How to feed peonies immediately after winter to get large and beautiful buds

Peonies are beautiful and unpretentious flowers, but they still need care. Since they can grow in the same place for many years, the soil under the bushes is advised to be treated and fertilized regularly. How well you feed peonies in the spring, so friendly, bright and long they will bloom.

When to start feeding peonies in the spring? In early spring, when the snow melts, it is recommended to enrich the moist soil with useful minerals. The flowerbed can be sprinkled with ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium sulfate or nitroammophos, because peonies need nitrogen in the spring, which is necessary for plants for active growth and full development. It is enough to sprinkle 1 tablespoon of granules per 1 square meter, and the wet earth will quickly dissolve and absorb them. At this stage, you can safely use urea, because the early shoots have not yet appeared and the delicate leaves will not suffer.

How and how to fertilize sprouted peonies in the spring? As soon as young burgundy shoots appear from the ground, the flowerbed should be carefully freed from the remains of last year's dry stems. Then you can start removing weeds, digging up the soil and thoroughly fertilizing it. Feed peonies in the spring can be as special complex preparations, adhering to the instructions, and natural organic fertilizers.

Before applying any type of fertilizer, it is recommended to loosen the ground near the bushes beforehand. You need to work carefully, because peons in the spring have fragile roots on their rhizomes, which are very easy to damage. Retreating on an inch from the shoots, make a recess in a circle, into which water saturated with minerals and useful elements is poured or compost is laid (humus).

If you decide to feed peonies with mineral fertilizers in the spring, then for effective assimilation of elements, the granules should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. On one bush you need to take 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate or nitroammophosque and 1 teaspoon of potassium phosphate. Preparations are better poured into a small glass container with water, close tightly with a lid and shake until the powder is completely dissolved. Then the liquid is poured into a bucket with settled water. This solution is slowly poured into the furrow around the rhizome. When the water is absorbed, the hole is filled with earth.

Peonies in the spring can be fertilized with an infusion of cow dung. For its preparation, 1 kg of organic fertilizer is poured with 5 liters of pure water and insist for several days. The aged liquid is drained into a bucket and filled to the top with rainwater. It is also allowed to add 1 liter of wood ash. The finished solution is watered with a furrow, using 2 liters per root.

To peonies bloom well, they are fed with a yeast solution. It's very easy to make it. It is necessary in 1 liter of heated water to dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar and 50 g of pressed yeast. The liquid should roam in a warm place for 2 hours. Then it is mixed with 10 liters of settled water, with which the bushes are watered.

Deepening near the rhizome can be mulched with humus or compost. Organic material should be evenly distributed around the bush. It will nourish the soil and retain moisture.

In the spring, peony bushes are recommended to be fertilized, not transplanted. Flowers are best planted and reproduced in autumn. It is recommended to do this in September or October. Then the root system before frosts will have time to recover and let thin roots that serve to absorb moisture and nutrients. During the winter, the plant will rest and be ready for full vegetation. If you transplant peonies in the spring, it will be more difficult for them to take root and they will not bloom this year.

Peonies should not be planted in shade or in a damp place. During planting, it is impossible to excessively immerse the rhizome in the ground. The layer of soil above the growth buds should not exceed 5 cm. Otherwise, peonies can only form leaves in the spring. You will never see them bloom if you plant them too deep. The hole in which the flower is planted must be fertilized. It is filled with humus mixed with soil and ash, and sprinkled with superphosphate and potassium. The root is placed in a hole, covered with earth and tightly tamped. Then it is poured abundantly with water. This fertilizer should be enough for two years.


In order for the third year the flowerbed to please with lush flowering with a gentle intoxicating aroma, peonies must be fed. Then the plants will gain strength for active growth and will receive an additional incentive to form buds.

What do you feed peonies in the spring?


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