What happens if you throw a chicken leg into a compost pit?
Composting helps turn organic waste into a useful fertilizer for beds in the country. Contrary to popular belief, not all organic matter can be put into a compost box. Today we will tell you how to build a compost box on your site and what waste should not be put into it.
In autumn, a lot of organic waste appears: cleaning vegetables, mowed grass, tree branches, tops and leaves. All this is suitable for making compost, which then will be an excellent fertilizer for beds. And the best thing is a free and environmentally friendly way to provide yourself with fertilizer all year round.
Compost can be stored in a special compost bucket even in an apartment. And for the suburban area you need a larger capacity. Some summer residents simply dig a hole near the garden and put organic matter into it. Compost box has a number of advantages over compost pit.
First of all, it's beautiful. A box with compost on the site looks much more neat than a pile with humus. Even if this box is located in the most inconspicuous corner, it will be quite large. To compost enough for a year, summer residents make a meter cube from wooden boards. Someone spares no money and buys a ready-made composter of 1000 liters.
Secondly, organics bend in parts, not all at once. The waste at the bottom should be used first. Marina and her husband built a compost box on their own. Once a year, Marina fertilizes beds with compost. To do this, she unscrews several boards from below and extracts half of the compost.
The presence of worms in compost indicates a good quality of raw materials. In order for organics not to emit an unpleasant smell, compost must be laid correctly. Inside, the box is covered with a half-polyethylene film to maintain a normal composting temperature. A box without a lid, so rainwater gets into it and it contributes to the process of rotting. The boards of the box are screwed loosely so that oxygen gets inside.
For compost, special mixtures are often used that accelerate the composting process, but Marina does well without them. At the bottom of the box, she lays branches, grass and leaves, top. Between the layers of organic matter, Marina pours a small amount of soil. So layers of compost are laid: “Dairy products and residues of meat products I do not lay, otherwise it will not be compost, but a garbage pit,” says Marina. On her channel, the woman talks in detail about how she uses a compost box and how she puts compost into it.
In compost put green and brown materials in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 5. Green materials are fruits, grass, green top, animal waste and manure. Brown materials are peat, hay, sawdust, dry top and dry leaves.
Do not throw animal excrement into the compost box so that compost does not turn into poison. Bones, meat and the remains of fatty foods will attract rodents and other unscrupulous pests. Food should be thrown away without packaging. Plastic packaging forms microplastics in fertilizer, will harm both the environment and human health.
In a compost pit, you can fold eggshells, natural threads, coffee grounds, hay, clean cardboard, vegetable pruning. During the year, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of compost. And on dry days, a box with compost should be watered with water. Do you have a compost box?

In autumn, a lot of organic waste appears: cleaning vegetables, mowed grass, tree branches, tops and leaves. All this is suitable for making compost, which then will be an excellent fertilizer for beds. And the best thing is a free and environmentally friendly way to provide yourself with fertilizer all year round.

Compost can be stored in a special compost bucket even in an apartment. And for the suburban area you need a larger capacity. Some summer residents simply dig a hole near the garden and put organic matter into it. Compost box has a number of advantages over compost pit.

First of all, it's beautiful. A box with compost on the site looks much more neat than a pile with humus. Even if this box is located in the most inconspicuous corner, it will be quite large. To compost enough for a year, summer residents make a meter cube from wooden boards. Someone spares no money and buys a ready-made composter of 1000 liters.

Secondly, organics bend in parts, not all at once. The waste at the bottom should be used first. Marina and her husband built a compost box on their own. Once a year, Marina fertilizes beds with compost. To do this, she unscrews several boards from below and extracts half of the compost.

The presence of worms in compost indicates a good quality of raw materials. In order for organics not to emit an unpleasant smell, compost must be laid correctly. Inside, the box is covered with a half-polyethylene film to maintain a normal composting temperature. A box without a lid, so rainwater gets into it and it contributes to the process of rotting. The boards of the box are screwed loosely so that oxygen gets inside.

For compost, special mixtures are often used that accelerate the composting process, but Marina does well without them. At the bottom of the box, she lays branches, grass and leaves, top. Between the layers of organic matter, Marina pours a small amount of soil. So layers of compost are laid: “Dairy products and residues of meat products I do not lay, otherwise it will not be compost, but a garbage pit,” says Marina. On her channel, the woman talks in detail about how she uses a compost box and how she puts compost into it.
In compost put green and brown materials in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 5. Green materials are fruits, grass, green top, animal waste and manure. Brown materials are peat, hay, sawdust, dry top and dry leaves.
Do not throw animal excrement into the compost box so that compost does not turn into poison. Bones, meat and the remains of fatty foods will attract rodents and other unscrupulous pests. Food should be thrown away without packaging. Plastic packaging forms microplastics in fertilizer, will harm both the environment and human health.

In a compost pit, you can fold eggshells, natural threads, coffee grounds, hay, clean cardboard, vegetable pruning. During the year, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of compost. And on dry days, a box with compost should be watered with water. Do you have a compost box?
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