What are the main disadvantages of dark lipstick

Many women dream of looking younger, more beautiful and fresh. And it doesn’t even depend on age, just ladies want to bloom. In fact, it is not so difficult, but all efforts can go to waste because of annoying trifles. For example, because of the shade of lipstick. It seemed like nothing, but it turned out to be very important.

Editorial "Site" Who should give up dark lipstick and why? How is it that Best Lipstick - Bright Lipstick?

There is no dispute, dark shades of lipstick look luxurious, rich and beautiful. However, it is better for older women to abandon them. There are a couple of reasons. We'll even illustrate it visually.

The first drawback of dark lipstick is that it visually hides the volume of the lips. If you have lush eyelashes, then all the accent will go to the eyes and the face will seem asymmetrical. All imperfections will appear immediately, even those that did not exist before. With bright lipstick, the lips look juicy, full, and with dark lips immediately lose volume.

For young girls, this is not so critical. Although there are women who do not go dark shades, regardless of age. This is especially true for blondes with a warm color. Also, ladies with thin lips should choose dark shades with caution.

Now back to the topic of age. In order not to be unfounded, we will immediately present you with a visual picture of how the shade of lipstick changes appearance. Look at the woman in the photo.

On the left is her usual makeup with bright lipstick. It looks quite fresh and beautiful. The tone of the face is warm and the features are pleasant. Right right is the same woman, only with dark lipstick. Already noticeable wrinkles, paler tone of the face, and lips have noticeably lost volume. What can I say, the difference is huge.

So we slowly approached the second minus of dark lipstick – it emphasizes all the shortcomings and age-related changes. Every wrinkle, every pigment spot or mole will be a thousand times more noticeable. With dark lipstick, the nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the lips seem more noticeable and catch the eye. At least look at the next picture.

These examples prove the authenticity of the fact that dark shades age. However, there are exceptions to any rule. Every woman is individual: her facial features, her color type. If you choose a shade harmoniously, then with the help of dark lipstick you can brighten your teeth and distract attention from age-related changes. Again, a good example.

Here, on the contrary, too bright lipstick spoiled the image. With a dark shade of pink, the woman looked harmonious. It is worth noting that even the complexion looked better in the first case. Bright lipstick is not a panacea, it should be used wisely.

By the way, there are women whom dark lipstick does not age at all, but decorate. They can only be envious, because they open a huge variety of alternatives and shades that can be tried.

One conclusion can be drawn from these examples: what goes to one does not necessarily go to another. Some dark lipstick ages, others add luxury. As someone lucky, do not equal all under one comb. If you see your face blossoming with dark lipstick, wear it to your health. The main secret of female beauty is to like yourself.


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