How to plant winter garlic whole heads
The traditional way of planting garlic, which all gardeners know about, is planting with cloves. That is, you divide the head of garlic into cloves, select the best and plant in October, if we are talking about winter garlic.
Winter garlic can be planted not only with individual cloves, but also with whole heads. This method can be called lazy, since the time to land, compared to the usual way, you will take very little.
Planting garlic whole heads The 'lazy' way of planting garlic Excellent for small areas and for spot planting in the garden. The greatest effect it gives in winter planting, but spring garlic, planted according to the same technique, is worse.
From one bush usually grows immediately 5-7 heads of garlic. "Brush" garlic A little smaller than what was planted with individual cloves, but the area occupied by it is almost 57 times smaller, and care is much easier.
This saves not only time but also space. So you can plant garlic around apple trees, raspberries, currants. Garlic will protect currants from fire and other pests, and trees from aphids. Suitable varieties with four and five teeth in one head. Trust me, the harvest will be wonderful!
When planting whole heads, the need for nutrients is many times greater than with the traditional method. This must be taken into account and make a sufficient amount of fertilizer.
Advantages of planting garlic whole heads
Now you know, How to plant garlic whole heads in autumn. We have already told you when and how to plant winter garlic in 2018 and what subtleties should be considered to get an enviable harvest.
"Site" will tell you how to remove toxins and toxins from the body with garlic. After all, in this case, the main thing is not to go to extremes and do not harm the body.

Winter garlic can be planted not only with individual cloves, but also with whole heads. This method can be called lazy, since the time to land, compared to the usual way, you will take very little.
Planting garlic whole heads The 'lazy' way of planting garlic Excellent for small areas and for spot planting in the garden. The greatest effect it gives in winter planting, but spring garlic, planted according to the same technique, is worse.

From one bush usually grows immediately 5-7 heads of garlic. "Brush" garlic A little smaller than what was planted with individual cloves, but the area occupied by it is almost 57 times smaller, and care is much easier.

This saves not only time but also space. So you can plant garlic around apple trees, raspberries, currants. Garlic will protect currants from fire and other pests, and trees from aphids. Suitable varieties with four and five teeth in one head. Trust me, the harvest will be wonderful!
When planting whole heads, the need for nutrients is many times greater than with the traditional method. This must be taken into account and make a sufficient amount of fertilizer.
- Choose the most beautiful dense heads. To the touch, all teeth should be hard, without any signs of rotting or pest damage.
- Remove the upper scales and release the tops of the teeth, cut the donze with dry roots. Cut the stem at a height of 4-6 cm. Prepared heads of garlic moisture for 15 minutes in a salt solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water). Alternatively, you can soak the heads in a weak solution of permanganate (barely pink) or in a 1% solution of copper sulfur.
Another good etching agent is "Phytolavin", containing a complex of streptotricin antibiotics of natural origin. Perfectly suppresses root rot, vascular bacteriosis, alternariosis and many other fungal and bacterial diseases. - Make holes 10 cm deep in the ground. The distance between the holes should be 25-30 cm.
- In each hole add well-interrupted compost and 1 teaspoon of garden diatomite. Diatomite protects garlic from diseases and decay, improves the nutritional properties of the soil, deoxidizes it, increases yield.
- At the bottom of the fertilized pit, put the head of garlic, squeeze it slightly into the ground and sprinkle it with earth. On poor soils, you can sprinkle compost on top for additional nutrition.
Advantages of planting garlic whole heads
- Saving time
- Minimum area
- Beautiful harvest.
- Protection of plants from phytophthora, aphids, fire and other pests
Now you know, How to plant garlic whole heads in autumn. We have already told you when and how to plant winter garlic in 2018 and what subtleties should be considered to get an enviable harvest.
"Site" will tell you how to remove toxins and toxins from the body with garlic. After all, in this case, the main thing is not to go to extremes and do not harm the body.