You cannot add to the compost

Recycling of organic matter: that can't be added to compost Composting is becoming a new trend, and punches often appear in urban apartments. In the future from bio-waste makes great fertilizer for the garden and even indoor plants.

Diseased or treated with pesticides rasteniene plant in your garden is showing signs of a viral or bacterial infection (e.g., mold or tobacco pipeline), do not add it to the compost pile. The same applies to everything that the treated inorganic substances. Compost does not destroy the infection and pesticides, and they can easily spread around your vegetable garden.

Meat and other animal products proishojdeniya, bones and animal fats in any case must not fall into the compost pile. Otherwise, they can attract a variety of pests, including rats. In addition, products of animal origin after some time exude unpleasant odors, which will not be happy, neither you nor your neighbors.

Dairy products: meat, dairy attract pests. However, they disintegrate pretty quickly, and if the heap will be enough elements, carbon-rich to balance this expansion, the milk can adversely affect the overall environmental health of the compost.

Saracuruna weeds can survive even in high temperature environment and cause damage to vegetables and flowers. Among them sedge, bindweed, Bermuda grass, dandelion and burdock. If you still want to add them to the compost pile, before it keep them in a black plastic bag for one season. It will destroy any threat to your vegetable garden.

Paper patriciasmiley paper is a great addition to the compost heap, but only if there is no coverage. Avoid adding to compost Newspapers, magazines and flyers. All of this should go in the trash.

Cooked to makeathali any food cooked in oil should not be disposed in a compost pile. Oil attracts insects and affects the level of humidity in the heap.

The manure of animals that eat Masaaki manure chickens, sheep, rabbits and goats can be useful in a compost heap, it is not necessary to add manure of animals that eat meat (including cats and dogs). Their bacteria can harm nature and human health.

Pilkovici rich in carbon and can be a useful element of the compost, but if you are sure that they are derived from the raw bar, better throw them in the trash. Sawdust dyed or treated in other types of wood cannot be used, because then the harmful substances from paint and lacquer will be in your fertilizer. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: recyclemag.ru/article/8-komponentov-kotorye-nelzja-dobavljat-v-kompost
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