10 curious facts about miracle vegetable of the season — pumpkin
Pumpkin is not only delicious but also extremely healthy product, deducing of harmful substances from the body. This pumpkin is not over. The website publish for you 10 most interesting facts about this wonderful product.
1. In fact, pumpkin is a berry, one of the largest in the world. Its fruits can weigh up to several hundred kilograms.
2. Fresh pumpkin can be bought only from August to November, as this period is the harvest. Autumn is the best time for cooking various dishes of pumpkin: cream soups, pies, casseroles, etc.
3. The birthplace of pumpkin is considered to be Mexico. On its territory, the scientists found the most ancient pumpkin seeds age of about 7000 years. After the discovery of America, it gradually became widespread on other continents.
4. There are about 800 different varieties of pumpkins, but only 200 of them are edible.
5. Pumpkins come in different colors: white, yellow, green, black, and different colors: spotted and striped. They can vary in appearance: to be round or oval, shaped to resemble a pear or an onion have smooth skin or small bumps on the surface.
6. To prepare one liter of pumpkin seed oil requires about 35 pumpkins. Oil helps to reduce cholesterol level in body and prevents cardiovascular diseases. It is rich in vitamins a, E and K, selenium, phytosterols and linoleic acid.
7. Pumpkin is 90 percent water and has a high content of beta-carotene. It is also rich in sodium and potassium, which are necessary to support muscle tone and regulation of water balance in the body.
In addition, pumpkin contains magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphoric and silicic acid, and vitamins B, C and D. it is Difficult to believe that all these nutrients contained in pumpkin pulp, accounts for only 25 calories per 100 grams of product.
Pumpkin seeds are especially beneficial to men. They contain zinc, responsible for male reproductive system.
8. Pumpkins can be stored for several weeks in a dark place. However, a cut pumpkin can be stored in the refrigerator for 30 days.
9. Pumpkins are used as decorations for Halloween. They cut out spooky faces, and at the bottom of empty pumpkins for lighting is the candle. To made of pumpkin lanterns is not covered with mold they are treated with vinegar inside and hair outside.
10. Every year from September to November in the small German city of Ludwigsburg is a large-scale festival devoted to pumpkins. There you can see the fruits brought from all over the world, different colors, shapes and sizes. The event is staggering in its scope. First, attract the attention of visitors the exhibition of sculptures made from pumpkins.
Some of them are cut straight from the fruit.
Liebherr.zadruga consist of many pumpkins.
Liebherr.combo second, during the festival a competition for the biggest pumpkin. Weight Champions often reaches up to 600 pounds! A pumpkin in the store definitely will not buy
In addition, every visitor can taste delicious dishes the main ingredient is a large orange berry, and buy a pumpkin or products from it (jam, noodles, cakes and even pumpkin champagne).
via blog.liebherr.com/holodilniki/ru/10-faktov-o-tykve/

1. In fact, pumpkin is a berry, one of the largest in the world. Its fruits can weigh up to several hundred kilograms.
2. Fresh pumpkin can be bought only from August to November, as this period is the harvest. Autumn is the best time for cooking various dishes of pumpkin: cream soups, pies, casseroles, etc.
3. The birthplace of pumpkin is considered to be Mexico. On its territory, the scientists found the most ancient pumpkin seeds age of about 7000 years. After the discovery of America, it gradually became widespread on other continents.
4. There are about 800 different varieties of pumpkins, but only 200 of them are edible.
5. Pumpkins come in different colors: white, yellow, green, black, and different colors: spotted and striped. They can vary in appearance: to be round or oval, shaped to resemble a pear or an onion have smooth skin or small bumps on the surface.
6. To prepare one liter of pumpkin seed oil requires about 35 pumpkins. Oil helps to reduce cholesterol level in body and prevents cardiovascular diseases. It is rich in vitamins a, E and K, selenium, phytosterols and linoleic acid.
7. Pumpkin is 90 percent water and has a high content of beta-carotene. It is also rich in sodium and potassium, which are necessary to support muscle tone and regulation of water balance in the body.
In addition, pumpkin contains magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphoric and silicic acid, and vitamins B, C and D. it is Difficult to believe that all these nutrients contained in pumpkin pulp, accounts for only 25 calories per 100 grams of product.
Pumpkin seeds are especially beneficial to men. They contain zinc, responsible for male reproductive system.
8. Pumpkins can be stored for several weeks in a dark place. However, a cut pumpkin can be stored in the refrigerator for 30 days.
9. Pumpkins are used as decorations for Halloween. They cut out spooky faces, and at the bottom of empty pumpkins for lighting is the candle. To made of pumpkin lanterns is not covered with mold they are treated with vinegar inside and hair outside.
10. Every year from September to November in the small German city of Ludwigsburg is a large-scale festival devoted to pumpkins. There you can see the fruits brought from all over the world, different colors, shapes and sizes. The event is staggering in its scope. First, attract the attention of visitors the exhibition of sculptures made from pumpkins.
Some of them are cut straight from the fruit.

Liebherr.zadruga consist of many pumpkins.

Liebherr.combo second, during the festival a competition for the biggest pumpkin. Weight Champions often reaches up to 600 pounds! A pumpkin in the store definitely will not buy
In addition, every visitor can taste delicious dishes the main ingredient is a large orange berry, and buy a pumpkin or products from it (jam, noodles, cakes and even pumpkin champagne).
via blog.liebherr.com/holodilniki/ru/10-faktov-o-tykve/
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