calories, many years, remaining one of the most beloved and popular vegetables. All season grilled and salted zucchini, eggs and pumpkin pancakes do not go with our tables. There is therefore nothing surprising in the fact that no one wants to part with the zucchini for a long winter.
What can be done with the harvest kabachkovaya harvest squash — are not uncommon, and it follows the opportunity to prepare for the winter variety squash pickles! It is important to know how to make these wonderful, cheap, delicious and healthy vegetables. As much:
1.Keep in natural vidikovacki are great because they are easy to keep fresh before the New year, and with proper storage until spring. For this "maturation" varieties Gribovsky, the Gold Cup and the Festival of F1.
Perfectly preserved zucchini varieties Genovese, TSUKASA, Zebra, Bumble bee, Gypsy, Black beauty, Striato di Italia, Nero di Milano, Skvorushka, sequins and high-rise.
To store zucchini does not have to look for special conditions, they can be kept even in apartments, which is very convenient for truckers.
You only need to follow a few simple conditions:
Remove the zucchini from the bushes need to frost because frozen fruits for storage are unsuitable.
Remove the zucchini need, leaving the leg length of at least 5-6 cm long — it will prevent the hit in fruit infection. Watching during the winter period, as the legs, it is possible to notice damage to the fruit: if the stalk rot — so, zucchini is sick.
Designed to store zucchini wash.
Fruit stored in clear, plastic bags to pack them impossible.
The most suitable for the storage of zucchini temperature from +4 to +10 degrees. But in the conditions of room temperature in the dark (under a sofa, a bed, in an alcove or closet) the fruits often live through the winter without losing their qualities.
To store zucchini so that they were lying, not in contact neither with each other nor with other fruits and objects. Best to lay them in a single layer with small intervals.
The spring inside the tavern often begin to germinate the seeds, its taste qualities deteriorate, so it is recommended to early spring to be ready to use all the remaining fruit.
2. Samoresetilas "well-behaved" and freeze. The technology is very simple: slice young zucchini with the skin slices or cubes and put portions in a liquid-tight packages in the freezer. When you defrost the zucchini, of course, be softer than fresh, but great for eggs, soups and for stewing with other vegetables.
3. Pickle
Pickled zucchini no less delicious than pickles. They also have a characteristic loved by all of the crunch and are the perfect snack. The salting suitable young zucchini with tender skin, poorly developed seeds and the tight elastic flesh. Salting can be done in barrels and in glass containers at the "cucumber" technology.
Recipe savoury zucchini
3-liter jar
Zucchini — 3-4 pieces
Sheet of horseradish, 25-30 cm
Fennel -2 large umbrella with seeds
The leaves of black currant and cherry — 3-4 pieces
Parsley — 5-6 sprigs
Garlic, celery, tarragon.
Zucchini thoroughly washed, cut into slices 1.5-2 cm thick. At the bottom of the selected container stack herbs and spices. Lay the sliced zucchini, pour boiling brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons salt (50 g) in 1 litre of water. Some Housewives prefer to pour the zucchini is cooled by the brine, this is the choice.
Leave free under cover in a cool place until ready, for 1 month. If necessary, add brine, but at a concentration lower than in the fill — enough to put 20 g of salt per 1 liter of water.
Unlike cucumbers, zucchini prokalyvayutsya faster, so keep a very long time after the "allotted for pickling" time is not recommended.
Some hostesses selected for the salting of tiny (the size of a small cucumber) fruit. Such zucchini in the finished and original look, and the taste is divine.
4. Zamarinuetsya popular canning zucchini from our hostesses. Marinated zucchini successfully replace salty pickles and winter salads, stewed vegetables and even the sauce tar-tar. They are delicious baked in scrambled eggs with tomatoes and just delicious as an appetizer or a side dish to meat or fish.
Marinate zucchini slices, segments, half rings, quartered and diced — just what the imagination will suffice! Recipes of cooking a lot. Some are encouraged to boil the zucchini for 5-7 minutes, others have to be sterilized, and in the third — marinate two or three times with hot fill.
5. Make tryapochkoy caviar is not "monoproduct" is mixed vegetables. It includes a variety of vegetables and even fruits: tomatoes, carrots, onions, sweet peppers, eggplant, garlic, ginger, plums, apples... Different compositions and different proportions of ingredients allow, never repeating, cook endless options for caviar is the most exquisite tastes.
