15 best flowers to cut
A bouquet of freshly cut flowers is a bright touch in the interior, radically changing the appearance of any room. He, like a magnet, attracts eyes and fills the room with comfort and freshness. And a bouquet is traditionally a great gift for cute ladies for any reason and even for no reason.
Some people don't like bouquets. Growing flowers for cutting causes them negative feelings. I believe that cutting is the second life of flowers. Cutting flowers is not only not harmful to the plant, but even useful. This is why I grow flowers specifically for this purpose. In the corner of my garden there is a corner reserved for this, and between some vegetables there are also future inhabitants of bouquets.
How do these flowers differ from their garden counterparts?
I will answer that they are no different, they are the same flowers, only ready to stand cut indoors a little longer than others. So, for example, I love peonies, but blossomed terry peonies will stand no more than 2 days, and then a sea of crumbling petals and a sadly withered look. Because of this, I rarely use them in bouquets, they grow in me to decorate the site.
If you really want to, you need to cut peonies when they just decided to bloom, then there is a chance that they will stand longer.
When is the best time to cut plants?
The best time to cut is early morning, the flowers are saturated with moisture and strength for the new day. Cut flowers only beginning to bloom or still in the bud stage.
In some flowers, you can see whitish milky juice on the cut, let it drain, and then, as if sealing, dip into hot water.
It is not enough just to collect a bouquet of flowers, you need to choose these flowers in such a way that the period of wilting they have was approximately the same if the composition is different varieties of plants.
I will be glad to introduce you to flowers that can stay at your house for a while. I do not use chemical components that increase the standing time of plants in water after cutting. Only water and fresh flowers from the garden.
After many unsuccessful trials for myself, I have identified plants that are incredibly attractive in their simple beauty, but capable of pleasing the eye in a vase for a long time.
1. Leading the first place in the ranking of plants for cutting is not by chance, in a vase astras are 7-14 days. They are easy to cultivate, they bloom closer to autumn. Even a single flower of terry astra can transform a home. Half-opened flowers are the best for cutting. The stems are pruned by keeping the plant under water.
Read more about landing asters and caring for them
2. Gladiolus for a long time topped the rating of first flowers by September 1. Even when I was a kid, my mom used to collect beautiful gladioli bouquets half our height. Now I try every year to grow some new gladiolus with an unusual color, which has not yet pleased my eye. So this year my new pets decorated my garden and house with their amazing flowers.
I bought my gladioli new orange-brown color in a chain store in a sales box, they had no pictures, only bulbs. It turned out that they are short, unlike all my previous varieties, and this is such an unusual color.
3. In the vase can stand from 5 to 10 days, the shape of the flowers is different: from dahlia, terry to cactus-shaped. The colors are also amazing in variety, especially blue zinnia, but this year I was unable to grow them. The reason for this is an unprecedented drought.
4. Celosia
Celosia, which is popularly called “cock comb” is a very bright plant, I do not like to use it in a single cut, so I dilute them with other flowers from bouquets. But as an independent bouquet, shaded with various varnishes and greens, it will also look good in the cut. Preserves decorativeness in dried form, without losing flowers and shapes.
The most successful time for cutting celosis is the period when the plant will already have a quarter of buds blooming. The vase will stand for 10-14 days, the tips of the stems are dipped in boiling water to clog the resulting juice. I don't do that, I'm fine with a week in a vase.
5. Lion's yawn
Lion's yawn, he is a big antirrhinum - a beautiful, proud plant with high stems, strewn with colorful flowers. I heard the opinion that it is necessary to cut off the antirrhinum when it has already bloomed 5 flowers. I can neither confirm nor deny it. I can only say that you need to make sure that the lower flowers are not subsidized. The vase is able to stand for about 2 weeks, blooming gradually. I removed the lower flowers as I faded, continuing to enjoy the new blooms.
6. Without tulips, it is difficult to imagine a spring bouquet. They are chic in any form: in combination with other flowers, and single bouquets. A bouquet of tulips can stand for about 7 days, if you fix a closed bud with a rubber band, then longer. It is worth cutting early in the morning not yet blossomed dense buds, then there is a chance that they will be more resistant in the cutting.
7. This carnation is truly the queen of all the diverse carnation family. Lush, shaggy, she conquers at first sight. Stand in a vase of cloves Shabo can 7-10 days.
