I bring garlic home and carefully put it in cans, only so long you can store it in the apartment.

Not a single head of garlic will be lost in the hoarding hostess! This useful fragrant companion perfectly complements sauces, dishes from meat and vegetables. Quickly puts on his feet during colds. So the harvest is here. The question before us is how to store garlic at home?

The Site's editorial board We have prepared 6 simple methods for harvesting garlic for the winter. First, we will figure out how to properly prepare vegetables, if you bought them in the store or collected from your own garden.

How to store garlic at home Well overwinters only the crop that was removed at the right time. Buying heads in the supermarket or in the market, you can only cross your fingers in the hope that the farmers knew what they were doing. There are 2 types of garlic: winter and spring. They are planted and harvested at different times, and storage times also vary.

Winter garlic has large heads and few cloves. It is prepared for planting in autumn, and the harvest is harvested by July. It makes no sense to harvest it for the winter, it quickly becomes unusable. The shelf life of such garlic is 3-4 months at a temperature not higher than 2 ° C. Winter culture is best used in cooking while it is still fresh.

The head of spring garlic is easy to identify by a large number of cloves. This species is planted in spring, and removed in August-September. It is this kind of garlic that is best suited for harvesting. It can often stay until next summer. Experts advise the first 6 months to store spring garlic at temperatures up to 21 ° C. Then move to a cool place with a temperature not higher than 4 ° C. So he'll stay for a few more months.

Both types of garlic should be stored in the dark and in medium humidity (50-70%). If it is lower - the heads will lose moisture and dry, if higher - begin to rot.

How to store garlic at home Before harvesting you need to do a couple of simple actions.

  1. Dry the crop in a room with good ventilation or right on the garden under the sun. Spread the prey in one layer, then trim the dry stems so that about 4 cm of the root neck remains. Leave it as it is if you plan to store garlic in pigtails.
  2. Carefully clean the excess husk so as not to touch the protective shells.
  3. Sorrow and carefully examine each vegetable. Without shame, discard damaged garlic with signs of rotting. The ideal candidate for the workpiece should be without dents and stains, have smooth strong teeth with dry, brittle shells. Cut the roots and move the heads for 5-7 days in a cool place.
  4. With the store product is even easier: just cut dirty scales, if any, and dry a little.

How to store garlic at home: in a glass container, wash well, sterilize and dry the container. Place whole heads of garlic inside or first disassemble them into slices. You can't peel! The jar can be closed with a lid for sunset or left as is. The main thing is to put the container in a cool place.

In braids or stockings, start weaving an ordinary pigtail of three dried stems of garlic, gradually weaving the rest. Adjust the length to your liking. The finished braid should be hung on a hook in a cool dark corner. This “grandmother” way of storing garlic will decorate the kitchen or pantry. For lazy people, there is an alternative - fold the heads in old capron stockings.

In a glass container with salt Prepare the jar in the same way as with a normal bookmark - wash and sterilize. Pour a little stone salt to the bottom (it will perfectly replace wheat flour). On top of one dense layer lay unpeeled heads or teeth. Cover them with salt and put another layer of garlic. So fill the whole jar. The salt layer with a height of 3-4 cm is the final stage. Close the jar with a plastic lid and store it in the dark and cool.

How to store garlic at home: In the refrigerator If you have a lot of winter garlic, it is best to store it in the lower refrigeration container for vegetables. Pre-sort heads, dry and put in cardboard boxes or paper bags. Plastic boxes and cellophane bags will not work - garlic will rot in them.

Here you will have to play a little, but the result is worth it. Dissolve the paraffin and dip each head in the liquid. When the surplus drains, lay the product on the substrate and let it freeze. So garlic will have its own dense protective shell, which will not allow it to rot. You can make life easier for yourself and tightly wrap a vegetable in a food film.

In the case of sawdust, you will need a cardboard box or a wooden box with small gaps between the boards. Fill the bottom with wood shavings (it is best to spruce or pine). Spread over a layer of garlic, tightly sprinkle with sawdust and repeat the actions until the container is filled. Finishes the whole layer of sawdust.

If you have a fireplace or oven where you burn only wood, you can use ordinary ash for garlic preservation. Important: it should not contain chemical impurities like burnt plastic.

How to use spoiled garlic Illiquid heads can be used for food. And if there is a lot of marriage, it can be turned into garlic powder and also put into food. To do this, you need to clean the teeth of the husks, cut with thin slices, dry, and then grind in a mortar or with a blender. The finished product is stored in a sealed container.

Another option is to put the cloves in a jar and pour vegetable oil (best of all - olive). Garlic can be used for cooking, and when it is finished, you will have a delicious fragrant salad dressing.

And how do you make garlic? Share your favorite life hacks in the comments.


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