A classic recipe of caviar
Zucchini — 3 kg
Carrots — 1 kg
Onions — 1 kg
Tomato paste — 2 tbsp.
Salt — 1.5 tbsp.
Sugar — 1 tbsp
Citric acid — 1 tsp
Vegetable oil — as needed
Zucchini cut into slices, fry in sunflower oil until Browning. Grated on a coarse grater carrots and chopped onion half rings and fry in sunflower oil until soft. Crush slightly chilled zucchini and carrots with onions (using a meat grinder or a blender), the resulting mass add salt, sugar, tomato paste and citric acid.
To bring everything to a boil, simmer cook for 15 minutes, immediately spread out on the sterilized banks and to roll up. To cool to keep upside down on the lids, heat wrapped.
This products can enhance any greens: add parsley, dill, celery, cilantro or garlic, enrich with herbs and spices (ginger, cumin, hot pepper and so on) — it will only enrich the classic taste of the squash caviar.
6. To cook weenies every year more and more Housewives consider the zucchini as the basis for the original jam. Really, this vegetable with sweet and pleasant texture does not have a pronounced taste, and so it is very convenient to colour a wide variety of fruit or berry additives. Most often it is citrus — lemon and orange.
Jam from squash to cook extremely simply and quickly:
Recipe jam zucchini with lemon
Zucchini — 1 kg
Sugar — 800 g
Lemon — 1 large
Slice the courgettes in small cubes, cover with sugar and leave for 10-12 hours to zucchini "let the juice". Put the sweet mixture on the fire, boil after boiling for 15 minutes and add finely chopped lemon pulp (without skin!). Boil a lemon for about 15 minutes put into sterilized warm jars and cover hermetically. Flip over to cover and leave to cool in the air.
A classic "squash" jam. If instead of a lemon to add red currants, cranberries, Rowan berries, carrot juice, oranges, apples... you can get dozens of different just a unique "signature" desserts!
The zucchini are still lying in the beds, waiting for their turn on kitchen tables. Modestly are silent, that they are our most cheap and beneficial medicine: their "intake" will help to fight excess weight and cellulite, they are useful in diseases of the kidneys and liver, hypertension and diabetes, will have a calming effect if anxiety and stress.
And while the pharmaceutical industry invents for us the ultra-modern drugs against stress and disease, let us go into the garden for a tasty and healthy and very active biological additive to our winter table!
Source: www.7dach.ru

What can be done with the harvest kabachkovaya harvest squash — are not uncommon, and it follows the opportunity to prepare for the winter variety squash pickles! It is important to know how to make these wonderful, cheap, delicious and healthy vegetables. As much:
1.Keep in natural vidikovacki are great because they are easy to keep fresh before the New year, and with proper storage until spring. For this "maturation" varieties Gribovsky, the Gold Cup and the Festival of F1.
Perfectly preserved zucchini varieties Genovese, TSUKASA, Zebra, Bumble bee, Gypsy, Black beauty, Striato di Italia, Nero di Milano, Skvorushka, sequins and high-rise.
To store zucchini does not have to look for special conditions, they can be kept even in apartments, which is very convenient for truckers.
You only need to follow a few simple conditions:
Remove the zucchini from the bushes need to frost because frozen fruits for storage are unsuitable.
Remove the zucchini need, leaving the leg length of at least 5-6 cm long — it will prevent the hit in fruit infection. Watching during the winter period, as the legs, it is possible to notice damage to the fruit: if the stalk rot — so, zucchini is sick.
Designed to store zucchini wash.
Fruit stored in clear, plastic bags to pack them impossible.
The most suitable for the storage of zucchini temperature from +4 to +10 degrees. But in the conditions of room temperature in the dark (under a sofa, a bed, in an alcove or closet) the fruits often live through the winter without losing their qualities.
To store zucchini so that they were lying, not in contact neither with each other nor with other fruits and objects. Best to lay them in a single layer with small intervals.
The spring inside the tavern often begin to germinate the seeds, its taste qualities deteriorate, so it is recommended to early spring to be ready to use all the remaining fruit.
2. Samoresetilas "well-behaved" and freeze. The technology is very simple: slice young zucchini with the skin slices or cubes and put portions in a liquid-tight packages in the freezer. When you defrost the zucchini, of course, be softer than fresh, but great for eggs, soups and for stewing with other vegetables.
3. Pickle
Pickled zucchini no less delicious than pickles. They also have a characteristic loved by all of the crunch and are the perfect snack. The salting suitable young zucchini with tender skin, poorly developed seeds and the tight elastic flesh. Salting can be done in barrels and in glass containers at the "cucumber" technology.
