8 solutions for healthy relationships

8 solutions for a healthy relationship. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Healthy lifestyle a long time came into Vogue. We get rid of bad habits, eat right and do fitness. But when it comes to what we communicate and how we build relationships, the desire to do everything possible to use is not so strong.
However, healthy communication with others is equally important for a normal life than food and rest. American psychologist Michael Matteo was born and raised in Brooklyn, where quarrels and conflicts – daily-Wednesday-norm. Becoming a psychologist, Michael has created his own system of building relationships with people, based on their sad experience. He told about it in his "Book of tasty and healthy relationship". How to make the relationship pleasant and useful?
"Typically tasty and healthy relationship No. 1. All of us set aside a limited number of breaths. Your task is to fill life with things and people that give you happiness."
Selectivity in food gives the body good health. To choose people to communicate is also important. While we participate in all respects, the ensuing spontaneous or imposed on us without desire, we all are exposed to uncontrolled stress. It is human nature to respond to everyone, but you can be responsive, and you can politely reject the communicate.
"My social life is like a refrigerator filled with healthy, nutritious and healthy products. Long ago I said goodbye to the people contributing to my stress and forcing me to invite conflict".
"Typically tasty and healthy relationship No. 2. A happy life is a harmonious life and to achieve harmony, you need the permission of one person – yourself".
Going on a diet is difficult to maintain a reasonable nutrition plan and not falling – even harder. However, we are looking for suitable ways and incentives, work motivation – in short, we strive towards the goal. What about relationships?
"To take a decision in this area is not always as simple as to understand the effects of daily filet Mignon wrapped in bacon, or Apple pie with a dollop of ice cream a couple of times a week."
"Typically tasty and healthy relationship No. 3. Each of us craves emotional satisfaction and strives for happiness. You can find both the first and second".
Their environment we choose habits coming from childhood. But in this age, everything happens spontaneously. You need to determine which people to keep close and which to say goodbye, now more consciously.
"Don't blame the parents, if the fridge was sometimes not the most useful for you products. Mother and father most likely ate what was stored in the refrigerators of their parents, and your grandparents ate what was in the refrigerator of their parents, and so on to infinity".
"Typically tasty and healthy relationship No. 4. You – your best friend! Always give yourself objective advice, I suggest like a best friend, the happiness sincerely show care".
In relationships we are ready to fool yourself and look for positive where it was not. Food easier – if something harms us, it's hard to convince yourself that it is useful.
"Most of us would prefer it to spinach in taste seemed to be cheesecake, but this will not happen, what would you yourself say. But once you realize that spinach is spinach, and cheesecake is cheesecake, it will be easier to take the necessary decisions".

"People like food, play different roles due to our acquired tastes"
"Typically tasty and healthy relationships No. 5. The choice of behaviour depends entirely on the person and, if repeated regularly, then over time becomes a habit, habits become behaviors and behaviors become a way of action in stressful situations and relations."
People who behave unacceptably towards you, is unlikely to change. But you can change your habits to put up with it. There are several personality types that should be avoided: the aggressors, explosive people, the accusers, people that feed on negativity and aromatizatory.
"If you are faced with people who behave disgusting like moldy tuna or sour milk, is it not wise to run away from them go to hell?".
"Typically tasty and healthy relationship No. 6. No one can impose you their society. You are able to ease any relationship that is forced to support does not depend on your reasons."
If the food don't like it you can always find a way to correct her. It's the same with relationships. For example, you will not be able to predict a person's reaction, but you can advance to prepare for it based on reasonable arguments.
"I've never been a big fan of oatmeal, but the doctor advised me to enter it in the diet. To improve the taste of oatmeal helped me three products: honey, fresh strawberries and bananas."
"Typically tasty and healthy relationship No. 7. You're the star of your own life. Only you can determine how bright you will Shine in the darkness lighting your way. These include a solution to ensure that all roads lead to a higher quality of life."
The advantage of a relationship with food that she won't own to push in. With people more difficult, they won't just disappear, and you will have to make an effort.
"Most people firmly believe that it is impossible to sever relations with family, but what they say in the case where the bad behavior of a relative negatively affects the quality of life?"
"Typically delicious and healthy relations No. 8. Clearly imagine who other people reveals all the best that is in you and whom you truly cherish".
It is important not only to abandon the poor, but also to look good. At the restaurant you choose between dishes that are so delicious that I want to eat something, and more. People need to look from the same position.
"It is very important to find people whose core values align with ours. The discrepancy between the core values of two people automatically leads to conflict."
Practical recommendations Michael Matteo from "the Book about tasty and healthy relationships" will help to identify the signs of unhealthy relationships and how to nourish your mind with positive emotions and to avoid unnecessary conflicts. The only way we will be able to fill your world with positive people.
Source: domashniy.ru/