5 best dishes of pumpkin for every taste

Pumpkin - a true gift to humanity. In it everything is fine and tasty, the flesh that seeds. She's such a round, smooth, bright and shiny, but also very useful. From it you can cook almost everything: soup, salad, and stews, and jam, and even bake a cake!
Website to prepare for the season pumpkin and collected the most delicious recipes that no delay when it appears on the shelves.
1. Pumpkin stuffed kuritsey

Pumpkin small - 1 pc. Chicken - 1 kg. Potatoes - 3 pieces. Carrots - 1 pc. < / Onions - 3 heads Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc tomato - 1 pc. The greens: dill, parsley, lettuce - beam salt and pepper - to taste Vegetable oil - 100 g Preparation:
Chicken fillet wash, dry and cut into small pieces. Preheat a skillet. Fry the chicken until golden brown. Cut off the top of the pumpkin, carefully remove the pulp of the pumpkin. The walls of the pumpkin should not be too thin. Leave about about 1-1, 5 cm. Pumpkin inside grease with vegetable oil and rub with salt. Cut the onion into small cubes and add to the meat and continue to fry until the onion is golden. Purified carrot cut into strips. Add to the pan with the chicken and onions. Cut the potatoes, add to the chicken with vegetables. Now, chop the remaining vegetables: tomatoes - diced pepper - julienne. Parsley grind. Garlic cloves will use a whole, so it only needs to clean Add vegetables and pumpkin pulp in a pan, stir, add salt and pepper. Spoon the filling into the pumpkin pot, cover with a lid. Spread on a baking foil and place in the center of her stuffed pumpkin and tightly wrap the foil with the tail. The oven is heated to a temperature of 180-200 degrees and bake for 1, 5-2 hours until it becomes soft.
2. Pumpkin soup pyure

Pumpkin small - 500 g mushrooms - 200 g onion - 1 pc. Bulgarian pepper red - 1 piece. < / Garlic - 1-2 teeth. Sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. Hard cheese - 30 g Salt black pepper, paprika, ground coriander - to taste Preparation:
Pumpkin Boil until half a small amount of water. Mushrooms fried with onions, garlic and pepper (to set aside some mushrooms and pepper for decoration), add pumpkin, salt, spices, sour cream and simmer until tender. Ready pyurirovat soup in a blender, adjusting the density of hot broth. Serve the soup with remaining sauteed mushrooms and grated cheese.
3. Fruit pilaf in a pumpkin

Figure - 6 tablespoons. l. Pumpkin (whole) - 400 - 500 g Honey - 1 tbsp Dried apricots - 10 - 15 pcs. < Raisins - 2 tbsp. l. Cinnamon - 1/5 ch. l. Cream (33%) - 100 ml Preparation:
Cut off the top of the pumpkin and gently cleanse it from seed. Cut a bit of pulp, so that the walls become thinner. Soak rice in hot water for 10 minutes. Figure you can use any. In a separate bowl mix the chopped pieces of pumpkin, raisins, chopped dried apricots. Add honey or sugar to taste. Pour rice (pre-drain the water, where he soaked) and stir. Now you need to put the resulting stuffing into a pumpkin. Do not fill to the top of the pumpkin, rice will zabuhat and he will have a place. Pour the rice and gently stir the cream so that the cream reached the bottom of the pumpkin. If there is no cream, you can fill in the usual milk, but then dobovat 1 more tablespoon of butter. Cover pumpkin "lid" and wrap in foil. Pumpkin ready for baking. Baked pumpkin for a long time to time, about two hours at 180 degrees. 15 minutes before end of baking open the foil to squash browned on top.
4. The American pumpkin pie with koritsey

Wheat flour - 400 g Butter - 250 g Egg chicken - 3 pieces The pumpkin - 900 g Sugar - 200 g 30% -s' Cream - 200 ml Cinnamon to taste Vanilla to taste salt to taste Preparation:
Sift flour and salt into a bowl. To rub between palms with soft butter to the mixture looked like bread crumbs, then add the lightly beaten egg and knead the dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap in foil and send in the refrigerator for 30-50 minutes. Clean the pumpkin, remove the seeds. Cut the flesh into cubes. Put in a pan with a thick bottom, or in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer until soft and complete evaporation of the liquid. Blender grind the pulp into a homogeneous mass. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface, and to lay them low round with a diameter of about 30 cm. On top of the dough to put a piece of paper for baking and fill any rump. This will evenly propechsya Korzh. Bake for 15 minutes at 190 degrees. Put the pumpkin puree in a bowl, beat two eggs, sugar, cream, spices and salt. Pour the mixture into a baked dough. Bake for 50-55 minutes cake at 180 degrees. When the cake has cooled, it can be easily cut into portions.
5. Soup in tykve

The pumpkin - 500 g Bread - 1 slice. Cheese - 30 g Cream - 80 ml < Black pepper (ground) Preparation:
With pumpkin cut off the top. It will serve as a lid. Spoon to pull the "internal" pumpkin. Sprinkle with black pepper. A slice of bread drier (for example, in a toaster) and cut into cubes. Grate the cheese. Pumpkin fill layers - bread, cheese. Pour cream. Put the pumpkin in shape. Close lid. Bake in oven at 180 ° C for about 2 hours. It all depends on the size of your pumpkin. If you bake one large pumpkin for the whole family, then you need a spoon before serving stir pulp baked pumpkin with cream filling. And then fill the plate. If you do portions, each could prevent himself.
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