Recipe savoury zucchini
3-liter jar
Zucchini — 3-4 pieces
Sheet of horseradish, 25-30 cm
Fennel -2 large umbrella with seeds
The leaves of black currant and cherry — 3-4 pieces
Parsley — 5-6 sprigs
Garlic, celery, tarragon.
Zucchini thoroughly washed, cut into slices 1.5-2 cm thick. At the bottom of the selected container stack herbs and spices. Lay the sliced zucchini, pour boiling brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons salt (50 g) in 1 litre of water. Some Housewives prefer to pour the zucchini is cooled by the brine, this is the choice.
Leave free under cover in a cool place until ready, for 1 month. If necessary, add brine, but at a concentration lower than in the fill — enough to put 20 g of salt per 1 liter of water.
Unlike cucumbers, zucchini prokalyvayutsya faster, so keep a very long time after the "allotted for pickling" time is not recommended.
Some hostesses selected for the salting of tiny (the size of a small cucumber) fruit. Such zucchini in the finished and original look, and the taste is divine.
4. Zamarinuetsya popular canning zucchini from our hostesses. Marinated zucchini successfully replace salty pickles and winter salads, stewed vegetables and even the sauce tar-tar. They are delicious baked in scrambled eggs with tomatoes and just delicious as an appetizer or a side dish to meat or fish.
Marinate zucchini slices, segments, half rings, quartered and diced — just what the imagination will suffice! Recipes of cooking a lot. Some are encouraged to boil the zucchini for 5-7 minutes, others have to be sterilized, and in the third — marinate two or three times with hot fill.
5. Make tryapochkoy caviar is not "monoproduct" is mixed vegetables. It includes a variety of vegetables and even fruits: tomatoes, carrots, onions, sweet peppers, eggplant, garlic, ginger, plums, apples... Different compositions and different proportions of ingredients allow, never repeating, cook endless options for caviar is the most exquisite tastes.
A classic recipe of caviar
Zucchini — 3 kg
Carrots — 1 kg
Onions — 1 kg
Tomato paste — 2 tbsp.
Salt — 1.5 tbsp.
Sugar — 1 tbsp
Citric acid — 1 tsp
Vegetable oil — as needed
Zucchini cut into slices, fry in sunflower oil until Browning. Grated on a coarse grater carrots and chopped onion half rings and fry in sunflower oil until soft. Crush slightly chilled zucchini and carrots with onions (using a meat grinder or a blender), the resulting mass add salt, sugar, tomato paste and citric acid.
To bring everything to a boil, simmer cook for 15 minutes, immediately spread out on the sterilized banks and to roll up. To cool to keep upside down on the lids, heat wrapped.
This products can enhance any greens: add parsley, dill, celery, cilantro or garlic, enrich with herbs and spices (ginger, cumin, hot pepper and so on) — it will only enrich the classic taste of the squash caviar.
6. To cook weenies every year more and more Housewives consider the zucchini as the basis for the original jam. Really, this vegetable with sweet and pleasant texture does not have a pronounced taste, and so it is very convenient to colour a wide variety of fruit or berry additives. Most often it is citrus — lemon and orange.
Jam from squash to cook extremely simply and quickly:
Recipe jam zucchini with lemon
Zucchini — 1 kg
Sugar — 800 g
Lemon — 1 large
Slice the courgettes in small cubes, cover with sugar and leave for 10-12 hours to zucchini "let the juice". Put the sweet mixture on the fire, boil after boiling for 15 minutes and add finely chopped lemon pulp (without skin!). Boil a lemon for about 15 minutes put into sterilized warm jars and cover hermetically. Flip over to cover and leave to cool in the air.
A classic "squash" jam. If instead of a lemon to add red currants, cranberries, Rowan berries, carrot juice, oranges, apples... you can get dozens of different just a unique "signature" desserts!
The zucchini are still lying in the beds, waiting for their turn on kitchen tables. Modestly are silent, that they are our most cheap and beneficial medicine: their "intake" will help to fight excess weight and cellulite, they are useful in diseases of the kidneys and liver, hypertension and diabetes, will have a calming effect if anxiety and stress.
And while the pharmaceutical industry invents for us the ultra-modern drugs against stress and disease, let us go into the garden for a tasty and healthy and very active biological additive to our winter table!
Source: www.7dach.ru