Saw a luxury pumpkin on the market and decided to add this product to your diet, this is what happened after 20 days

Berries, fruits and vegetables during cooking can lose their useful properties. Therefore, they are not recommended for prolonged heat treatment. A variety of fruits is better to eat fresh: it is easier to fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Put aside doubts about whether it is possible to eat raw pumpkin. Use it in raw food is not only possible, but also necessary!

And today's edition. "Site" I'll tell you all about it.

Pumpkin is an indispensable dietary product: it is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, while it has a low calorie content and has the ability to remove toxins from the body. Eating a seasonal vegetable for a month helps not only to naturally lose weight, improve the condition of the skin, but also activates metabolism and has a beneficial effect on digestion. It is not necessary to sit on strict diets: eat pumpkin and keep in shape. At the same time, you can eat deliciously and not feel hungry. The benefits of regular eating of autumn vegetables will be visible in 3 weeks.

Pumpkin is good in any form, but raw vegetable brings more benefits. Before eating, it can be cut into pieces or rubbed on a grater. Since not everyone likes grated flesh, nuts and honey can be added to improve the taste. It also goes well with crushed apple and lemon juice. The ripe raw pumpkin is put in salads, it is added to cocktails, juice is squeezed out of it. Pumpkin juice is drunk fresh and canned for the winter.

Who should not eat pumpkin But cooking experiments with fresh pumpkin are not useful for everyone. Refrain from eating raw vegetables (or still berries?) should be the elderly and people with diseases of the digestive system. Small children are forbidden to give raw pumpkin, so as not to harm their health. A raw vegetable can cause fermentation in the immature intestine and provoke colic in babies.

There are many wonderful dishes using pumpkin that will help diversify your menu. It is baked with fragrant herbs and spices, and also added to roast and cutlets. From pumpkins make pancakes, it is part of porridge and soups. A sweet vegetable is added to biscuits, charlottes, puddings, muffins, casseroles and cakes.

The unique Pumpkin product is a non-waste product. Its elastic fibers, which previously held the seeds, are used in the treatment of veins. The flesh of the vegetable is eaten and used in cosmetology (masks are made of it). Pumpkin seeds are a favorite delicacy of children and adults. They are very useful, but have a high calorie content. The norm for humans is 60 grams of white seeds per day. It is better to eat them raw (dried), although they are more delicious. Pumpkins of small size together with the skin are used as dishes for cooking and serving dishes on the table. It is not only delicious, but also very beautiful! Large specimens can be cut into pieces.

It is important to know that there are feed varieties of pumpkin. Its fruits can grow to giant sizes and are used as animal feed. The skin of such a pumpkin is very hard, and the flesh is hard and fresh. People only like its seeds. Special dining varieties are grown for our kitchen. They cannot boast of large sizes, but they have a delicate and sweet flesh.

Have you discovered the rich taste of orange vegetables yet? It’s time to do this and include pumpkin in your daily diet. Even if you never liked pumpkin pulp, you will definitely find that unique recipe for its preparation that will win your heart.


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