Useful knowledge about the pumpkin

Common pumpkin is rich in important antioxidants and vitamins. This is not related to the exotic fruit, not a vegetable too high in calories but contains vitamin A, and flavonoid polyphenolic antioxidants, including lutein, xanthine. It also abundantly contains carotenes. Isn't it time to learn about the pumpkin anymore?
A climbing plant, which is a lot of interesting told in the pages of the website Nutrition And You, are laying on the ground and in many ways similar to other plants of the family Cucurbitaceae that also includes cucumbers, squash and musk melon (cantaloupe). Pumpkins almost anywhere in the world.
They vary in shapes, sizes and colors. Giant pumpkins can weigh 4 to 6 pounds, and the largest of them reach a weight of 25 kilos. Golden pumpkins are flat, they are smaller in size and have colors orange cream.
Usually pumpkins are orange or yellow, but some of them may be green (from dark to pale yellow shade), brown, red and even gray. The color of pumpkin greatly depends on the content of yellow-orange pigments in their skin and pulp. Their thick skin has vertical "ribs".
The color of the fruit flesh of the pumpkin from Golden yellow to orange and depends on the content of polyphenolic pigments. The fruit of the pumpkin has a hollow center, with numerous small white seeds. Pumpkin seeds, of course, cleaned from the shell, are an excellent source of protein, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids omega-3.

Use pumpkin for gorovladeletz before you enter something in the diet, consult a nutritionist, because even the most healthy foods can be individual allergic reactions.
Pumpkin is among the most low-calorie vegetables. The energy value of pumpkin is only 26 calories per 100 grams. Pumpkin contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. It is rich in fiber included in the food composition, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. This vegetable is among the diet products that are recommended to people who want to control cholesterol and lose weight.
Pumpkin is full of vitamins and antioxidants, including vitamins a, C and E.
Pumpkin contains 7384 international units (IU, IU) of vitamin A per 100 grams, providing 246% of the daily allowance. Vitamin a — a powerful natural antioxidant that the body uses to maintain the integrity of skin and mucous membranes. It is also necessary to maintain vision in good condition. The results show that natural foods rich in vitamin A, provides some protection from lung cancer and oral cavity.
Pumpkin is also an excellent source of many natural polyphenolic flavonoid compounds like alpha and beta carotenes, cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Carotenes are converted in the body into vitamin A.
Zeaxanthin is a natural antioxidant that filter UV rays in the macula of the retina. Thus, it provides some protection against age-related macular degeneration (degeneration) of the retina, "age-related macular disease" (ARMD) in the elderly.
Pumpkin fruit is also a good source of B vitamins such as folates, Niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and Pantothenic acid.
Pumpkin is also a rich source of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
Individual attention pumpkin seeds — good source of fiber included in the food composition and monounsaturated fatty acids, which are good for heart health. In addition, these seeds are a concentrated source of protein, minerals and healthy vitamins. For example, it should be noted that 100 grams of pumpkin seeds have an energy value of 559 calories, contain 30 grams of protein, 110% of the daily rate of consumption of iron, 31% of the daily rate of consumption of nicotinic acid (Niacin), 17% of the RDA intake of selenium, 71% of the daily value of zinc consumption and a number of other components. However, they do not contain cholesterol. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of health enhancing amino acid tryptophan.

How to choose a pumpkin and its granitica sold all year round. Give preference to Mature fruit, to respond to tapping on him "woody" sound, thick and sturdy stems. Avoid pumpkins with wrinkled skins, cuts and bruises.
Strong Mature pumpkins can be stored in a cool and well-ventilated place long enough. But the peeled and chopped pumpkin should be stored in the refrigerator for a few days, not more.
Pumpkin kulinariya sometimes treated with insecticides in the form of powder or spray. It should be thoroughly washed under running water to wash away the dust, the earth, and Fund balances for pest control, including the means for the control of insects, insecticides and agents for combating the fungus, the fungicides.
Cut off the stem and divide the fruit into two equal halves. Plexus remove the seeds and set them aside. Then cut the pulp in pieces. Usually in cooking, use small pieces of pumpkin pulp. Are almost all edible parts of the pumpkin plants — fruits, leaves, flowers and seeds.
Pumpkin is used in cooking many of delicious dishes. It stewed, baked and fried. Most of the nutrients will remain in it if you cook it for a couple. In China young soft pumpkin leaves are used as greens in soups.
In Indian cooking very often, pumpkin is used in cooking sweet dishes, including "sabzee", halva, desserts, soups and curries, and other dishes.
Pumpkin finds application also in recipes for cakes, pancakes, flans (liquid custards), ravioli (like ravioli) and other dishes.
Pumpkin is used in cooking the incredibly delicious soufflés, stuffings and soups. That its application is not limited.
Roasted pumpkin seeds, cleaned from shells, are a favorite with many snack (light snack).
Nutritional value tyquin parentheses are the percentage of the daily allowance. Nutritional value is based on 100 grams of raw fresh pumpkin according to information from the Ministry of agriculture of the United States.
General information:
the energy value of 26 kcal (1%);
carbohydrates — 6.50 grams (5%);
protein — 1.0 gram (2%);
fat — 0.1 gram (0.5 percent);
cholesterol — 0 milligrams (0%);
fiber, part of the food is 0.5 grams (2%).
folate — 16 micrograms (4%);
nicotinic acid — 0,600 milligram (4%);
Pantothenic acid — 0,298 milligrams (6%);
pyridoxine (vitamin B6) — 0,061 milligram (5%);
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) — 0,110 milligrams (8,5%);
thiamine (vitamin B1) — 0,050 mg (4%);
vitamin A — 7384 international units (IU, IU) is 246%;
vitamin C — 9.0 mg (15%);
vitamin E — 1.06 mg (7%);
vitamin K and 1.1 micrograms (1%).
sodium — 1 milligram (0,5%);
potassium — 340 mg (7%).
calcium — 21 mg (0,5%);
copper — to 0.127 milligrams (14%);
iron — 0.80 milligrams (10%);
magnesium — 12 milligrams (3%);
manganese is 0.125 milligrams (0,5%);
phosphorus — 44 mg (5%);
selenium — 0.3 microgramma ( zinc — 0.32 milligram (3%).
alpha-carotene (α-carotene) — 515 micrograms;
beta-carotene (ß-carotene), which is rich in carrots — 3100 micrograms;
beta-cryptoxanthin (ß-cryptoxanthin) — 2145 micrograms;
lutein-zeaxanthin — 1500 micrograms.
Source: hi-news.ru
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