Pumpkin juice — use and area of application
About the beneficial properties of pumpkin and dishes prepared from it, has long been known. The birthplace of it is considered to be Central America, although some experts tend to give the palm in matters of cultivation pumpkin Ancient China. We will not delve into a historical discussion, but it is better to talk about the benefits that pumpkin juice brings to our body.
Pumpkin juice: useful properties and состав
Let's start with the fact that water, which contains 85% juice pumpkin, clean and structured, i.e. contains information that improves the work of every cell in the human body, and lately in the press and scientific publications more attention is paid that these properties of water and their influence on human activity.
The second component, which I would like to mention separately is a plant fiber (or pectin), in which pumpkin juice contains a very large number. What it gives us? Pectin improves intestinal function and for the normal peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract it is vital.
In addition, plant fibers are adsorbents and bind themselves to harmful substances in the digestive tract from the outside or stand by the wall of the intestine into its cavity: it's the toxins, allergens, immune complexes, the products of disturbed metabolism (e.g., lactic acid in gout), radionuclides.
Proceed to the biologically active components of pumpkin juice. Than the rich? Trace elements (potassium, magnesium, iron in high concentrations, zinc, phosphorus, etc.), vitamin a, b vitamins, C and E. And that's not all! In the pumpkin juice contains antioxidants and is relatively rare-occurring vitamin K, which is not possible without adequate work of the blood coagulation system.
Juice the pumpkin and the practical primegenerator to practice. When we will need all the beneficial properties of the juice of pumpkin is in the treatment of some conditions and diseases?
First of all, every healthy person needs to maintain his physical shell, and a glass of fresh pumpkin juice is very useful. If the body has already given signals about failures in internal processes, the juice is especially indicated.
B vitamins will have a healing effect on the Central nervous system: feel fatigue in the middle of the day? Can't relax in the evening and long tossing and turning in bed? Wake up in the morning not rested? Stress at work and at home? All these will help the use of the juice of the pumpkin. A glass or half a glass once a day before eating and another glass of honey before bedtime.
Vitamin E is vital for our reproductive organs, because men pumpkin juice is useful in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the prostate, and women in violation of menstrual cycle.
In the treatment of kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, and other kidney disease also found a place to juice the pumpkin. Not before he passes pathology of the liver: viral hepatitis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis pumpkin juice will help due to the high content of vitamins and absorbent properties of fiber.
All the same ability of pectin to get toxins and allergens will help when disorders of metabolism (gout) and in the treatment of autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), so that here the green light gets pumpkin juice. The benefits of vitamin C for immunity allows it to be used to strengthen the body's defenses, especially in children.
Useful pumpkin juice lovers diet: calories it contains little, and in the discharge of days of plant cellulose will fill the digestive tract, which need to work in the days when you are starving, on the other hand — it also removes from the bowel of all toxins.
Cosmetologists also could not resist and could not pass up such a product. How useful pumpkin juice for them? Nutrients useful for masks on the face helps to overcome acne, increase turgor and elasticity of the skin contribute to wrinkles. A similar effect will have a systematic treatment of the skin with a cotton swab soaked in pumpkin juice.
It remains to sum up: pumpkin juice is a versatile folk remedy to fight many diseases. Yes, he is not able to cope with them independently and is not a panacea, but it will gently help the body fight pathogenic agents, supplying it with the necessary energy and nutrients.
There are no contraindications, there is a recommendation not to use pumpkin juice, with low acidity and intestinal disorders.
Source: /users/1077
Pumpkin juice: useful properties and состав

Let's start with the fact that water, which contains 85% juice pumpkin, clean and structured, i.e. contains information that improves the work of every cell in the human body, and lately in the press and scientific publications more attention is paid that these properties of water and their influence on human activity.
The second component, which I would like to mention separately is a plant fiber (or pectin), in which pumpkin juice contains a very large number. What it gives us? Pectin improves intestinal function and for the normal peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract it is vital.
In addition, plant fibers are adsorbents and bind themselves to harmful substances in the digestive tract from the outside or stand by the wall of the intestine into its cavity: it's the toxins, allergens, immune complexes, the products of disturbed metabolism (e.g., lactic acid in gout), radionuclides.
Proceed to the biologically active components of pumpkin juice. Than the rich? Trace elements (potassium, magnesium, iron in high concentrations, zinc, phosphorus, etc.), vitamin a, b vitamins, C and E. And that's not all! In the pumpkin juice contains antioxidants and is relatively rare-occurring vitamin K, which is not possible without adequate work of the blood coagulation system.
Juice the pumpkin and the practical primegenerator to practice. When we will need all the beneficial properties of the juice of pumpkin is in the treatment of some conditions and diseases?
First of all, every healthy person needs to maintain his physical shell, and a glass of fresh pumpkin juice is very useful. If the body has already given signals about failures in internal processes, the juice is especially indicated.
B vitamins will have a healing effect on the Central nervous system: feel fatigue in the middle of the day? Can't relax in the evening and long tossing and turning in bed? Wake up in the morning not rested? Stress at work and at home? All these will help the use of the juice of the pumpkin. A glass or half a glass once a day before eating and another glass of honey before bedtime.
Vitamin E is vital for our reproductive organs, because men pumpkin juice is useful in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the prostate, and women in violation of menstrual cycle.
In the treatment of kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, and other kidney disease also found a place to juice the pumpkin. Not before he passes pathology of the liver: viral hepatitis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis pumpkin juice will help due to the high content of vitamins and absorbent properties of fiber.
All the same ability of pectin to get toxins and allergens will help when disorders of metabolism (gout) and in the treatment of autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), so that here the green light gets pumpkin juice. The benefits of vitamin C for immunity allows it to be used to strengthen the body's defenses, especially in children.
Useful pumpkin juice lovers diet: calories it contains little, and in the discharge of days of plant cellulose will fill the digestive tract, which need to work in the days when you are starving, on the other hand — it also removes from the bowel of all toxins.
Cosmetologists also could not resist and could not pass up such a product. How useful pumpkin juice for them? Nutrients useful for masks on the face helps to overcome acne, increase turgor and elasticity of the skin contribute to wrinkles. A similar effect will have a systematic treatment of the skin with a cotton swab soaked in pumpkin juice.
It remains to sum up: pumpkin juice is a versatile folk remedy to fight many diseases. Yes, he is not able to cope with them independently and is not a panacea, but it will gently help the body fight pathogenic agents, supplying it with the necessary energy and nutrients.
There are no contraindications, there is a recommendation not to use pumpkin juice, with low acidity and intestinal disorders.
Source: /users/1077