However, in my garden, she was very capricious in growing, I never managed to get the desired result, so Shabo takes from friends, but not to be upset, I complement the bouquets with Turkish cloves, which not only grows like a weed, but also stands in a vase for quite a long time.
8. rose
The garden queen, beloved by millions of gardeners. No less desirable in the cut. A bouquet of roses is a sign of good tone and well-being.
But not every rose is cut. So, for example, curly or shrubs are worse. And the planting of roses for cutting has special requirements, so, the planting must be compacted. With a ridge width of about 60 cm, roses are planted in several rows with a distance of 30 cm between rows.
Cut the buds preferably early in the morning and in the initial stage of dissolution.
If you have to cut the roses of shrubs, which, moreover, have already bloomed, I take into account that this bouquet will be no more than 3 days, maintaining a beautiful appearance.
9. chrysanthemum
When my husband gives me huge white chrysanthemums, my heart freezes. The joy of the gift lasts for 2 weeks and even more.
Even 2-3 large bright flowers can become a beautiful bouquet, and if you add to some shyness of chrysanthemums and various bright herbs, shrubby small roses, it will already be a work of art.
10. These fragrant flowers can stand in a vase for quite a long time. Once a bouquet of tubular lilies stood with me for more than 2 weeks. But due to the strong smell, not everyone liked it. Do not put a bouquet of lilies in the bedroom.
11. Hyacinth
Hyacinth is incredibly popular in spring, winter, summer - and whenever you want! If in winter we are satisfied with this plant in the potted version for quenching, then in spring and summer we can plant it in the garden for cutting. I like hyacinths in a bouquet without foreign plants, but you can supplement them with other spring plants if you want. It costs about 7 days.
12. This beautiful plant is included in the Red Book. In the forest, I did not raise my hand to pick myself a bouquet of cherished flowers, instead I dug up a little and planted on the site.
Now I just have a sea of lilies, and for the arrival of spring in the house, I can easily make a small bouquet out of them. These flowers have been loved by Russians for many years, bouquets of them are pleasing and smell incredibly beautiful. What prevents you from putting them on the site?
13. calendula
In the classical sense, calendula is a small plant with a sharp aroma and orange cups. To date, the usual flowers thanks to selection have become unusually terry, which makes these persistent plants also attractive for cutting. For example, from tall you can recall the calendar "Golden Emperor" with large terry flowers of orange color, on the inside of a darker hue, about 60 cm high. In addition to its attractive appearance, it also serves as a “phytosanitary”.
A beautiful medium-sized variety for cutting I had “Pink Surprise” – height up to 60 cm, the diameter of terry golden cream with a pink tint of inflorescences reaches 10 cm, which, you will agree, is quite a lot for nails. Small tubular petals of this variety are dark in color, which favorably shades the pleasant color of the plant. Of the short stature I liked the calendula variety “Apricot Pigmi”, its height barely reached 25 cm, very terry heads, the petals of which are painted in a pastel-apricot hue. The inflorescence diameter is only 5 cm, but in addition to aesthetic properties, the variety also has therapeutic properties.
14. allium
Not everyone knows that allium is a real bow. One of his kind. This may seem ridiculous, but from my own experience I can say that a decorative bow with large heads-"balls" looks good not only in a bouquet with other colors, but also in an independent composition.
Such a “bizarre” is able to please the inhabitants of the house for about 7 days.
Not so long ago I saw in a flower shop allium with inflorescences of bright green color, with a diameter of at least 20 cm.
15. utsonia
I want to finish the list with an infrequent guest of our gardens, just beginning to gain popularity. I recently found out about this beautiful plant, I have to share! Utsonia (Watsonia) is a perennial plant and quite tall, up to 2 m. In addition to being very decorative in the garden, its flowers are arranged in beautiful dense bouquets. Its unusualness lies in the fact that it is able to bloom in autumn, winter, spring, but when summer comes, a period of rest comes for it, this is due to the southern origin of the flower, where summer is all year round. Able to grow even in poor soils, this plant does not tolerate shading.
On the stem there are about 20 flowers on the main axis and on the side about 10. The flowers are very large with a very pleasant aroma, shades are thick from dark pink to purple. The leaves are thick, long, with a white stripe. Cross varieties are most often invited to the garden. Plant utsonia bulbs (should be purchased between September and October), as after planting the seeds will bloom only after 3 years.
