10 ways to keep flowers fresh in a vase for a long time
Seventy million eight hundred one thousand four hundred thirteen
We want so badly to cut flowers pleasing to the eye as long as possible. And how disappointing when they quickly lose the beauty and attractiveness.
We in the Website have tried to figure out what's the cause and put together a simple and proven ways to extend the life of bouquets.
Place the flowers in a large and clean container
Always use a clean container to reduce the risk of bacteria and other microorganisms that can damage the flowers. Select a container with a wide neck, so as not to press on the stems.
Put the flowers in hot water
Not boiling, of course. The temperature should be about 43-44 ºC. And the bowl of flowers set in a cool place for a couple of hours. The molecules of hot water move faster along the stem, while the flowers lose less moisture due to the cool air. This increases the lifespan of the flower. This process is called "hardening".
Or in warm water if you don't want to use the "hardening"
If you are not using the previous method, just put the bouquet in warm water or water at room temperature. Cut flowers absorb warm water much better than cold. But flowers with bulbs store best in cold water.
Remove the lower leaves
To keep the flowers longer maintain freshness, remove all the leaves that fall in the water in the vase. Leaves under the water, very quickly begin to rot, giving food to the bacteria that can damage the rest of the plants.
Change the water
Change the water every day so that your flowers stay fresh. Remove all the debris from the tank before you pour fresh water. This will reduce the risk of infection.
Recut the stems at an angle
Don't forget to clip the tips of all stems. Do it with a sharp knife at a 45° angle. So the colors will be easier to absorb moisture. It is advisable to do this immediately before immersing the stems in water.
But if we are talking about roses, trim the stems and do better under water: rose are extremely sensitive to air bubbles and bacteria that impede the absorption of moisture, which often leads to rapid wilting.
Use preservatives for flowers
They can be bought in the gardening Department, and make your own. Thanks to preservatives, the flowers will remain fresh, as they receive all the necessities of life. In addition, the composition of the preservatives are biocides, which prevent spread of the bacteria.
Universal recipe preservative — a mixture of citrus soda with bleach. Add the water, any carbonated beverage, which contains sugar and acid.
Use 1 part soda to 3 parts water, then add a few drops of bleach (but not more!), to kill harmful microorganisms. This mixture is much more effective than many preservatives that you can buy in the store.
Protect flowers from the sun, heat and fruit
For cut flowers should not be exposed to direct sunlight, also, do not place them near heat sources and in close proximity to the fruit bowl. The fact that fruits emit ethylene gas, which accelerates the abscission of the petals.
Get rid of faded flowers as soon as possible
The flowers have begun to wither, it is better to remove from the vase immediately. Otherwise with them will begin to wither and the rest. This is connected again with the ethylene, which provide not only fruit, but withered flowers.
Correctly keep bouquets
Not all flowers are quietly worried the door with the other. Cut daffodils and hyacinths emit harmful for other flowers chemical substances, so better to put them in a separate vase.
If despite all your efforts, yet began to fade — hold it a few minutes in warm water. This is the last chance to bring him back to life.
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
According to the materials of wikihow
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We want so badly to cut flowers pleasing to the eye as long as possible. And how disappointing when they quickly lose the beauty and attractiveness.
We in the Website have tried to figure out what's the cause and put together a simple and proven ways to extend the life of bouquets.
Place the flowers in a large and clean container

Always use a clean container to reduce the risk of bacteria and other microorganisms that can damage the flowers. Select a container with a wide neck, so as not to press on the stems.
Put the flowers in hot water

Not boiling, of course. The temperature should be about 43-44 ºC. And the bowl of flowers set in a cool place for a couple of hours. The molecules of hot water move faster along the stem, while the flowers lose less moisture due to the cool air. This increases the lifespan of the flower. This process is called "hardening".
Or in warm water if you don't want to use the "hardening"

If you are not using the previous method, just put the bouquet in warm water or water at room temperature. Cut flowers absorb warm water much better than cold. But flowers with bulbs store best in cold water.
Remove the lower leaves

To keep the flowers longer maintain freshness, remove all the leaves that fall in the water in the vase. Leaves under the water, very quickly begin to rot, giving food to the bacteria that can damage the rest of the plants.
Change the water

Change the water every day so that your flowers stay fresh. Remove all the debris from the tank before you pour fresh water. This will reduce the risk of infection.
Recut the stems at an angle

Don't forget to clip the tips of all stems. Do it with a sharp knife at a 45° angle. So the colors will be easier to absorb moisture. It is advisable to do this immediately before immersing the stems in water.
But if we are talking about roses, trim the stems and do better under water: rose are extremely sensitive to air bubbles and bacteria that impede the absorption of moisture, which often leads to rapid wilting.
Use preservatives for flowers

They can be bought in the gardening Department, and make your own. Thanks to preservatives, the flowers will remain fresh, as they receive all the necessities of life. In addition, the composition of the preservatives are biocides, which prevent spread of the bacteria.
Universal recipe preservative — a mixture of citrus soda with bleach. Add the water, any carbonated beverage, which contains sugar and acid.
Use 1 part soda to 3 parts water, then add a few drops of bleach (but not more!), to kill harmful microorganisms. This mixture is much more effective than many preservatives that you can buy in the store.
Protect flowers from the sun, heat and fruit

For cut flowers should not be exposed to direct sunlight, also, do not place them near heat sources and in close proximity to the fruit bowl. The fact that fruits emit ethylene gas, which accelerates the abscission of the petals.
Get rid of faded flowers as soon as possible

The flowers have begun to wither, it is better to remove from the vase immediately. Otherwise with them will begin to wither and the rest. This is connected again with the ethylene, which provide not only fruit, but withered flowers.
Correctly keep bouquets

Not all flowers are quietly worried the door with the other. Cut daffodils and hyacinths emit harmful for other flowers chemical substances, so better to put them in a separate vase.
If despite all your efforts, yet began to fade — hold it a few minutes in warm water. This is the last chance to bring him back to life.
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
According to the materials of wikihow
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Simple manual to buying via the Internet, and not be afraid of scammers
10 habits that quietly damage our health
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/10-privychek-kotorye-nezametno-vredyat-nashemu-zdorovyu-1446815/