In September, I plant garlic to grow heads the size of a fist

Autumn is the time to prepare beds for winter garlic. Gardeners say that garlic should be planted 30 days before the onset of cold weather. But it is very important not to miss the cold snap, because the harvest will not rise. Today we will tell you when to plant winter garlic and how to prepare beds for its safe landing.

There are two types of garlic: winter and spring. Winter garlic is stored less, but it is winter-resistant. Therefore, it is planted in early autumn and removed in mid-summer. Spring relatives are stored longer, but do not survive the winter, so it is planted in the spring, and removed at the end of summer.

Winter garlic should be planted in September, if the air temperature drops sharply. It all depends on the weather conditions. At a temperature below 10 degrees with a mark + garlic has time to adapt to frosts and easier to tolerate cold. Already 10-20 days you can start preparing the soil for planting garlic.

The soil for garlic garden for garlic should be separate, and the soil is flat, so that in spring melt water does not linger in the ground with seedlings. Garlic can be planted on the same bed with strawberries, these plants coexist well together. The earth must be excavated and loosened. Before planting the garlic, put compost into the soil. With him, the land should settle for 21 days. This is necessary for the uniform distribution of compost and microorganisms throughout the soil.

During the growth of garlic it is not fertilized, but only watered. So before planting seedlings, it is necessary to introduce wood ash into the soil for fertilizing garlic. 1/3 part of a 10-liter bucket of ash is necessary for 1 square meter of a bed for garlic. Ash is an organic feeding that allows you to grow garlic without the use of chemicals. The ash contains potassium and phosphorus, they are easily absorbed by seedlings, and the yield of garlic increases.

Garlic can be planted on beds where squash, eggplant, pepper, pumpkin or grain crops used to grow. It is important to prepare the seedlings themselves before planting. Divide the head of garlic into cloves, get rid of small or spoiled cloves. The day before planting, treat garlic with a pest repellent.

Garlic is planted at a distance of 30 cm between the rows and retreat 15 cm between the cloves. Garlic teeth should be deepened into the soil by 2 cm. When the air temperature is below zero, then you can cover the garlic. Watch the video on the channel “Garden Head”, here the experienced gardener openly talks about all the nuances of planting garlic.


If you plant garlic correctly, the harvest will be given to glory. Winter-resistant purple-striped garlic best takes root and bears fruit. Make sure the teeth are approximately the same size. What kind of garlic do you plant on your beds?


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