How to make a compost pile

A compost heap in the garden performs two functions. First, it solves the problem of disposal leaves, weeds, potato peelings, and many other organic waste. Second, the economy is always in a natural, organic fertilizer for growing a new crop. The material for the compost can be put in the pit, or to form a compost heap. Let's talk about how to make a compost heap on the plot.
In many ways, a pile of compost the compost pit. So, no need to bend over for the fertilizer, raking the compost from the bottom of the recess. In addition, compost pit with time still turns the compost pile, to get to the rotten layers which is problematic. Given the maturity of the compost, it is wiser to make two compartments in your compost heap: in a single waste is still piling up, the other is already ripe.

What you can and cannot put in the compost to Fill a compost heap can be almost any biodegradable food waste, including grass clippings, leaves from beans, weed the weeds, leaves, sawdust, ashes from the fire, bird droppings, horse and cow dung, leftover food from the table. It is not recommended to put the meat that attracts rodents, weeds with Mature seeds, the remains of patients of garden plants and various types of waste, characterized by a long period of natural decay and rotting (plastic bottles, bones, packages, etc.). Before laying in a pile of weeds and grass must podvyalit at least during the day. When I typed the organic layer with a thickness of 25-30 cm, on top of it pour a layer of the earth. In dry weather the compost lightly hose that did not stop the process of decay inside the heap, but wet a lot to do too. In the winter a bunch of shielding. The finished compost gradually sags, and when the kneading in the hands. brown crumbs.
The highlights of the device of the compost heap location is the first step towards creating a compost pile. You need to take into account that the organic waste during the decay emit a not very pleasant smell. In addition, usually over a bunch of circling gnats. Therefore, when planning the device a compost pile, take it away from the house and gazebo. The best place for her to be near the toilet in the far corner of the site.
The choice of material. It is based on the following: to the best of rotting organic matter requires oxygen, and, at the same time, the decay can affect the material from which made the walls-fencing the heap. This means that before you make a compost pile you need to choose the material, are poorly degradable and breathable. For example, mesh netting. A lot can be fenced on three sides with pieces of slate, plastic, iron sheets, leaving between them a small clearance for access of air. The fourth side is for convenience, can be stacked, "growing up" up as filling the pile with compost. It is most convenient to do a set of boards. The compost from time to time stirred with a shovel, and make it easier when the lot has good access. In addition, next year you can remove the bottom Board, using rotted compost, while the upper layers Mature.
The size of the compost pile. The optimal size of a one compartment compost heap 1,5x1,5 m. At lower settings the process of decay may decay before reaching the desired result. Large capacity may cause difficulty with their content and services (mixing, pouring the ground). Bottom of the compost pile should not be, because in the process of formation of compost play a significant role worms and other microorganisms. For better access to organic material of the land inside the heap, it is recommended to dig.
Source: ayatskov1.ru