Enrich the holes of garlic before planting, so that large heads disfigure to glory

How to fertilize garlic before planting the responsible hostess? It is necessary to try hard, so that by next year the fragrant garlic already smells in full fragrance. But let's be honest, not always the time To work in the garden. Of course, you want to get a decent harvest, but you also want to relax, sit with friends, and walk. Remember these simple tips that will easily help grow large garlic. And no drum dancing, it's as simple as possible.

To prepare the perfect place for garlic beds, you need to do a lot of things. And make compost, and loosen the soil, and properly organize crop rotation. By the way, experienced gardeners do not recommend plant garlic after onions, potatoes, and, in fact, the garlic itself. It is better to settle this vegetable on the garden, where previously there were cucumbers, pumpkin, squash. That would be the perfect solution.

But you can relax a little and do not take into account the strict advice from gardeners and gardeners. This lifehack. Helps the garlic survive the cold It is easy to get up when it is possible. For such a simple task, you will need a glass bottle with a long neck, chalk, ash, sand, humus or compost. Such useful ingredients will help to grow large and healthy garlic.

How does it work? Someone will ask, “Why do all this dancing with tambourine, and in this case with bottles?” The answer is as simple as possible. With the help of a long neck, you can make a sufficiently deep hole under garlic cloves. It's protect the vegetable from the cold during the winter. But that's not all.

Better on the bottle. mark depth of landing. Ideally, 15 cm and everything is the same. Then, taking into account all fertilizers, garlic cloves will be at a depth of 10 cm. Moreover, the bottom of such holes should be well tamped with a bottle cork. In such a hole, the garlic will not exactly freeze and by spring it will be perfectly preserved without the slightest damage.

Why is the use of chalk, sand, compost and ash provided for such a trick? Mel is used to deoxidize the soil, and you will need it a little. But if you know that the soil is not too acidic, then in principle you can do without it.

Compost is natural and fertilizerIt can be used for almost all garden crops. The sand will create a kind of airbag for the plant and will not let the garlic freeze.

How to fertilize garlic before planting in the holes So what to fertilize garlic before planting and how to do it correctly? First prepare the rammed holes. Make sure that the soil does not fall into it. fertilizer. Then pour a tablespoon of fertilizer into each hole. After that, make a small layer of sand and place a clove of garlic in the hole. Now fill the garlic with sand, and on top add another useful mixture of compost and ash. Fill the whole hole with it, and no more such a garlic bed can be fertilized.

The method of planting garlic on a sand cushion will not only protect the plant from the cold, but will also nourish it all winter and prevent garlic from eating all sorts of microorganisms-pests. A useful mixture will allow a garlic clove mineralize for normal wintering and future growth. Remember this cool method of planting garlic, use yourself and tell your friends.


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