Students have invented a robot-housewife

The robot not only can clean the apartment, but also to walk the dog. For every action responsible individual sensors (three distance sensor, sound and light) and programs.
His izobreteniyam Chashechkin, Faith and Ovchinnikov Nikita Feldman, ninth-graders from the village Mumra, called the "Smart robot". They developed it on the basis of the Regional school technology Park. The machine performs three functions: walks with a pet, moves his tracks, collects and transports waste. "We all have Pets, and sometimes we do not have time to walk, – tells Vera Ovchinnikova. – So we thought it would be great if a robot could do it for us."
For each action of the robot meet the individual sensors (three distance sensor, sound and light) and programs. The students programmed the robot so that he was able to move, rotate and grab items. The proximity sensor helps the invention to detect the object, and the mechanical "hand" – captures it. The sound sensor is responsible for ensuring that the robot is able to perform its function on command (it can be a hand clapping or any other sound) and the light sensor is responsible for the function of "the Robot is on the trail dog", that is, the machine detects the trail and moves it.

As noted by the creators, their main goal is to make a robot to help us. "The prospects of development that human labour could be replaced by robots, – comments Vera Ovchinnikova. – Now there is an active introduction of robots into everyday life. And I hope that our robot will soon be useful to people."
His invention, the young scientists presented at a scientific conference in the Regional school technology Park of AISI. Vladimir Voikov, head of the institution, said: "the Protection projects preparing children for informal, creative debate that they will encounter in research companies and centers – places where they have to work." The conference participants received certificates for successful implementation of their ideas.
Source: ridus.ru