25 deadly poisonous houseplants

Basic safety precautions — the unavailability of plants for young children and Pets, caring for plants in rubber gloves, thorough handwashing.
Ivy evergreen (Delirium, cardiac arrest. Poisonous berries and leaves).
Rhododendron Sims (Convulsions. All poisonous plants).
Buxus sempervirens (respiratory arrest, convulsions. All poisonous plants, especially leaves).
Broom (Convulsions, death. All parts are poisonous plants.)
Trichocereus (Paralysis of the CNS. All parts are poisonous plants.)
Persian cyclamen ( Convulsions. The most poisonous seeds and roots.)
Intoxication (respiratory Paralysis, coma. death. All parts are poisonous plants.)
Dieffenbachia (Paralysis. All parts are poisonous plants, but the most dangerous seeds.)
Dioscorea (respiratory arrest, death. All parts are poisonous plants, but especially the tubers.)
Brunfelsia (cessation of breathing. All parts are poisonous plants, but especially the roots.)
Colchicum autumnale (CNS paralysis. All poisonous plants, particularly corms.)
Adenium fat (Poisoning, used as a poison for arrows. A poisonous milky juice.)
Garnet (Gastric bleeding, convulsions, collapse. Poisonous all parts of the plant except the fruit.)
Cotyledon rounded (Convulsions, paralysis. All poisonous plants, the most poisonous leaves.)
Common oleander (respiratory arrest, convulsions. All parts are poisonous plants. One leaf of oleander contains lethal dose of poisons.)
Castor ordinary (bloody diarrhea, death. The most poisonous seeds.)
Passionflower bodily (Paralysis. The whole plant is poisonous except the fruit.)
Pachypodium Lamerei (Convulsions, respiratory arrest. All poisonous plants).
Amaryllis belladonna (Used as arrow poison. Especially the poisonous bulbs).
Cleve cinnabar (a Collapse. Poisonous leaves).
Sauromatum iscovery (Paralysis. All parts are poisonous plants).
Jatropha gouty (Collapse, all parts are poisonous plants.)
Japanese Euonymus (Convulsions, paralysis. All parts are poisonous plants).
Aglaonema changeable (CNS. All poisonous plants).
Gloriosa luxury (convulsions, respiratory arrest. All parts are poisonous plants, especially the tubers).

Source: /users/1077