Started to save money, giving up lipstick and tights, but my husband found out my secret

Money is always needed, it is always scarce, it always runs out quickly. We told you recently. How to properly save moneyWhat tricks are worth using for this and why do you need savings at all? But sometimes the passion for accumulation can be harmful to the family. How is that possible?

Today's edition. "Site" It will tell the story of a reader who managed to save money even with a small family income. But the guardian of the family hearth somehow forgot to tell her husband about his savings (who earned all the money). This was an unpleasant surprise for the head of the family.

How to save money I have been married for almost 10 years. We live well, we have our own apartment, which my husband got from my grandmother. My husband works, earns a little, but we have enough. I over the years have not got a job, raising two daughters, home life is also completely on me, writes Maria.

“I also manage the family budget. My husband does not have time to do this, so the communal room, buying food, clothes, household goods or something for my daughters is always on me. In addition, it is not at all difficult for me to follow stocks and sales in order to buy the right one at a good price. After all, with one salary for four people, you need to be able to spend money competently.”

“You can't pick on me. The husband knows that the house is always clean, clothes are washed and ironed, food is cooked. He can sometimes play with children or help the elder with homework. Sometimes (very rarely) something around the house helps me that I can’t handle myself.”

“But one day there was an incident that changed a lot. My husband and I had a big fight, and he got dressed and left. The phone turned off, I couldn't call him. I had almost no money left, and I spent the night thinking what would happen if he didn't come back. Fortunately, the next day he came back and we made up. But that episode and that fear for myself and my children remained for a long time.

“I realized then how vulnerable I was without my husband, because I didn’t even have any savings. I decided I needed some savings just in case. I began to save the money I had saved.”

Somewhere could buy sausage cheaper, somewhere saved on cosmetics or buying clothes. It was nice to put the bill behind the bill, realizing that this money is the same airbag. Saving proved to be quite an exciting event. I even became more involved in knitting and sometimes sold my crafts over the Internet. That money went into my stash, too.

“Everything went well until one moment. My husband, in my absence at home, was looking for some important document, turned everything upside down and came across my savings, which I had been collecting for the past three years. My husband was shocked by his salary. And when he spoke to me, he could hardly find the words.”

“Said that he always gave me all the salary so that my family would not need anything, and I never thought that I was hiding money. Now he is completely disappointed and no longer trusts me. Even considering divorce. I understand that I acted ugly towards him, but I do not know how it can be corrected, Maria regrets her mistake.

Perhaps it is even good that the wife does not spend all the money, but manages to save something. Of course, the man is unpleasant that he did not even know about the existence of such a “stash”. He doesn’t seem to know what these savings were meant for. Strangely, Maria did not explain that the money would have gone to the needs of the family in any case, if there was an urgent need.

What do you think of a woman? It cost her. lay down Secretly from her husband?