7 components that should never be put in the compost

Avoid mistakes, laying compost
Composting is an amazing process. Thanks to him, reduced the amount of waste in landfills and our gardens get food for plants.
But not all can and must get into the compost pile. For example, some ideal, at first glance, the biodegradable material can contain a multitude of tiny particles of plastic or heavy metals, which in the compost not the place — because they do not decompose in the soil. Test yourself: we will look at 7 ingredients that you should never put in the compost, and 7 good materials for composting.
The feces of Pets
Do not add to compost pile of feces your cat, dog or other pet. And at all costs to keep the animals away from the garden beds, since their waste products can contain dangerous parasites, including Toxoplasma gondii. Especially dangerous these microorganisms for pregnant women, but researchers seem to have established their connection with the occurrence of such a serious disease as schizophrenia.
Instead, use
But pet hair can be composted. The only condition: do not put in the compost combed wool, if before you've treated your pet special trains from fleas or mites.
Filters from air purifiers
The filters used in ventilation systems (for example, the kitchen), usually accumulate tiny particles of synthetics (in particular, fibers from our clothes), which do not decompose in the soil. Add to this the fact that many popular antistatic agents, fabric conditioners, detergents contain toxic chemicals — phthalates, used in the creation of synthetic fragrances. Then you will understand why this place only in the trash.
Instead, use
What do you do with withered leaves of indoor plants? Before they all dried up, throw them in the compost — and get an extra dose of nitrogen. Remaining after pruning house plants, shoots, leaves and fades the flowers are ideal for a compost pile.
Greasy, oily products
Adding compost foods high in fat, you literally invite four legged guests to visit your compost pile. Although in trace amounts, these substances will not harm, should bear in mind that they are very slow to decompose in the soil — and this is another reason why you should keep them away from the compost.
Instead, use
It should also refrain from using the compost dairy products and meat, but egg shells and waste from vegetarian table definitely needs to be composted. Just bury them to avoid attracting animals to the location of the compost pile.
The contents of dust boxes
Household dust may seem completely innocent. However, studies have shown that it contains harmful chemicals — particles of pesticides, flame retardants and phthalates. Their sources are household appliances and furniture, air fresheners and other synthetic fragrances.
Instead, use
If you add the compost contents of the bag after the home cleaning is a bad idea, composting garden waste is good! All kinds of leaves enrich the compost. And so they do not stick together, hindering the decomposition, chop them with the lawn mower before laying in a heap.
Pieces of drywall
At first glance, the drywall may seem suitable dry material to add to compost pile. But it is not! This building material is literally saturated with toxins, since its production is often used waste coal-fired power plants. Those who need additional arguments, you can recall the recent scandal surrounding Chinese drywall.
Instead, use
You can use compost, sawdust only in moderate amounts since they decompose slowly and "lock up" nitrogen. Never use sawdust dyed or treated in other structures of wood.
Some types of weeds
Do not put in compost weeds that have formed seeds, or those plants in which the pieces of the rhizomes or the stems root easily, for example, convolvulus arvensis. Also, avoid weeds, extremely resistant to drought, as they have often enough moisture in the leaves to survive even after being pulled from the ground and threw it on the compost pile. Such plants are able to root in the compost and spread along with it.
Instead, use
Most weeds before seed formation, you can put in the compost. Drought-resistant plants should survive several days in the sun, that they finally withered and was unable to take root. Weeds that are spread by rapidly growing rhizomes (e.g. field horsetail), it's best to use compost at all. In extreme cases, will put them in trash bags, close them and leave for a few days in the sun. When the roots finally die and begin to humus, they can safely add to your compost heap.
Glossy paper
Paper, especially glossy, with colour pictures and text, may contain heavy metals. Better to send the paper to recycling than throwing it in the compost.
Instead, use
You can put in the compost pile cardboard, pre-chopped him. Just do not use cardboard on which there are inscriptions in colored ink. And you need to understand that cartons are often treated with insecticides to get rid of pests. Therefore, the cardboard, too many prefer to dispose of to protect themselves. published
Source: www.7dach.ru