25 deadly houseplants. Choose "green friends" with care!
Plants in the house - is not only beautiful, but also useful, because they purify the air in the room and we produce the necessary oxygen. But unfortunately, not all plants bring only benefit to man. Many plants, including room, capable of much harm to humans or even kill him. To you or your family members do not become victims of dangerous houseplants, .cc has prepared for you a list of 25 species that is to be feared and to be extremely careful with them! Home precaution, if your house is, like plants - they need to be put away from small children and pets and care for them is only in rubber gloves.
1. Ivy evergreen
In this plant are poisonous berries and leaves. Consequences - delirium, cardiac arrest.
2. Rhododendron Sims
All parts of the rhododendron are poisonous, it can cause seizures.
3. Boxwood evergreen
This plant is poisonous completely, but a special danger represent its leaves. The result can be convulsions or cardiac arrest.
4. Broom
All parts of the plant are toxic, and can end with a lethal poison.
5. Trihotsereus
In this plant are poisonous all parts. The result may be paralysis of the central nervous system.
6. Cyclamen Persian
The most toxic part - seeds and roots. There may be seizures.
7. Datura
All parts of the plant are poisonous. Consequences - respiratory paralysis, coma, and death.
8. Dieffenbachia
All parts of the plant are poisonous, but the seeds are the most dangerous. And the result can be a stroke.
9. Wild yam
All parts are poisonous plants, especially the tubers. Looming respiratory arrest and death.
10. Brunfelsiya
This plant is poisonous in full, a particular danger are the roots. It causes respiratory arrest.
11. Colchicum autumnal
Toxic whole plant, particularly the corms. The result can be a CNS paralysis.
12. Adenium obesum
This plant is poisonous milky sap. Consequences - food poisoning.
13. Pomegranate
All parts of the plant are poisonous, except for its fruit. Cause stomach bleeding, convulsions, collapse.
14. Cotyledons rounded
Toxic whole plant, the most poisonous leaves. It causes seizures and paralysis.
15. Oleander ordinary
All parts of the plant are poisonous. In one piece of oleander contains a lethal dose of poison to humans. Threatens to stop breathing, convulsions.
16. Castor bean
Most seeds are poisonous and can cause bloody diarrhea, they and even death.
17. Passionflower bodily
Toxic whole plant, except the fruit. It causes paralysis.
18. Pachypodium Lamer
Toxic whole plant. And it causes seizures, respiratory arrest.
19. Amaryllis Belladonna
Especially poisonous bulbs, natives used this plant as a poison for arrows.
20. Clivia miniata strong>
The leaves are poisonous, can cause collapse.
21. Sauromatum venous
All parts of the plant are toxic, causing paralysis.
22. Jatropha gouty
Toxic whole plant, the consequence may be a collapse.
23. Euonymus Japanese
All parts of the plant are poisonous. The poison causes convulsions and paralysis.
24. Aglaonema changeable
Toxic whole plant. It affects the central nervous system.
25. Gloriosa superba
All parts are poisonous plants, especially the tubers. The poison causes cramps, can cause respiratory arrest.
And it's not a theory, here are some examples of the life that will prove to you that these plants, though very beautiful, but at the same time extremely dangerous to humans!
One young man has got to open the window in the house of the parents, and grew up in this window cactus that looks like a trihotsereus. Due to the negligence of the young man could not keep his balance and fell off his chair, breaking above a cactus elbow joint. Man's hand swelled up to the shoulder and stopped listening to two months.
In 2012, in Khakassia had an accident with the child. The kid was poisoned by swallowing the leaves of a houseplant - dieffenbachia. He was taken to the hospital with severe swelling of the mucous tissue.
Recently Irkutsk another baby poisoned leaves dieffenbachia. The child was taken FGS (fibrogastroscopy). As a result, doctors have found extensive burns the esophagus and stomach, that is a child swallows the plant completely.
Not to endanger the lives of their loved ones, especially if you have small children. Carefully select plants for children's rooms to your child is not in danger, and even better - try to get rid of these plants and not to buy them, so you're sure to protect your family!
via takprosto cc

1. Ivy evergreen
In this plant are poisonous berries and leaves. Consequences - delirium, cardiac arrest.
2. Rhododendron Sims
All parts of the rhododendron are poisonous, it can cause seizures.
3. Boxwood evergreen
This plant is poisonous completely, but a special danger represent its leaves. The result can be convulsions or cardiac arrest.
4. Broom
All parts of the plant are toxic, and can end with a lethal poison.
5. Trihotsereus
In this plant are poisonous all parts. The result may be paralysis of the central nervous system.
6. Cyclamen Persian
The most toxic part - seeds and roots. There may be seizures.
7. Datura
All parts of the plant are poisonous. Consequences - respiratory paralysis, coma, and death.
8. Dieffenbachia
All parts of the plant are poisonous, but the seeds are the most dangerous. And the result can be a stroke.
9. Wild yam
All parts are poisonous plants, especially the tubers. Looming respiratory arrest and death.
10. Brunfelsiya
This plant is poisonous in full, a particular danger are the roots. It causes respiratory arrest.
11. Colchicum autumnal
Toxic whole plant, particularly the corms. The result can be a CNS paralysis.
12. Adenium obesum
This plant is poisonous milky sap. Consequences - food poisoning.
13. Pomegranate
All parts of the plant are poisonous, except for its fruit. Cause stomach bleeding, convulsions, collapse.
14. Cotyledons rounded
Toxic whole plant, the most poisonous leaves. It causes seizures and paralysis.
15. Oleander ordinary
All parts of the plant are poisonous. In one piece of oleander contains a lethal dose of poison to humans. Threatens to stop breathing, convulsions.
16. Castor bean
Most seeds are poisonous and can cause bloody diarrhea, they and even death.
17. Passionflower bodily
Toxic whole plant, except the fruit. It causes paralysis.
18. Pachypodium Lamer
Toxic whole plant. And it causes seizures, respiratory arrest.
19. Amaryllis Belladonna
Especially poisonous bulbs, natives used this plant as a poison for arrows.
20. Clivia miniata strong>
The leaves are poisonous, can cause collapse.
21. Sauromatum venous
All parts of the plant are toxic, causing paralysis.
22. Jatropha gouty
Toxic whole plant, the consequence may be a collapse.
23. Euonymus Japanese
All parts of the plant are poisonous. The poison causes convulsions and paralysis.
24. Aglaonema changeable
Toxic whole plant. It affects the central nervous system.
25. Gloriosa superba
All parts are poisonous plants, especially the tubers. The poison causes cramps, can cause respiratory arrest.
And it's not a theory, here are some examples of the life that will prove to you that these plants, though very beautiful, but at the same time extremely dangerous to humans!
One young man has got to open the window in the house of the parents, and grew up in this window cactus that looks like a trihotsereus. Due to the negligence of the young man could not keep his balance and fell off his chair, breaking above a cactus elbow joint. Man's hand swelled up to the shoulder and stopped listening to two months.
In 2012, in Khakassia had an accident with the child. The kid was poisoned by swallowing the leaves of a houseplant - dieffenbachia. He was taken to the hospital with severe swelling of the mucous tissue.
Recently Irkutsk another baby poisoned leaves dieffenbachia. The child was taken FGS (fibrogastroscopy). As a result, doctors have found extensive burns the esophagus and stomach, that is a child swallows the plant completely.
Not to endanger the lives of their loved ones, especially if you have small children. Carefully select plants for children's rooms to your child is not in danger, and even better - try to get rid of these plants and not to buy them, so you're sure to protect your family!
via takprosto cc
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