10 most delicious colors

To enjoy the extraordinary taste no harmful effects, take into account the following valuable tips:
Violets for Breakfast, lunch tulips and roses for dinner. Of course, the flowers can not be attributed to the dishes autonomously. However, in the world flora, there are many representatives that are able to transform your plate.
Floral cooking lately has become very popular and have already got their loyal fans. But this trend is not new, since the use of flowers in cooking began hundreds of years ago in China, Greece and Rome.

Colors are added to familiar dishes will help to give them a pleasant fragrance and exotic spicy flavor. Of flowers most often are used in salads, jams, added to tea and decorate desserts.
In addition, you can make floral ice for cocktails. To do this, half fill the tank of ice water to put in each cell of each flower and freeze. When the top crust of ice grab – add water and again send in the freezer.
• If you have any doubts about the edibility of a flower, carefully review handbooks and special literature. Even among very beautiful and fragrant flowers – there are many poisonous instances.
• Eat flowers grown alone or in certain conditions. Flowers from nurseries may be treated with pesticides or other chemicals;
• Are edible only the petals, the pistils and stamens removed;
• Special conditions for Allergy sufferers is to introduce edible flowers into the diet gradually.

10 most delicious flowers. The choice is yours
The petals of nasturtiums have a slight spicy, peppery taste. So this flower is very appropriate in light salads with a not very large number of ingredients. It is also good in casseroles.
Flowers and petals of violets beautiful and delicious in a glass of champagne, with chocolate desserts, cakes and pastries, sorbets and ice cream. Can be used in main dishes hot, the stew and wine sauces. Harmonizes well with meat salads.
Large yellow zucchini flowers – some of the most delicious edible flowers. They are eaten raw, adding to salads, stuffed with various fillings, fried in batter.
Lavender was added to mixtures of herbs when cooking meat, seasoned with flowers desserts – from pastries to a variety of jellies, flavored cream, broth, sugar. It has a very intense flavor, so you need to use it very carefully.

Miniature flowers and rose buds can decorate ice cream and desserts, large petals sprinkled desserts or salads. The summer option is to freeze the petals in ice cubes and serve with water, cocktails or punches.
Small calendula petals are applicable in meat and fish soups, pasta dishes and rice as a filler for butter, and in salads.
Flowers and petals of lilies are perfect for decorating complex salads or cakes, and they can be sugar and used for desserts, or as stand-alone treats.
Daisy petals can be sprinkled on salads, open sandwiches, boiled vegetables before serving, use them as a filling for butter, dishes of pasta and rice.
The leaves of dandelions are full of vitamins. Fresh they have a pleasant bitterness that goes well with more delicate salads. And flowers of the dandelion cook a tasty summer jam.
Flowers and petals garden geraniums can be sprinkled on desserts, use them in soft drinks and cocktails, or freeze in ice cubes to flavor boiled and baked apples and pears.
Source: dgficc.com/#news/7395