Last year, winter garlic pleased with large heads, planted in August
Gardeners, although they know all the secrets of growing healthy plants, often argue when the conversation comes to the question: “When to plant winter garlic?” Opinions are indeed divided, and there are reasons for that. Planting winter garlic in autumn, for example, has a number of advantages.
People live in different geographical locations. Accordingly, they may have different air temperature, soil, soil yield and the quality of sowing material. Some insist that garlic grows only in August, and even better in July. Well, now we will try to dispel these myths and at least clarify the situation in general.
Planting winter garlic in the autumn What is the difference There are two types of garlic. Winter and spring. The spring is the spring and the spring is the spring. These types differ visually. For example, spring garlic has small teeth and is considered more spicy. Winter grows larger, and also lets down arrows. These arrows are very useful, and we would like to talk about them in more detail.
First, shot garlic can be propagated not only by cloves, but also by the arrows themselves. This is very convenient when the plant begins to degenerate with age, and you do not want to buy a new variety. For example, if you do not know exactly what quality it is.
Besides, garlic You can cook. Some simply cut them into middle pieces and fry them in a frying pan. This additive will give a gentle garlic aroma to many dishes. They can be banally fried and filled with whipped chicken eggs: the omelet will turn out to be excellent and not boring at all. It is best for lovers to experiment with food.
If you grind the arrows in a blender, add some oil and salt to them, the resulting sauce will suit well with meat and fish. Also, arrows can be marinated, frozen for the winter and cooked with tomatoes, soy sauce, meat. In short, excellent taste and use. After all, they have a lot of vitamins and microelements. Doctors will confirm.
Why do some gardeners plant garlic in August? There are a number of reasons for this.
Why it is better to plant later First of all you need to deal with the seed material. By trial and error, it was found that the best option is the variety. Rich man (large head, up to 7 teeth, about 85 g) and Komsomolets (up to 60 g, from 8 to 13 teeth, very hardy).
Before planting, you must necessarily separate the teeth from the head, choosing the largest. Thus, the harvest will be the best possible. In addition, pay attention to donza A plate at the bottom that prevents the teeth from taking root. Before landing, the donkey must be removed.
Planting garlic is best post-pumpkin in non-acid soil enriched with oxygen. He also likes to grow up next to strawberries. The landing site should rest for at least a month before that, this is also worth considering. And finally, try to have good access to the sun and a minimum of shade sources (fence or something like that).
The perfect landing time. from late September to mid-October!
There are 3 ways to plant garlic, which give a 100% result and save space.
Method 3. In fact, as a second way, but we will plant garlic not only in 2 floors, but also in staggered order. All figures are the same, only we will plant not in rows, but as, for example, lay a brick. A little worth bothering, but the harvest will trample with unprecedented force!
Even before the pandemic, in winter, garlic cost good money. After all, our people like to use traditional medicine, especially if it is tested and worked for centuries. Few people know about the healing abilities of garlic. And a folk proverb tells us to cook a sleigh in the summer, so planting winter garlic will not hurt under any circumstances!

People live in different geographical locations. Accordingly, they may have different air temperature, soil, soil yield and the quality of sowing material. Some insist that garlic grows only in August, and even better in July. Well, now we will try to dispel these myths and at least clarify the situation in general.
Planting winter garlic in the autumn What is the difference There are two types of garlic. Winter and spring. The spring is the spring and the spring is the spring. These types differ visually. For example, spring garlic has small teeth and is considered more spicy. Winter grows larger, and also lets down arrows. These arrows are very useful, and we would like to talk about them in more detail.
First, shot garlic can be propagated not only by cloves, but also by the arrows themselves. This is very convenient when the plant begins to degenerate with age, and you do not want to buy a new variety. For example, if you do not know exactly what quality it is.

Besides, garlic You can cook. Some simply cut them into middle pieces and fry them in a frying pan. This additive will give a gentle garlic aroma to many dishes. They can be banally fried and filled with whipped chicken eggs: the omelet will turn out to be excellent and not boring at all. It is best for lovers to experiment with food.

If you grind the arrows in a blender, add some oil and salt to them, the resulting sauce will suit well with meat and fish. Also, arrows can be marinated, frozen for the winter and cooked with tomatoes, soy sauce, meat. In short, excellent taste and use. After all, they have a lot of vitamins and microelements. Doctors will confirm.
Why do some gardeners plant garlic in August? There are a number of reasons for this.
- Landing August - early September. Very good weather and free time. It is not a problem that garlic winter, still not lost.
- Whether it will rise or not, that is the question. If the warm weather lasts too long, the tender roots may simply freeze in the future, but people sometimes turn a blind eye.
- If the garlic does germinate, it will give a good opportunity to plant subsequent seeds. That's great.
- Thick stem and strong shoots are also directly related to a good, strong harvest in the future.

Why it is better to plant later First of all you need to deal with the seed material. By trial and error, it was found that the best option is the variety. Rich man (large head, up to 7 teeth, about 85 g) and Komsomolets (up to 60 g, from 8 to 13 teeth, very hardy).
Before planting, you must necessarily separate the teeth from the head, choosing the largest. Thus, the harvest will be the best possible. In addition, pay attention to donza A plate at the bottom that prevents the teeth from taking root. Before landing, the donkey must be removed.

Planting garlic is best post-pumpkin in non-acid soil enriched with oxygen. He also likes to grow up next to strawberries. The landing site should rest for at least a month before that, this is also worth considering. And finally, try to have good access to the sun and a minimum of shade sources (fence or something like that).
The perfect landing time. from late September to mid-October!
There are 3 ways to plant garlic, which give a 100% result and save space.
- Method 1. He's classic. Garlic is planted in rows, distance - 25 cm. The distance between the teeth should be about 14 cm. And the teeth themselves plant to a depth of about 4 cm. In no case do not press them either with the hand or the ground, as they love oxygen. We mulch with humus and compost.
- Method 2. It's more complicated. Deepen the pits. About 14 cm. Then we dig a little and plant another cloves of garlic at a depth of about 7 cm, same-hole! Between the rows it is better to leave at least 15 cm. This method saves space and guarantees a rich harvest even from a small plot.

Method 3. In fact, as a second way, but we will plant garlic not only in 2 floors, but also in staggered order. All figures are the same, only we will plant not in rows, but as, for example, lay a brick. A little worth bothering, but the harvest will trample with unprecedented force!

Even before the pandemic, in winter, garlic cost good money. After all, our people like to use traditional medicine, especially if it is tested and worked for centuries. Few people know about the healing abilities of garlic. And a folk proverb tells us to cook a sleigh in the summer, so planting winter garlic will not hurt under any circumstances!
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