Experienced gardeners know exactly where to plant garlic, if you do not want to be left without a harvest.

At the end of October, many gardeners begin to plant garlic for the winter. To get a good harvest of a savory vegetable in the summer, it is not enough just to stick selected cloves into the ground in the fall. It is necessary at the same time to choose the right place for the bed and be sure to make fertilizer for winter garlic, because during the spring-summer growing season, the soil in the garden has become very depleted. It has given away all its supplies of useful elements to the crops that grew here before, and it needs help to recover.

What to choose fertilizer for winter garlic? For feeding the bed for winter garlic, both mineral and organic fertilizers can be used. It is recommended to increase soil fertility comprehensively.

In autumn, it is better to use potash-phosphorus mineral fertilizers. These include: superphosphate, potassium salt, potassium in combination with magnesium, phosphorus flour and the like. Under their influence, garlic will take root well and become resistant to cold and disease.

Mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen are not suitable for winter garlic: they contribute to the rapid germination of cloves, and green sprouts can die from frost. Therefore, calcium and sodium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea and other substances are not recommended to be introduced into the soil in the autumn.

Excellent natural fertilizer for winter garlic are siderates. For this purpose, shoots of clover, alfalfa, rapeseed, mustard, facelia or wiki will be needed.

As an organic fertilizer for the winter, peat, compost, humus and wood ash are used under garlic. Fresh manure cannot be used. For 1 square meter of land will need a pound of ash or a bucket of humus (peat, compost).

To get a complex feeding, compost is mixed with ash. Here you can also pour 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1-2 large spoons of potassium sulfate. You can not exceed the rate of fertilizer by 1 square meter, because then nothing will grow on the garden.

How to make fertilizer for winter garlic? 15 or 30 days before planting a vegetable, wood ash, compost, peat or humus are evenly distributed throughout the garden. The bed is then dug up. If complex feeding was not used, then after a week the soil can be saturated with mineral fertilizers.

When you plan to feed the bed with green fertilizer, the siderate must be sown in advance. Before digging the bed, the culture should give thick shoots. Too high stalks of plants before plowing the garden must be mowed.

What are the requirements for the garden on which winter garlic will grow? A bed under garlic should be placed on a well-lit area with moderate humidity. Culture grows poorly on soil with high acidity. For garlic you need a light sandy soil.

It is necessary to observe the rules of crop rotation and not to plant garlic in the place where fennel or onions used to grow. Bad precursors for winter garlic are the following crops: potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, eggplant and pepper.

Garlic grows well after plants belonging to the legume family. Boldly plant it in the place of beans or peas. A good harvest of garlic can be collected from the garden, on which squash, cucumbers or patissons used to grow.

Have you planted winter garlic in the garden yet? Now is the time to do something useful! Especially now you know how to put it in the right place.


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