The fate of books read

Inherit from parents and grandparents we get a lot of old books. Some of them are quite relevant at the present time, but often so many old books accumulate at home that there are not enough bookshelves for them. Just because you don't need books doesn't mean they're going straight to the trash.

There are several ways to give a book a second life and at the same time do a good deed for others. Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you about where you can put old unnecessary books that are bored on the far shelf without doing anything.

If you decide to conduct an audit of your bookshelf, but it is very difficult for you to understand which books are needed and which are not, sort them according to a simple principle. Conditionally divide all your books into groups: the most beloved, those that can be sold, those that can be given for free and books that should be handed over to waste paper. Here are some ideas where you can attach your favorite books with the benefit and confidence that someone needs them.

  1. Go to the library.
    The first thing that comes to mind. You can bring any book to the nearest library and leave it to enlighten inquiring minds. The book should be in good condition. Some libraries do not accept all books, so it is better to ask in advance which books your library will accept. Libraries are in orphanages and nursing homes, in hospitals, there will be happy detectives, novels, magazines that brighten up the leisure of children and the elderly.

  2. Distribute to acquaintances
    If you have friends who read, that’s a good thing. Not only because they are interesting conversationalists, but also because they are sure to enjoy a good book as a present.

  3. Hand over unnecessary books to waste paper
    Instead of sending old grandmother’s books to the landfill, it is better to hand them over to waste paper at the nearest reception point. This will allow you to get rid of unnecessary books and do a good deed. The waste is collected by environmental organizations that minimize the production of non-recyclable waste.

  4. Sell over the Internet
    In any social networks, you can post photos of books with a brief description and inspiring text about what they have taught you. There are also special areas where you can sell offFor example, Avito or Yula platforms.

  5. Bookcrossing.
    If you are a book lover, and at home all books are read cover to cover, then bookcrossing is for you. The point is, you take someone's book and you change it for yours. Such an exchange can be arranged in a cafe, in a park, in the subway or in libraries. For example, in Kiev in the summer there is a platform for bookcrossing in the park named after T. Shevchenko. The motto is “Take, read, return or leave yours.”

  6. Take it to the flea market.
    In every city there are bazaars where people sell their things cheaply. Books can be left to one of the merchants: both profit and you plus karma.

  7. Give to charity organizations for the poor
    People need books as much as they need clothes. Not everyone can afford to buy a new book, but this donation will be welcome.

As you can see, there are many ways to give an old book new life and do a good deed. It is clear that digital technologies prevail, many are more convenient to read books on a smartphone or tablet. But there are connoisseurs of the very rustle of pages that will not replace any technology. Which books do you prefer?


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