Utsonia has only recently been cultivated in the middle lane. Gardeners admit that it is easier to grow this beautiful plant in the south of Russia or with constant care in a greenhouse.
Source: www.7dach.ru
Some people don't like bouquets. Growing flowers for cutting causes them negative feelings. I believe that cutting is the second life of flowers. Cutting flowers is not only not harmful to the plant, but even useful. This is why I grow flowers specifically for this purpose. In the corner of my garden there is a corner reserved for this, and between some vegetables there are also future inhabitants of bouquets.
How do these flowers differ from their garden counterparts?
I will answer that they are no different, they are the same flowers, only ready to stand cut indoors a little longer than others. So, for example, I love peonies, but blossomed terry peonies will stand no more than 2 days, and then a sea of crumbling petals and a sadly withered look. Because of this, I rarely use them in bouquets, they grow in me to decorate the site.
If you really want to, you need to cut peonies when they just decided to bloom, then there is a chance that they will stand longer.
When is the best time to cut plants?
The best time to cut is early morning, the flowers are saturated with moisture and strength for the new day. Cut flowers only beginning to bloom or still in the bud stage.
In some flowers, you can see whitish milky juice on the cut, let it drain, and then, as if sealing, dip into hot water.
It is not enough just to collect a bouquet of flowers, you need to choose these flowers in such a way that the period of wilting they have was approximately the same if the composition is different varieties of plants.
I will be glad to introduce you to flowers that can stay at your house for a while. I do not use chemical components that increase the standing time of plants in water after cutting. Only water and fresh flowers from the garden.
After many unsuccessful trials for myself, I have identified plants that are incredibly attractive in their simple beauty, but capable of pleasing the eye in a vase for a long time.
1. Leading the first place in the ranking of plants for cutting is not by chance, in a vase astras are 7-14 days. They are easy to cultivate, they bloom closer to autumn. Even a single flower of terry astra can transform a home. Half-opened flowers are the best for cutting. The stems are pruned by keeping the plant under water.
Read more about landing asters and caring for them
2. Gladiolus for a long time topped the rating of first flowers by September 1. Even when I was a kid, my mom used to collect beautiful gladioli bouquets half our height. Now I try every year to grow some new gladiolus with an unusual color, which has not yet pleased my eye. So this year my new pets decorated my garden and house with their amazing flowers.
I bought my gladioli new orange-brown color in a chain store in a sales box, they had no pictures, only bulbs. It turned out that they are short, unlike all my previous varieties, and this is such an unusual color.
3. In the vase can stand from 5 to 10 days, the shape of the flowers is different: from dahlia, terry to cactus-shaped. The colors are also amazing in variety, especially blue zinnia, but this year I was unable to grow them. The reason for this is an unprecedented drought.
4. Celosia
Celosia, which is popularly called “cock comb” is a very bright plant, I do not like to use it in a single cut, so I dilute them with other flowers from bouquets. But as an independent bouquet, shaded with various varnishes and greens, it will also look good in the cut. Preserves decorativeness in dried form, without losing flowers and shapes.
The most successful time for cutting celosis is the period when the plant will already have a quarter of buds blooming. The vase will stand for 10-14 days, the tips of the stems are dipped in boiling water to clog the resulting juice. I don't do that, I'm fine with a week in a vase.
5. Lion's yawn
Lion's yawn, he is a big antirrhinum - a beautiful, proud plant with high stems, strewn with colorful flowers. I heard the opinion that it is necessary to cut off the antirrhinum when it has already bloomed 5 flowers. I can neither confirm nor deny it. I can only say that you need to make sure that the lower flowers are not subsidized. The vase is able to stand for about 2 weeks, blooming gradually. I removed the lower flowers as I faded, continuing to enjoy the new blooms.
6. Without tulips, it is difficult to imagine a spring bouquet. They are chic in any form: in combination with other flowers, and single bouquets. A bouquet of tulips can stand for about 7 days, if you fix a closed bud with a rubber band, then longer. It is worth cutting early in the morning not yet blossomed dense buds, then there is a chance that they will be more resistant in the cutting.
7. This carnation is truly the queen of all the diverse carnation family. Lush, shaggy, she conquers at first sight. Stand in a vase of cloves Shabo can 7-10 days.
However, in my garden, she was very capricious in growing, I never managed to get the desired result, so Shabo takes from friends, but not to be upset, I complement the bouquets with Turkish cloves, which not only grows like a weed, but also stands in a vase for quite a long time.
