Guide to survival among raccoons during the campaign
Memo drafted on their own experience and observations, maybe someone come in handy:
1) If you came to raccoon, don'T FEED IT! Do not fall for touching cupped a shaking, wrinkled like an old lady, legs, penetrating look into the soul of the sad eyes, his whole appearance as if to say that he was hungry, cold and in General he's an orphan.
He will eat everything he offered... not asked too. The first ten minutes, he was timid and modest, tries every sound fell into the bushes, minutes on the floor, grabbing paws offered him a gig, trembling with happiness, blissfully rolling her eyes and humming happily. After another ten minutes, he will timidly eat with your hands. Five minutes after that brazenly tries to steal something from the table or catch a piece of food halfway to his mouth.
Raccoon is IMPOSSIBLE to feed to the full (never seen eating from the belly of a raccoon, even if he will leave soon will return, taking on the way friends, relatives, a Gypsy camp. Together they make a fun of quarrels and fights midnight that the direct impact on your sleep. To leave the realm of Morpheus is unlikely to succeed.
2) At night the food is beautifully hung on ropes stretched between trees. The distance between trees should be at least three meters, saw the raccoon, holding onto the barrel on parole, back leg stretched, trying greedy little hands to attract a bag of food.
If it succeeds – say goodbye to the contents of the package. If no plan passes to the next stage, a raccoon crawls up and starts to jump, outstretched all four paws in flight, trying to get a desired object in their passionate embrace. As a rule, the majority of these flights end with a fizzle and a carcass with a crash falls to the ground, but the raccoon, bitch, hard, twenty times one will fly. For a package that's enough for a backpack – no, hung, eats Yes will fall... and will continue to fly again, in the morning, there is a risk of the cracked backpack without food.
3) do Not hang the food near the tent. There is a risk of an extreme rise with wet pants from the collapsed top of a raccoon.
4) Canned simply folded into a package and hang on a sturdy twig, something that is not a smell they are not interested.
5) strong-smelling products in your tent do not take a sleepless night – guaranteed. First, they will dig a tunnel, despite the kicks in the face from the tent, then begin to chew, the probability of a ruined tent – high. Because see point 2.
6) If nakipari water – do not be lazy to wait until it at least cools off a bit and pour it into the bottle. Otherwise, in the morning the water will be ruined, raccoon will wash it all, hands – ass — found a piece of herring.
7) Plastic bottles with the precious liquid (the alcohol) is better to hide or to bind. Otherwise in the morning they can not detect. Why do it — is unclear. Attract spun the bottle standing on the table. Peacefully lying on the ground they are not interesting. Table (if any) it is advisable not to build from easily destructible or not bonded to other materials. Smash.
8) Mindlessly repeat some action for a human or each other. You can easily try to "fireman" the fire turning burning branches. Likely associated this action with appearing behind him nishtyak. So wait until the fire burned, in order to avoid fire.
9) the Dishes at night you need to wash it, even if you are lazy, even through I do not. Otherwise in the morning will have to look for her throughout the forest. That is a little smell of food is carried away, usually permanently.
10) the Shoes is also better to go somewhere to clean up, you can just pack up and hung on a twig (collected in the river in the morning, flip flops, running on the rocks barefoot, fortunately the river was shallow and rocky).
11) don't stand in the way of anatacia (or raccoon) showdown, they rush! Thrown glasses, throw rocks, throw all that arm under his paw caught. In General, there is a risk of tin Cup in the head, flew out of the darkness. The same thing enotik just sweetly spit in his hands, he suddenly can become unnecessary and fly in a completely unpredictable trajectory.
12) In the crowd of raccoons – be alert! Relaxed lounging on the foam, with a clear conscience, enjoying the stars, securely tucked the provisions and sneaker, there is a risk of losing any valuables, be it a bag with documents and money, keychain with car keys, casually hanging out of his pocket. In the heat of passion, the raccoon might need absolutely not the right thing. Running raccoon fast forest — a large, stale if almost impossible to find, and then fate you live in the woods, or crash through the woods, walking home.
Carlos Castaneda: the fear ische 3 of the enemy of man
What he was in the beginning, you have no idea...
13) If you do not want to sleep under the orchestra from cans – burn them in a fire (which, in fact, necessary and in the absence of raccoons), then bury. You can just flatten a stone, flattened the banks are not interested in them. Otherwise the raccoons will wander thoughtfully, holding the jar like a beggar waiting for handouts, and tapping it on the stones / to other banks / head relatives.published
Author: Andrey Avdeev
Source: anna-paulsen.livejournal.com/1073765.html
1) If you came to raccoon, don'T FEED IT! Do not fall for touching cupped a shaking, wrinkled like an old lady, legs, penetrating look into the soul of the sad eyes, his whole appearance as if to say that he was hungry, cold and in General he's an orphan.
He will eat everything he offered... not asked too. The first ten minutes, he was timid and modest, tries every sound fell into the bushes, minutes on the floor, grabbing paws offered him a gig, trembling with happiness, blissfully rolling her eyes and humming happily. After another ten minutes, he will timidly eat with your hands. Five minutes after that brazenly tries to steal something from the table or catch a piece of food halfway to his mouth.
Raccoon is IMPOSSIBLE to feed to the full (never seen eating from the belly of a raccoon, even if he will leave soon will return, taking on the way friends, relatives, a Gypsy camp. Together they make a fun of quarrels and fights midnight that the direct impact on your sleep. To leave the realm of Morpheus is unlikely to succeed.

