9 exotic houseplants, from which it is simply impossible to look away.

To create coziness in the house, not only accessories, furniture and various jewelry are important, but also correctly selected indoor plants. They will certainly add some zest to the house and will constantly please the eye. The only question is what kind of plant to get.

Editorial "Site" I've collected the most for you. houseplantsFrom which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

Species of houseplants
  1. ORBEA
    The plant itself is not remarkable, it has the most ordinary appearance. But only until it blooms. The flower of this plant amazes with its bizarre shape and unusual color. There are instances of bright and bizarre shades, but brown-yellow flowers with dark inclusions are more common. 126780

  2. Makodes petola
    This incredible plant impresses with its massive leaves of unusual color. And you can find color from greenish-gray to emerald. Small streaks on the leaves give the impression that the pattern shines and flickers. This plant will definitely appeal to you.

  3. marina
    Another representative large-leafed. It attracts with its spectacular color, it is impossible to take your eyes off these leaves. Some varieties of this plant have veins of pink color, which adds to their special charm.

  4. Coleus Blum.
    The main feature of this plant is a colorful color. It is difficult to distinguish the main color in this composition, there are too many. The leaves of the plant have a velvet structure, and in appearance resemble nettles. Oddly enough, the species belongs to flowering, but its flowers are very small and imperceptible. The main value is still the leaves. They're a miracle!

  5. hypoestes
    A delicate and extremely beautiful plant. The foliage of dark green color is decorated with pink, red and white divorces. They are scattered chaoticly, from which they acquire an even more exotic appearance. If you provide the plant with bright light, it will please the eye all year round.

  6. The fluff-flowering line
    And this beauty amazes with its unusual and beautiful flowers. They are small, but very bright, and also spotted. There are a variety of shades depending on the variety: orange-red, purple, pink. Such a flower will definitely bring to life colors and good mood.

  7. calceolaria
    Another plant that will surely decorate your home. Lush, flowering bushes of calceolaria fascinate at first sight. They amaze not only with the variety of colors, but also with their unusual shape.

  8. Crassula umbella
    Why say anything, just look at this unusual creation of nature.

  9. clerodendrum
    Without shame, we can say that clerodendrum is one of the most beautiful houseplants. It combines tenderness and luxury. These powerful perennial plants stand out with bright foliage and lush flowers of various shades. And most importantly, the clerodendrum is completely unpretentious in care.

We hope that these unusual and beautiful houseplants inspired you to get one of them. I mean, they're just beautiful.

What unusual houseplants do you have? Share it in the comments!


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