8. rose
The garden queen, beloved by millions of gardeners. No less desirable in the cut. A bouquet of roses is a sign of good tone and well-being.
But not every rose is cut. So, for example, curly or shrubs are worse. And the planting of roses for cutting has special requirements, so, the planting must be compacted. With a ridge width of about 60 cm, roses are planted in several rows with a distance of 30 cm between rows.
Cut the buds preferably early in the morning and in the initial stage of dissolution.
If you have to cut the roses of shrubs, which, moreover, have already bloomed, I take into account that this bouquet will be no more than 3 days, maintaining a beautiful appearance.
9. chrysanthemum
When my husband gives me huge white chrysanthemums, my heart freezes. The joy of the gift lasts for 2 weeks and even more.
Even 2-3 large bright flowers can become a beautiful bouquet, and if you add to some shyness of chrysanthemums and various bright herbs, shrubby small roses, it will already be a work of art.
10. These fragrant flowers can stand in a vase for quite a long time. Once a bouquet of tubular lilies stood with me for more than 2 weeks. But due to the strong smell, not everyone liked it. Do not put a bouquet of lilies in the bedroom.
11. Hyacinth
Hyacinth is incredibly popular in spring, winter, summer - and whenever you want! If in winter we are satisfied with this plant in the potted version for quenching, then in spring and summer we can plant it in the garden for cutting. I like hyacinths in a bouquet without foreign plants, but you can supplement them with other spring plants if you want. It costs about 7 days.
12. This beautiful plant is included in the Red Book. In the forest, I did not raise my hand to pick myself a bouquet of cherished flowers, instead I dug up a little and planted on the site.
Now I just have a sea of lilies, and for the arrival of spring in the house, I can easily make a small bouquet out of them. These flowers have been loved by Russians for many years, bouquets of them are pleasing and smell incredibly beautiful. What prevents you from putting them on the site?
13. calendula
In the classical sense, calendula is a small plant with a sharp aroma and orange cups. To date, the usual flowers thanks to selection have become unusually terry, which makes these persistent plants also attractive for cutting. For example, from tall you can recall the calendar "Golden Emperor" with large terry flowers of orange color, on the inside of a darker hue, about 60 cm high. In addition to its attractive appearance, it also serves as a “phytosanitary”.
A beautiful medium-sized variety for cutting I had “Pink Surprise” – height up to 60 cm, the diameter of terry golden cream with a pink tint of inflorescences reaches 10 cm, which, you will agree, is quite a lot for nails. Small tubular petals of this variety are dark in color, which favorably shades the pleasant color of the plant. Of the short stature I liked the calendula variety “Apricot Pigmi”, its height barely reached 25 cm, very terry heads, the petals of which are painted in a pastel-apricot hue. The inflorescence diameter is only 5 cm, but in addition to aesthetic properties, the variety also has therapeutic properties.
14. allium
Not everyone knows that allium is a real bow. One of his kind. This may seem ridiculous, but from my own experience I can say that a decorative bow with large heads-"balls" looks good not only in a bouquet with other colors, but also in an independent composition.
Such a “bizarre” is able to please the inhabitants of the house for about 7 days.
Not so long ago I saw in a flower shop allium with inflorescences of bright green color, with a diameter of at least 20 cm.
15. utsonia
I want to finish the list with an infrequent guest of our gardens, just beginning to gain popularity. I recently found out about this beautiful plant, I have to share! Utsonia (Watsonia) is a perennial plant and quite tall, up to 2 m. In addition to being very decorative in the garden, its flowers are arranged in beautiful dense bouquets. Its unusualness lies in the fact that it is able to bloom in autumn, winter, spring, but when summer comes, a period of rest comes for it, this is due to the southern origin of the flower, where summer is all year round. Able to grow even in poor soils, this plant does not tolerate shading.
On the stem there are about 20 flowers on the main axis and on the side about 10. The flowers are very large with a very pleasant aroma, shades are thick from dark pink to purple. The leaves are thick, long, with a white stripe. Cross varieties are most often invited to the garden. Plant utsonia bulbs (should be purchased between September and October), as after planting the seeds will bloom only after 3 years.
Utsonia has only recently been cultivated in the middle lane. Gardeners admit that it is easier to grow this beautiful plant in the south of Russia or with constant care in a greenhouse.
Source: www.7dach.ru