2) At night the food is beautifully hung on ropes stretched between trees. The distance between trees should be at least three meters, saw the raccoon, holding onto the barrel on parole, back leg stretched, trying greedy little hands to attract a bag of food.
If it succeeds – say goodbye to the contents of the package. If no plan passes to the next stage, a raccoon crawls up and starts to jump, outstretched all four paws in flight, trying to get a desired object in their passionate embrace. As a rule, the majority of these flights end with a fizzle and a carcass with a crash falls to the ground, but the raccoon, bitch, hard, twenty times one will fly. For a package that's enough for a backpack – no, hung, eats Yes will fall... and will continue to fly again, in the morning, there is a risk of the cracked backpack without food.
3) do Not hang the food near the tent. There is a risk of an extreme rise with wet pants from the collapsed top of a raccoon.
4) Canned simply folded into a package and hang on a sturdy twig, something that is not a smell they are not interested.
5) strong-smelling products in your tent do not take a sleepless night – guaranteed. First, they will dig a tunnel, despite the kicks in the face from the tent, then begin to chew, the probability of a ruined tent – high. Because see point 2.
6) If nakipari water – do not be lazy to wait until it at least cools off a bit and pour it into the bottle. Otherwise, in the morning the water will be ruined, raccoon will wash it all, hands – ass — found a piece of herring.

7) Plastic bottles with the precious liquid (the alcohol) is better to hide or to bind. Otherwise in the morning they can not detect. Why do it — is unclear. Attract spun the bottle standing on the table. Peacefully lying on the ground they are not interesting. Table (if any) it is advisable not to build from easily destructible or not bonded to other materials. Smash.
8) Mindlessly repeat some action for a human or each other. You can easily try to "fireman" the fire turning burning branches. Likely associated this action with appearing behind him nishtyak. So wait until the fire burned, in order to avoid fire.
9) the Dishes at night you need to wash it, even if you are lazy, even through I do not. Otherwise in the morning will have to look for her throughout the forest. That is a little smell of food is carried away, usually permanently.
10) the Shoes is also better to go somewhere to clean up, you can just pack up and hung on a twig (collected in the river in the morning, flip flops, running on the rocks barefoot, fortunately the river was shallow and rocky).

11) don't stand in the way of anatacia (or raccoon) showdown, they rush! Thrown glasses, throw rocks, throw all that arm under his paw caught. In General, there is a risk of tin Cup in the head, flew out of the darkness. The same thing enotik just sweetly spit in his hands, he suddenly can become unnecessary and fly in a completely unpredictable trajectory.
12) In the crowd of raccoons – be alert! Relaxed lounging on the foam, with a clear conscience, enjoying the stars, securely tucked the provisions and sneaker, there is a risk of losing any valuables, be it a bag with documents and money, keychain with car keys, casually hanging out of his pocket. In the heat of passion, the raccoon might need absolutely not the right thing. Running raccoon fast forest — a large, stale if almost impossible to find, and then fate you live in the woods, or crash through the woods, walking home.
Carlos Castaneda: the fear ische 3 of the enemy of man
What he was in the beginning, you have no idea...
13) If you do not want to sleep under the orchestra from cans – burn them in a fire (which, in fact, necessary and in the absence of raccoons), then bury. You can just flatten a stone, flattened the banks are not interested in them. Otherwise the raccoons will wander thoughtfully, holding the jar like a beggar waiting for handouts, and tapping it on the stones / to other banks / head relatives.published
Author: Andrey Avdeev
Source: anna-paulsen.livejournal.com/1073765.html